Eva Fonda is a Philippine drama show on ABS-CBN that aired from December 1, 2008 to January 30, 2009 replacing Kahit Isang Saglit and was replaced by May Bukas Pa. Eva Fonda is a remake of a 1976 film of the same name starring Alma Moreno.
Eva Fonda is a Philippine drama show on ABS-CBN that aired from December 1, 2008 to January 30, 2009 replacing Kahit Isang Saglit and was replaced by May Bukas Pa. Eva Fonda is a remake of a 1976 film of the same name starring Alma Moreno. (en)
Eva Fonda é uma telenovela filipina produzida e exibida pela ABS-CBN, cuja transmissão ocorreu em 2008. (pt)