American Born Chinese is an upcoming action-comedy television series based on the graphic novel of the same name by Gene Luen Yang. Filming had begun in Los Angeles by February 2022. The series is set to premiere on Disney+.
American Born Chinese is an upcoming action-comedy television series based on the graphic novel of the same name by Gene Luen Yang. Filming had begun in Los Angeles by February 2022. The series is set to premiere on Disney+. (en)
American Born Chinese é uma série de televisão de comédia de ação baseada na graphic novel de mesmo nome de Gene Luen Yang. As filmagens começaram em Los Angeles em fevereiro de 2022. A série está programada para estrear no Disney+. (pt)
American Born Chinese is an upcoming action-comedy television series based on the graphic novel of the same name by Gene Luen Yang. Filming had begun in Los Angeles by February 2022. The series is set to premiere on Disney+. (en)
American Born Chinese é uma série de televisão de comédia de ação baseada na graphic novel de mesmo nome de Gene Luen Yang. As filmagens começaram em Los Angeles em fevereiro de 2022. A série está programada para estrear no Disney+. (pt)