| - Segons Space Logistics Technical Committee (lit. en català Comitè Tècnic de Logística Espacial) de l', la logística espacial és ... la teoria i la pràctica de dissenyar el sistema espacial per operar, i gestionar el flux de materials, serveis i informació necessaris al llarg del cicle de vida del sistema espacial. (ca)
- Space logistics is "the theory and practice of driving space system design for operability and supportability, and of managing the flow of materiel, services, and information needed throughout a space system lifecycle." It includes terrestrial logistics in support of space travel, including any additional "design and development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of space materiel", movement of people in space (both routine and for medical and other emergencies), and contracting and supplying any required support services for maintaining space travel. The space logistics research and practice primarily focus on the modeling and management of the astro-logistics supply chain from Earth and on to destinations throughout the solar system as (en)
has abstract
| - Segons Space Logistics Technical Committee (lit. en català Comitè Tècnic de Logística Espacial) de l', la logística espacial és ... la teoria i la pràctica de dissenyar el sistema espacial per operar, i gestionar el flux de materials, serveis i informació necessaris al llarg del cicle de vida del sistema espacial. Tanmateix, aquesta definició en el seu sentit més ampli inclou la logística terrestre en suport dels vols espacials, incloent a més qualsevol "disseny i desenvolupament, adquisició, emmagatzematge, moviment, distribució, manteniment, evacuació i disposició de material espacial", moviment de persones a l'espai (tant rutinari com mèdic i d'altres emergències), i contractant i subministrant els serveis de suport necessaris per al manteniment dels vols espacials. (ca)
- Space logistics is "the theory and practice of driving space system design for operability and supportability, and of managing the flow of materiel, services, and information needed throughout a space system lifecycle." It includes terrestrial logistics in support of space travel, including any additional "design and development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of space materiel", movement of people in space (both routine and for medical and other emergencies), and contracting and supplying any required support services for maintaining space travel. The space logistics research and practice primarily focus on the modeling and management of the astro-logistics supply chain from Earth and on to destinations throughout the solar system as well as the system architecture strategies to minimize both logistics requirements and operational costs of human and robotic operations in space. (en)