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Cygnus OB2 is an OB association that is home to some of the most massive and most luminous stars known, including suspected Luminous blue variable Cyg OB2 #12. It also includes one of the largest known stars, NML Cygni. The region is embedded within a wider one of star formation known as Cygnus X, which is one of the most luminous objects in the sky at radio wavelengths. The region is approximately 1,570 parsecs from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus.

  • Cygnus OB2 (en)
  • Cygnus OB2 (ca)
  • Cygnus OB2 (es)
  • 백조자리 OB2 (ko)
  • Cygnus OB2 (pl)
  • Лебедь OB2 (ru)
  • 天鵝座OB2 (zh)
  • Cygnus OB2 és una gran associació estel·lar situada a la constel·lació del Cigne a una distància d'uns 1,7 kiloparsecs del Sol, en una regió coneguda com a de 10° de grandària i que alguns autors consideren com una gran regió HII i en la qual la formació d'estels s'hi dona des de fa força temps. (ca)
  • Cygnus OB2 es una gran asociación estelar situada en la constelación del Cisne a una distancia de unos 1,7 kiloparsecs del Sol, en una región conocida como Cygnus X de 10° de tamaño y que algunos autores consideran como una gran región HII y en la que la formación de estrellas lleva dándose desde hace bastante tiempo. (es)
  • 天鵝座OB2是在我們的星系中最年輕的星團之一,並且是許多大質量恆星的家園,包括和已知最明亮恆星之一的天鵝座OB2 #12。這個區域被夾在更廣大的恆星形成區天鵝座X之中,這是在天空的無線電波段中最明亮的天體之一。這個區域在天鵝座的方向上,距離地球大約4,700光年。 這個年輕的星團是已知最大的星團之一,並且是北半球最大的。雖然它的值量比著名的獵戶座星雲大了10倍,卻因為位於質量巨大的大裂縫後方,被遮蔽掉了許多恆星而鮮為人知。儘管如此,最近的調查,從無線電到X射線都觀察了這個區域,企圖對恆星和行星的形成獲得更深入的了解:相較於鄰近地區的這種小範圍內如何形成的過程,進而了解大尺度範圍內的形成。參與這項研究的有一些世界上主要的天文台,包括钱德拉X射线天文台、史匹哲太空望遠鏡和赫歇爾太空天文台。 (zh)
  • Cygnus OB2 is an OB association that is home to some of the most massive and most luminous stars known, including suspected Luminous blue variable Cyg OB2 #12. It also includes one of the largest known stars, NML Cygni. The region is embedded within a wider one of star formation known as Cygnus X, which is one of the most luminous objects in the sky at radio wavelengths. The region is approximately 1,570 parsecs from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. (en)
  • 백조자리 OB2는 무겁고 밝은 별들로 구성된 OB 성협이다. 이 성협을 이루는 항성들은 무겁고 매우 밝다. 예로 대표적인 밝은 청색변광성 백조자리 OB2#12, 물리적 부피에 있어 최상위권인 백조자리 NML 등이 이 성협의 일원이다. 백조자리 X 영역은 별들이 태어나는 장소인데 이들은 전파로 관측할 때 아주 밝게 빛나며, 백조자리 OB2는 여기에 속해 있다. 지구로부터 백조자리 방향으로 약 4700 광년 떨어져 있다. 백조자리 OB2는 성단 중에서도 규모가 최상위권이며, 북반부 하늘에서는 가장 거대하다. 과거 여러 논문에서는 OB2를 대마젤란 은하에 있는 성단들과 함께 '젊은 구상성단'으로 분류했다. 그러나 최근 연구에 따르면 OB2는 구상성단처럼 별들이 빽빽하게 뭉쳐 있지는 않고 듬성듬성 퍼져 있다. 엑스선부터 전파 영역에 걸쳐 연구한 결과 이 성단 내부에서는 항성 및 행성이 대규모로 태어나고 있음이 밝혀졌고 그 과정을 상세히 알게 되었다. 여기에는 찬드라 엑스선 관측선, 스피처 우주 망원경, 허셜우주망원경, 등 관측도구가 사용되었다. (ko)
  • Cygnus OB2 – asocjacja gwiazdowa typu OB położona w gwiazdozbiorze Łabędzia w odległości około 4700 lat świetlnych. W asocjacji Cygnus OB2 znajduje się 65 gwiazd typu O oraz blisko 500 gwiazd typu B. Wśród nich są jedne z największych i najjaśniejszych znanych gwiazd, między innymi i . Region położony jest w formacji znanej jako Cygnus X, która jest jednym z najjaśniejszych obiektów na niebie promieniującym w bardzo szerokim zakresie długości fal radiowych. (pl)
