Safari 3000 is a 1982 American action-adventure comedy film directed by Harry Hurwitz and starring David Carradine, Stockard Channing, and Christopher Lee. The film was shot on location in Africa.
Safari 3000 és una pel·lícula de 1982 dirigida per Harry Hurwitz. La pel·lícula va ser rodada en exteriors a l'Àfrica. Ha estat doblada al català. (ca)
Safari 3000 is a 1982 American action-adventure comedy film directed by Harry Hurwitz and starring David Carradine, Stockard Channing, and Christopher Lee. The film was shot on location in Africa. (en)
Il rally più pazzo d'Africa (Safari 3000) è un film del 1982 diretto da e interpretato da David Carradine, Stockard Channing e Christopher Lee. (it)
Safari 3000 is een comedy uit 1982 van regisseur met David Carradine en Christopher Lee in de hoofdrol. De film werd op locatie gefilmd in Afrika. (nl)