| - Sin Rip (en Hangul:신립, en Hanja:申砬) fue un general coreano que vivió de 1546 a 1592. Participó durante las invasiones japonesas a Corea convocadas por Toyotomi Hideyoshi en contra de las dinastías Joseon y Ming. (es)
- 申 砬(シン・リプ、しん りつ、1546年 - 1592年、リプは「石」偏に「立」)は、李氏朝鮮の武将。字は立之。諡号は忠壮。 1567年に科挙に合格して、主に北の国境で女真族との戦いで活動した。文禄の役で日本軍の上陸の報告を受けた李氏朝鮮が急遽派遣した将軍(役職は三道都巡辺使)。忠清北道忠州市の弾琴台で日本軍の進撃を阻もうと小西行長らの一番隊を迎撃するが(弾琴台の戦い)、敗れて投身自殺。墓は京畿道広州市にある。 (ja)
- 신립(申砬, 1546년 11월 16일(음력 10월 23일) ~ 1592년 6월 7일(음력 4월 28일))은 조선의 무신이다. 신숭겸의 후손으로 본관은 평산(平山)이며, 자는 입지(立之)이다. 무과에 급제하여 오위도총부와 진주판관, 한성판윤(정2품) 등을 지냈다. 임진왜란 첫 해에 충주 탄금대에서 배수진을 펼치고 왜군과 싸우다 전사한 장군이다. 시호는 충장(忠壯)이다. 인조반정에 가담한 서인 신경진과 신경인 형제의 아버지이며, 로 죽은 신경희의 숙부이다. 대한민국의 독립운동가 겸 정치인인 해공 신익희에게는 13대조가 된다. (ko)
- 申砬(1546年-1592年),字立之,朝鮮王朝時期武將。本貫平山申氏,其姊為仁獻王后之生母。 (zh)
- Sin Rip (sometimes romanized as Shin Rip or Shin Rib) (Hangul: 신립, Hanja: 申砬; 16 November 1546 – 7 June 1592) was a Korean general and a member of the Pyeongsan Sin clan. He passed the Korean national military examinations at the age of 22. Sin earned prominence by driving out the Nitanggae barbarians from the northern provinces of Joseon dynasty. Sin was a successful general who also gained renown for protecting the borders of Joseon against the Jurchen. When the fortifications at Busan fell to the Japanese at the outset of the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598), Sin Rip, the Vice Minister of War, was despatched to Chungju to stop the advancing invaders. He raised a substantial force, 8,000 strong, consisting primarily of cavalry. He was joined at Chungju by Gyeongsang Provincial Gov (en)
has abstract
| - Sin Rip (en Hangul:신립, en Hanja:申砬) fue un general coreano que vivió de 1546 a 1592. Participó durante las invasiones japonesas a Corea convocadas por Toyotomi Hideyoshi en contra de las dinastías Joseon y Ming. (es)
- Sin Rip (sometimes romanized as Shin Rip or Shin Rib) (Hangul: 신립, Hanja: 申砬; 16 November 1546 – 7 June 1592) was a Korean general and a member of the Pyeongsan Sin clan. He passed the Korean national military examinations at the age of 22. Sin earned prominence by driving out the Nitanggae barbarians from the northern provinces of Joseon dynasty. Sin was a successful general who also gained renown for protecting the borders of Joseon against the Jurchen. When the fortifications at Busan fell to the Japanese at the outset of the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598), Sin Rip, the Vice Minister of War, was despatched to Chungju to stop the advancing invaders. He raised a substantial force, 8,000 strong, consisting primarily of cavalry. He was joined at Chungju by Gyeongsang Provincial Governor Kim Su, who had previously collected a large force at Daegu while waiting for a general to be sent from the capital, Hanseong (modern day Seoul). When no general materialized and it was learned that the Japanese were en route, Kim's force largely evaporated. Sin Rip was en route to the Stronghold to block the Choryeong Pass which the Japanese would have to use to move north when he learned that Yi Il's forces had been routed at Sangju by Konishi Yukinaga's First Division and that General Yi had fled, he decided to remain at Chungju and fight the Japanese on level terrain to better employ his cavalry. This, however, left a key choke point undefended and facilitated Konishi's forces' advance northward. Sin selected a large, natural amphitheater at a place called Tangeumdae (탄금대), with mountains at one side and a curving river at the other to make his stand. The only approaches were two narrow passages at either end where the mountains met the river. Apparently Sin chose this site thinking to best employ his cavalry against a Japanese enemy that was predominantly infantry. Modern analysts have also theorized that Sin, in light of reports of Korean forces fleeing in the heat of battle, may have contrived to lock his troops into a life or death situation where they would be forced to fight for their very survival. In the battle, Sin Rip was up against great odds. The Japanese, moreover, were equipped with a type of musket, arquebus, which Sin had not seen in action. The Japanese outnumbered the Korean cavalry by more than 2:1 (18,700 to 8,000) and Sin's cavalry were largely raw recruits plus some scattered remnants of defeated forces from the south. On June 6, 1592, Konishi's troops advanced to crush Sin's forces. The Japanese blocked both the narrow entrances and then sent musketeers and archers to rain down a withering hail of musket balls and arrows on the Korean forces. Suddenly aware of their tactical disadvantage, many of the Korean forces broke ranks and frantically tried to escape through one or the other of the passages, but were either cut down by the Japanese or drowned in the river. A few broke through the Japanese lines and fled. Sin and his officers escaped but committed suicide rather than being taken prisoner by the Japanese. (en)
- 申 砬(シン・リプ、しん りつ、1546年 - 1592年、リプは「石」偏に「立」)は、李氏朝鮮の武将。字は立之。諡号は忠壮。 1567年に科挙に合格して、主に北の国境で女真族との戦いで活動した。文禄の役で日本軍の上陸の報告を受けた李氏朝鮮が急遽派遣した将軍(役職は三道都巡辺使)。忠清北道忠州市の弾琴台で日本軍の進撃を阻もうと小西行長らの一番隊を迎撃するが(弾琴台の戦い)、敗れて投身自殺。墓は京畿道広州市にある。 (ja)
- 신립(申砬, 1546년 11월 16일(음력 10월 23일) ~ 1592년 6월 7일(음력 4월 28일))은 조선의 무신이다. 신숭겸의 후손으로 본관은 평산(平山)이며, 자는 입지(立之)이다. 무과에 급제하여 오위도총부와 진주판관, 한성판윤(정2품) 등을 지냈다. 임진왜란 첫 해에 충주 탄금대에서 배수진을 펼치고 왜군과 싸우다 전사한 장군이다. 시호는 충장(忠壯)이다. 인조반정에 가담한 서인 신경진과 신경인 형제의 아버지이며, 로 죽은 신경희의 숙부이다. 대한민국의 독립운동가 겸 정치인인 해공 신익희에게는 13대조가 된다. (ko)
- 申砬(1546年-1592年),字立之,朝鮮王朝時期武將。本貫平山申氏,其姊為仁獻王后之生母。 (zh)