  • Лебедь OB2 — ассоциация OB-звёзд, одних из самых массивных и ярких, которые известны науке. Она расположена в созвездии Лебедь на расстоянии около 4700 световых лет от Солнца. Ассоциация входит в крупную область звездообразования Лебедь X, в которой находятся одни из самых ярких объектов, видимых в радиодиапазоне. Ассоциация Лебедь OB2 настолько обширна, что некоторые исследователи её классифицируют как молодое шаровое скопление, какие можно наблюдать в Большом Магеллановом Облаке. Сейчас большинство учёных классифицируют её как массивную, с малой плотностью звёздную ассоциацию. Несмотря на то, что ассоциация более чем в 10 раз массивнее Туманности Ориона, которую можно видеть невооружённым глазом, Лебедь OB2 скрыта за пылевым облаком, называемым Большой Провал, поэтому её звёзды трудно на (ru)
  • Cygnus OB2 (en)
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/CygOB2_med.jpg
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  • Cygnus OB2 in the light of H-Alpha; 3.5° view (en)
  • J2000.0 (en)
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  • (en)
has abstract
  • Cygnus OB2 és una gran associació estel·lar situada a la constel·lació del Cigne a una distància d'uns 1,7 kiloparsecs del Sol, en una regió coneguda com a de 10° de grandària i que alguns autors consideren com una gran regió HII i en la qual la formació d'estels s'hi dona des de fa força temps. (ca)
  • Cygnus OB2 is an OB association that is home to some of the most massive and most luminous stars known, including suspected Luminous blue variable Cyg OB2 #12. It also includes one of the largest known stars, NML Cygni. The region is embedded within a wider one of star formation known as Cygnus X, which is one of the most luminous objects in the sky at radio wavelengths. The region is approximately 1,570 parsecs from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. The young cluster is one of the largest known and the largest in the northern hemisphere with some authors formerly classifying it as a young globular cluster similar to those in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Today, however, it is considered a massive, low-density stellar association. Although it is over ten times more massive than the Orion Nebula, which is easily seen with the naked eye, Cygnus OB2 is hidden behind a massive dust cloud known as the Cygnus Rift, which obscures many of the stars in it. This means that despite its large size, it is hard to determine its actual properties. The estimated number of massive stars range from 50 to 100 of spectral type O and its total mass having been calculated as (4–10)×104 or 3×104 solar masses according to other investigations. Despite this, recent surveys ranging from radio to X-ray wavelengths have observed the region to great depths to gain a better understanding of how the processes of star and planet formation occur on such a large scale. These studies include observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory and the Gran Telescopio Canarias. As for recent observations, the final stages of the process of photoablation is taking place, where the biggest stars formed and cleared the ambient material from the region. The progenitor of BD+43°3654 might have been a member of Cygnus OB2. Two stars from two binaries would have collided and merged forming BD+43°3654, which would have then been ejected from the stellar association along with the two remaining stars. Prominent members of the association are often referred to by their Schulte numbers: for example Schulte 12, VI Cygni 12, or Cygnus OB2 #12. The numbers were first used in the 1953 discovery paper where 11 "blue giants" were numbered. A 12th star (Cyg OB2 #12) was added in 1954, and eight more shortly after. Schulte himself maintained the already-published numbers and added many more when studying the association which he called VI Cygni. (en)
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