| - Erhard Altdorfer (auch Erhart Altdorfer; * wahrscheinlich nach 1480 in Regensburg; † nach 1561 in Schwerin) war ein deutscher Zeichner, Maler und Baumeister, der von 1512 bis 1561 in Schwerin als Hofmaler tätig war. (de)
- Erhard Altdorfer (Erhart Altdorfer ou Erhard Altdorffer), né vers 1480 à Ratisbonne et mort en 1561 à Schwerin, est un peintre, enlumineur et un architecte allemand. (fr)
- Erhard Altdorfer (ur. po 1480, zm. po 1561) – niemiecki malarz i budowniczy, w latach 1512–1552 nadworny malarz i budowniczy księcia Meklemburgii Henryka V Zgodnego (1479–1552). (pl)
- Erhard Altdorfer (sometimes Erhart Aldorfer) (c. 1480–1561) was a German Early Renaissance printmaker, painter, and architect, who worked as a court painter in Schwerin from 1512 until his death in 1561. Erhard Altdorfer was the younger brother of Albrecht Altdorfer. Most likely, he was trained by his brother, and it is believed they started a workshop together in 1506. Of his surviving works, most are those he produced as a painter, and at least parts of the altar pieces in the collection of the St. Annen Museum in Lübeck are attributed to him. (en)
- Erhard Altdorfer (ou Erhart Aldorfer) (1480–1561) foi um impressor, pintor e arquiteto alemão do começo do Renascimento, que trabalhava como pintor da corte em Schwerin. Erhard Altdorfer era o irmão mais novo de Albrecht Altdorfer. Provavelmente aprendeu com seu irmão e eles começaram um ateliê juntos em 1506. Trabalhou em Klosterneuburg em cerca de 1510. Em 1512, foi para Schwerin, onde o Duque de Mecklemburgo-Schwerin (1479–1552) o escolheu como pintor e arquiteto da corte. Durante uma viagem com o Duque naquele ano, ele provavelmente conheceu Lucas Cranach. (pt)