| - شارل ديدييه (بالفرنسية: Charles Didier) شاعر وروائي وكاتب وصحفي ورحالة فرنسي ولد في مدينة جنيف عام 1805م، بعد هروب عائلتة إليها طلبا للحرية الدينية. ألف كتاب الإقامة مع شريف مكة العظيم (بالفرنسية: Charles Didier) سجل فيه رحلتة من القاهرة إلى سانت كاترين في سيناء، السويس، الطور، ينبع، جدة، الطائف والعودة إلى جدة في عام 1834. (ar)
- Charles Didier (15. září 1805, Ženeva – 7. března 1864, Paříž) byl švýcarský básník a spisovatel působící ve Francii. (cs)
- Charles-Emmanuel Nicolas Didier (* 15. September 1805 in Genf; † 7. März 1864 in Paris) war ein Schweizer französischsprachiger Dichter, Journalist und Reiseschriftsteller, der unter anderem Karl May beeinflusst hat. (de)
- Charles Didier, né le 15 septembre 1805 à Genève et mort à Paris, le 7 mars 1864, est un écrivain, poète et voyageur franco-suisse. (fr)
- Charles Didier (15 September 1805 – 7 March 1864) was a Swiss writer, poet and traveller. Charles Didier followed classic studies in Geneva, where he published two collections of poems, La Harpe helvétique (1825) and Mélodies helvétiques (1825). In 1827, attracted by the myth of Italy, he decided to undertake a trip to the peninsula, where he went as a tutor. In 1829 his travels took him to Sicily. Prevented by impending blindness, to take the road to the East, Charles Didier ended his life by committing suicide March 7, 1864 in Paris after long suffering. (en)
- Charles-Emmanuel Nicolas Didier (Ginevra, 15 settembre 1805 – Parigi, 7 marzo 1864) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e viaggiatore francese, di origini svizzere. Durante la sua vita viaggiò a lungo e riscosse una discreta fortuna come romanziere e scrittore di reportage di viaggio. La prima delle sue mete fu l'Italia, paese in cui visse e girovagò per tre anni, dal 1827 al 1830, prima di far brevemente rientro in Svizzera, per poi tentare la fortuna stabilendosi definitivamente a Parigi. (it)
has abstract
| - شارل ديدييه (بالفرنسية: Charles Didier) شاعر وروائي وكاتب وصحفي ورحالة فرنسي ولد في مدينة جنيف عام 1805م، بعد هروب عائلتة إليها طلبا للحرية الدينية. ألف كتاب الإقامة مع شريف مكة العظيم (بالفرنسية: Charles Didier) سجل فيه رحلتة من القاهرة إلى سانت كاترين في سيناء، السويس، الطور، ينبع، جدة، الطائف والعودة إلى جدة في عام 1834. (ar)
- Charles Didier (15. září 1805, Ženeva – 7. března 1864, Paříž) byl švýcarský básník a spisovatel působící ve Francii. (cs)
- Charles-Emmanuel Nicolas Didier (* 15. September 1805 in Genf; † 7. März 1864 in Paris) war ein Schweizer französischsprachiger Dichter, Journalist und Reiseschriftsteller, der unter anderem Karl May beeinflusst hat. (de)
- Charles Didier (15 September 1805 – 7 March 1864) was a Swiss writer, poet and traveller. Charles Didier followed classic studies in Geneva, where he published two collections of poems, La Harpe helvétique (1825) and Mélodies helvétiques (1825). In 1827, attracted by the myth of Italy, he decided to undertake a trip to the peninsula, where he went as a tutor. In 1829 his travels took him to Sicily. On his return from Italy in 1830, he moved to Paris, where he became for a few years, George Sand's lover, "ill-married" and divorced from Casimir Dudevant, along with and the actor Bocage. Didier's article, however, failed to arouse wide interest among the French public, just as a short and dense article by a certain Theil, which appeared in 1837 in the newspaper La Paix, in which the author, "had spoken about Leopardi wonderfully, but before a distracted audience and in a place that was too unliterary," failed to do so six years later. Prevented by impending blindness, to take the road to the East, Charles Didier ended his life by committing suicide March 7, 1864 in Paris after long suffering. (en)
- Charles Didier, né le 15 septembre 1805 à Genève et mort à Paris, le 7 mars 1864, est un écrivain, poète et voyageur franco-suisse. (fr)
- Charles-Emmanuel Nicolas Didier (Ginevra, 15 settembre 1805 – Parigi, 7 marzo 1864) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e viaggiatore francese, di origini svizzere. Durante la sua vita viaggiò a lungo e riscosse una discreta fortuna come romanziere e scrittore di reportage di viaggio. La prima delle sue mete fu l'Italia, paese in cui visse e girovagò per tre anni, dal 1827 al 1830, prima di far brevemente rientro in Svizzera, per poi tentare la fortuna stabilendosi definitivamente a Parigi. Nel 1831 fu il primo a presentare al pubblico francese il valore della poesia di Giacomo Leopardi, tredici anni prima che fosse definitivamente consacrata la fama del poeta italiano in Francia, grazie al patrocinio di Sainte-Beuve nel 1844. A Parigi, nel pieno della stagione romantica, Charles Didier, giovane di bella presenza, riuscì a introdursi nei più elevati circoli artistici della capitale francese, frequentando intellettuali di vaglia e intrattenendo una relazione sentimentale con George Sand. In seguito, colpito da una cecità progressiva, impossibilitato a viaggiare, gravato dal peso dei debiti, scelse per sé la via del suicidio. (it)