| - كارينا بورمان (بالسويدية: Carina Burman) (و. 1960 م) هي كاتِبة، وناقدة أدبية سويدية. (ar)
- Carina Burman (* 1960) ist eine schwedische Schriftstellerin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin. (de)
- Annie Carina Persson Burman, född 22 oktober 1960 i Norrköpings S:t Johannes församling, Östergötlands län, är en svensk författare och litteraturvetare, verksam som forskare vid Uppsala universitet. (sv)
- Карина Бурман (Анни Карина Перссон Бурман), родилась 22 октября 1960 года, шведская писательница и литературовед. Она работает исследователем в Уппсальском университете. (ru)
- Carina Burman (born 1960) is a Swedish novelist and literature scholar. Her research has been focused on Swedish 18th and 19th century literature. She completed her Ph.D. in literature in Uppsala in 1988 with a dissertation on the writer Johan Henric Kellgren. Later production includes a critical edition of previously unpublished letters of the novelist and feminist pioneer Fredrika Bremer in two volumes (1996) and a biography of Bremer (2001). (en)
has abstract
| - كارينا بورمان (بالسويدية: Carina Burman) (و. 1960 م) هي كاتِبة، وناقدة أدبية سويدية. (ar)
- Carina Burman (* 1960) ist eine schwedische Schriftstellerin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin. (de)
- Carina Burman (born 1960) is a Swedish novelist and literature scholar. Her research has been focused on Swedish 18th and 19th century literature. She completed her Ph.D. in literature in Uppsala in 1988 with a dissertation on the writer Johan Henric Kellgren. Later production includes a critical edition of previously unpublished letters of the novelist and feminist pioneer Fredrika Bremer in two volumes (1996) and a biography of Bremer (2001). Together with her husband, Professor Lars Burman, she has published critical editions on behalf of the Swedish Academy of the works of Johan Henric Kellgren (1995), Fredrika Bremer's "Livet i gamla världen. Palestina" (1995) and the poetic works of Erik Gustaf Geijer (1999). Carina and Lars Burman have also edited Bremer's "Grannarne" for the series of Swedish literature published by Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet (2000). Burman's novels have historical motifs, often taking the form of a pastiches. Her first, "Min salig bror Jean Hendrich" (1993) deals with Johan Henric Kellgren from the point of view of his brother and his mistress in a series of letters. Her latest two novels, "Babylons gator" (2004) and "Vit som marmor" (2006) have the form of detective novels. "Babylons gator: Ett Londonmysterum" (The Streets of Babylon: A London Mystery), which borrows from English novels of the Victorian period, has Euthanasia Bondeson, a Swedish woman novelist-amateur sleuth visiting London, as its main character. In "Vit som marmor" (White as marble), Euthanasia Bondeson travels to Rome and solves a murder mystery in the Scandinavian artist colony. (en)
- Annie Carina Persson Burman, född 22 oktober 1960 i Norrköpings S:t Johannes församling, Östergötlands län, är en svensk författare och litteraturvetare, verksam som forskare vid Uppsala universitet. (sv)
- Карина Бурман (Анни Карина Перссон Бурман), родилась 22 октября 1960 года, шведская писательница и литературовед. Она работает исследователем в Уппсальском университете. (ru)