| - L'Aquila di Eatonton è un'opera artistica che si trova presso Eatonton nello stato della Georgia (USA). Scolpita probabilmente da nativi americani durante il periodo Woodland, raffigura un'enorme aquila con le ali spiegate ed il becco rivolto a destra. La particolarità sta nel fatto che essendo stato utilizzato del quarzo bianco, la figura risplende nella notte come se fosse autoilluminante. Il sito fa parte del Registro nazionale dei luoghi storici degli Stati Uniti. (it)
- Каменный орёл или Курган Каменного орла — археологический памятник в округе , штат Джорджия. Курган расположен вблизи Шоссе 441 между городами Мэдисон и . (ru)
- Кам'яний орел, або Курган Кам'яного орла — археологічна пам'ятка в окрузі Патнем, штат Джорджія. Курган розташований поблизу Шосе 441 між містами Медісон і Ітонтон. (uk)
- Rock Eagle Effigy Mound is an archaeological site in Putnam County, Georgia, U.S. estimated to have been constructed c. 1000 BC to AD 1000 (1,000 to 3,000 years ago). The earthwork was built up of thousands of pieces of quartzite laid in the mounded shape of a large bird (102 ft long from head to tail, and 120 ft wide from wing tip to wing tip). Although it is most often referred to as an eagle, scholars do not know exactly what type of bird the original builders intended to portray. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) because of its significance. The University of Georgia administers the site. It uses much of the adjoining land for a 4-H camp, with cottages and other buildings, and day and residential environmental education. (en)