Kimmy Dora (Korean: 키미 도라; RR: Kimi Dora) is a Filipino comedy film series originally produced by Spring Films, co-produced and distributed by Star Cinema and Solar Films. The film stars mainly Eugene Domingo, Ariel Ureta, Moi Bien, Miriam Quiambao, and Mura. The leading actors of Eugene Domingo is Dingdong Dantes and Zanjoe Marudo for the first two films and Sam Milby for the final installment of the film. The series has grossed over ₱200 million worldwide (not including the last film). The first film installment, Kimmy Dora: Kambal sa Kiyeme, was released on September 2, 2009. The second installment, Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme, was released on June 13, 2013. The final installment and the highest-grossing film in the series, Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel, was released on Decem