The 1981 President's Cup Football Tournament (Korean: 제11회 대통령배 국제축구대회) was the 11th competition of Korea Cup. The competition was held from 13 to 26 June 1981. South Korea and Racing de Córdoba played out a 2–2 draw and shared the trophy.
The 1981 President's Cup Football Tournament (Korean: 제11회 대통령배 국제축구대회) was the 11th competition of Korea Cup. The competition was held from 13 to 26 June 1981. South Korea and Racing de Córdoba played out a 2–2 draw and shared the trophy. (en)
Der President’s Cup 1981 war die elfte Austragung des internationalen Fußballturniers in Südkorea. (de)
La Coupe du Président 1981 était la 11e édition de la Coupe du Président. La compétition se déroulait entre le 13 et le 26 juin 1981. La Corée du Sud, tenante du titre, partage le titre avec le club argentin de Racing Córdoba. (fr)
1981년 코리아컵 국제축구대회는 대한축구협회에서 주관하는 코리아컵의 11번째 대회이다. 총 12팀이 참가했으며 조당 6팀씩 2조로 나눠 조별예선을 치른 후 각 조별 1,2위만 4강 토너먼트로 진출했다. 결승전에서 대한민국 화랑과 아르헨티나 클럽팀 라싱 코르도바는 서로 2골씩 주고받는 난타전을 벌였고 끝내 승부를 가리지 못하고 최종 무승부가 확정되어 두 팀이 공동우승을 차지했다. (ko)
De President's Cup 1981 was de 11e editie van de President's Cup, later Korea Cup genoemd. Het toernooi werd gehouden van 13 tot en met 26 juni 1981. Aan het toernooi deden 12 landen mee. Zuid-Korea en de Argentijnse club werden samen kampioen, in de finale werd het 2–2. Vitoria uit Brazilië werd derde. (nl)