The Big Bad Wolf is the ninth novel in the Alex Cross series written by James Patterson and was published in November 2003. The novel was the seventh best-selling novel in 2004.
The Big Bad Wolf is the ninth novel in the Alex Cross series written by James Patterson and was published in November 2003. The novel was the seventh best-selling novel in 2004. (en)
La tana del lupo è un romanzo poliziesco dello scrittore statunitense James Patterson e fa parte di una serie di romanzi sul detective Alex Cross. (it)
The Big Bad Wolf is the ninth novel in the Alex Cross series written by James Patterson and was published in November 2003. The novel was the seventh best-selling novel in 2004. (en)
La tana del lupo è un romanzo poliziesco dello scrittore statunitense James Patterson e fa parte di una serie di romanzi sul detective Alex Cross. (it)