| - Hancock Shaker Village ist eine ehemalige, rund 400 Hektar große Siedlung der Shaker aus dem 18. Jahrhundert auf den Stadtgebieten von Hancock bzw. Pittsfield im US-Bundesstaat Massachusetts, die heute von einer Non-Profit-Organisation als öffentlich zugängliches Freilichtmuseum betrieben wird. Sie wurde 1968 als National Historic Landmark in das National Register of Historic Places eingetragen. (de)
- A Aldeia Shaker de Hancock é uma antiga comuna Shaker em Hancock e Pittsfield, Massachusetts, fundada em 1790 e ativa até 1960. Foi a terceira das dezenove grandes aldeias Shaker estabelecidas entre 1774 e 1836 em Nova York, Nova Inglaterra, Kentucky, Ohio e Indiana. A aldeia foi fechada pelos Shakers em 1960 e vendida para um grupo local, que agora opera a propriedade como um museu. Foi adicionado ao Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos e declarado Distrito Histórico Nacional em 1968. (pt)
- Hancock Shaker Village is a former Shaker commune in Hancock and Pittsfield, Massachusetts. It emerged in the towns of Hancock, Pittsfield, and Richmond in the 1780s, organized in 1790, and was active until 1960. It was the third of nineteen major Shaker villages established between 1774 and 1836 in New York, New England, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. From 1790 until 1893, Hancock was the seat of the Hancock Bishopric, which oversaw two additional Shaker communes in Tyringham, Massachusetts, and Enfield, Connecticut. (en)