Augurio Maranon Abeto (1900-1977) was an essayist in Hiligaynon during the . He was also a Municipal President (modern equivalent to Mayor) during 1940s. He is the composer of the Visayan song, Dalawidaw.
Augurio Maranon Abeto (1900-1977) was an essayist in Hiligaynon during the . He was also a Municipal President (modern equivalent to Mayor) during 1940s. He is the composer of the Visayan song, Dalawidaw. (en)
Augurio Maranon Abeto (1900-1977) was an essayist in Hiligaynon during the . He was also a Municipal President (modern equivalent to Mayor) during 1940s. He is the composer of the Visayan song, Dalawidaw. (en)