Alex Cross, Run is the 20th novel in the Alex Cross series written by American author James Patterson. The novel focuses on the protagonist, detective Alex Cross, who must solve three cases at once with the whole city in a frenzy.
Alex Cross, Run is the 20th novel in the Alex Cross series written by American author James Patterson. The novel focuses on the protagonist, detective Alex Cross, who must solve three cases at once with the whole city in a frenzy. (en)
Corsa verso l'inferno è un romanzo poliziesco dello scrittore statunitense James Patterson e fa parte di una serie di romanzi sul detective Alex Cross. (it)
Alex Cross, Run is the 20th novel in the Alex Cross series written by American author James Patterson. The novel focuses on the protagonist, detective Alex Cross, who must solve three cases at once with the whole city in a frenzy. (en)
Corsa verso l'inferno è un romanzo poliziesco dello scrittore statunitense James Patterson e fa parte di una serie di romanzi sul detective Alex Cross. (it)