The Kurume Cup is a tennis tournament held in Kurume, Japan. Held since 2005, this ITF Circuit event is a $60,000 tournament. It started off being a $25,000 event in 2005 and went up to $50,000 in 2008, this event is played on outdoor carpet courts.
The Kurume Cup is a tennis tournament held in Kurume, Japan. Held since 2005, this ITF Circuit event is a $60,000 tournament. It started off being a $25,000 event in 2005 and went up to $50,000 in 2008, this event is played on outdoor carpet courts. (en)
Il Kurume Best Amenity International Women's Tennis è un torneo di tennis che si gioca a Kurume in Giappone. Fa parte dell'ITF Women's Circuit dal 2005 e si gioca su campi in sintetico. (it)
Kurume Best Amenity Cup — женский профессиональный международный теннисный турнир, проходящий в конце весны в Куруме (Япония) на травяных кортах. С 2008 года относится к женской взрослой серии ITF с призовым фондом 50 тысяч долларов и турнирной сеткой, рассчитанной на 32 участницы в одиночном разряде и 16 пар. (ru)