Uladzimir Ignatik was the defending champion, however chose to not compete this year.3rd seed Tatsuma Ito won in the final match 6–4, 6–2, against his compatriot, 4th seed Yuichi Sugita.
Uladzimir Ignatik was the defending champion, however chose to not compete this year.3rd seed Tatsuma Ito won in the final match 6–4, 6–2, against his compatriot, 4th seed Yuichi Sugita. (en)
Die Dunlop World Challenge 2010 war ein Tennisturnier, das vom 22. bis 28. November 2010 in Toyota stattfand. Es war Teil der ATP Challenger Tour 2010 und wurde in der Halle auf Hartplatz ausgetragen. Das Teilnehmerfeld der Einzelkonkurrenz bestand aus 32 Spielern, jenes der Doppelkonkurrenz aus 16 Paaren. (de)
Il singolare maschile del Dunlop World Challenge 2010 è stato un torneo di tennis facente parte dell'ATP Challenger Tour 2010. Uladzimir Ihnacik era il detentore del titolo, ma quest'anno non ha partecipato. Tatsuma Itō ha battuto in finale 6–4, 6–2 Yūichi Sugita. (it)