Canities subita, also called Marie Antoinette syndrome or Thomas More syndrome, is an alleged condition of hair turning white overnight due to stress or trauma. The trivial names come from specific cases in history including that of Queen Marie Antoinette of France whose hair was noted as having turned stark white overnight after her capture following the ill-fated flight to Varennes during the French Revolution. An older case of Sir Thomas More's hair turning white the night before his beheading has also been recorded. Although a number of cases of rapid hair greying have been documented, the underlying patho-physiological changes have not been sufficiently studied.
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| - متلازمة ماري أنطوانيت (ar)
- Canities subita (en)
- Sindrom Marie Antoinette (in)
- 마리 앙투아네트 증후군 (ko)
- Syndrom Marii Antoniny (pl)
- Marie-antoinette-syndroom (nl)
| - متلازمة ماري أنطوانيت هي تحول مفاجئ للون الشعر إلى اللون الأبيض. وكان الحدث الذي على إثره أطلق على هذا العرض ذلك الاسم هو ملاحظة تحول شعر الملكة ماري أنطوانيت ملكة فرنسا إلى اللون الأبيض الزاهي في الليلة التي سبقت إعدامها أثناء الثورة الفرنسية. (ar)
- Canities subita, also called Marie Antoinette syndrome or Thomas More syndrome, is an alleged condition of hair turning white overnight due to stress or trauma. The trivial names come from specific cases in history including that of Queen Marie Antoinette of France whose hair was noted as having turned stark white overnight after her capture following the ill-fated flight to Varennes during the French Revolution. An older case of Sir Thomas More's hair turning white the night before his beheading has also been recorded. Although a number of cases of rapid hair greying have been documented, the underlying patho-physiological changes have not been sufficiently studied. (en)
- Sindrom Marie Antoinette adalah pemutihan rambut yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Sindrom ini dinamakan demikian berdasarkan pengamatan bahwa rambut Ratu Marie Antoinette dari Prancis berubah sangat putih setelah dia ditangkap dalam pelarian ke Varennes ketika Revolusi Prancis pecah. Banyak saksi menduga bahwa rambut Antoinette berubah tiba-tiba menjadi putih dalam tiga kondisi terpisah. (in)
- 마리 앙투아네트 증후군(Marie Antoinette syndrome)은 머리카락이 갑자기 하얗게 변하는 증후군이다. 이 증후군의 이름은 프랑스의 마리 앙투아네트가 프랑스 혁명 기간 중 불운한 바렌 사건 이후 체포되면서 자신의 머리카락이 하얗게 변한 것을 관찰한 것에서 비롯되었다. 목격자들은 세 차례 앙투아네트의 머리카락이 갑자기 하얗게 바뀌었다고 주장하였다. (ko)
- Het marie-antoinette-syndroom (alopecia areata diffusa) is een haaraandoening waarbij het haar van een persoon vrij plotseling lijkt grijs te worden. Deze aandoening kan op elke leeftijd optreden, bij zowel mannen als vrouwen. (nl)
- Syndrom Marii Antoniny – nagłe wybielenie włosów, osiwienie. Wydarzeniem które zainspirowało nazwę zjawiska była obserwacja, że włosy francuskiej królowej Marii Antoniny zmieniły kolor na zupełnie biały, kiedy została pojmana podczas ucieczki do Varennes w czasie francuskiej rewolucji. Świadkowie twierdzili, że włosy Antoniny robiły się białe podczas trzech osobnych wydarzeń. (pl)
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| - Need full author name, page number, publisher. This should also be linkable, directly to the page, in a scan at Google Books, Project Gutenberg, etc. (en)
has abstract
| - متلازمة ماري أنطوانيت هي تحول مفاجئ للون الشعر إلى اللون الأبيض. وكان الحدث الذي على إثره أطلق على هذا العرض ذلك الاسم هو ملاحظة تحول شعر الملكة ماري أنطوانيت ملكة فرنسا إلى اللون الأبيض الزاهي في الليلة التي سبقت إعدامها أثناء الثورة الفرنسية. (ar)
- Canities subita, also called Marie Antoinette syndrome or Thomas More syndrome, is an alleged condition of hair turning white overnight due to stress or trauma. The trivial names come from specific cases in history including that of Queen Marie Antoinette of France whose hair was noted as having turned stark white overnight after her capture following the ill-fated flight to Varennes during the French Revolution. An older case of Sir Thomas More's hair turning white the night before his beheading has also been recorded. Although a number of cases of rapid hair greying have been documented, the underlying patho-physiological changes have not been sufficiently studied. (en)
- Sindrom Marie Antoinette adalah pemutihan rambut yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Sindrom ini dinamakan demikian berdasarkan pengamatan bahwa rambut Ratu Marie Antoinette dari Prancis berubah sangat putih setelah dia ditangkap dalam pelarian ke Varennes ketika Revolusi Prancis pecah. Banyak saksi menduga bahwa rambut Antoinette berubah tiba-tiba menjadi putih dalam tiga kondisi terpisah. (in)
- 마리 앙투아네트 증후군(Marie Antoinette syndrome)은 머리카락이 갑자기 하얗게 변하는 증후군이다. 이 증후군의 이름은 프랑스의 마리 앙투아네트가 프랑스 혁명 기간 중 불운한 바렌 사건 이후 체포되면서 자신의 머리카락이 하얗게 변한 것을 관찰한 것에서 비롯되었다. 목격자들은 세 차례 앙투아네트의 머리카락이 갑자기 하얗게 바뀌었다고 주장하였다. (ko)
- Het marie-antoinette-syndroom (alopecia areata diffusa) is een haaraandoening waarbij het haar van een persoon vrij plotseling lijkt grijs te worden. Deze aandoening kan op elke leeftijd optreden, bij zowel mannen als vrouwen. (nl)
- Syndrom Marii Antoniny – nagłe wybielenie włosów, osiwienie. Wydarzeniem które zainspirowało nazwę zjawiska była obserwacja, że włosy francuskiej królowej Marii Antoniny zmieniły kolor na zupełnie biały, kiedy została pojmana podczas ucieczki do Varennes w czasie francuskiej rewolucji. Świadkowie twierdzili, że włosy Antoniny robiły się białe podczas trzech osobnych wydarzeń. (pl)
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