| - Kloster Mount Melleray (lat. Abbatia B. M. de Monte Melleario, irisch Mainistir Chnoc Mheilearaí; engl. Mont Melleray Abbey) ist seit 1832 eine Trappisten-Abtei in Cappoquin, County Waterford, Bistum Waterford und Lismore, Irland. (de)
- Mount Melleray Abbey is a Trappist monastery in Ireland, founded in 1833. It is situated on the slopes of the Knockmealdown Mountains, near Cappoquin, Diocese of Waterford. It is famous in literature due to Seán Ó Ríordáin's poem Cnoc Mellerí in Eireaball Spideoige (1952). James Joyce mentions Mount Melleray in the final short story of his 1914 collection, Dubliners. In this story, entitled "The Dead", the monks of Mount Melleray are noted for their exceptional hospitality and piety. (en)
- Mainistir Chistéirseach is ea Mainistir Cnoc Mheilearaí. Tá sí suite i gContae Phort Láirge, thart ar 18km ó Dhún Garbhán. (ga)
- A Abadia do Monte Melleray é um mosteiro trapista na Irlanda, fundado em 1833. Ele está situado nas encostas das montanhas Knockmealdown, perto de Cappoquin, na Diocese de Waterford. É famoso na literatura devido ao poema Cnoc Mellerí de Seán Ó Ríordáin em Eireaball Spideoige (1952). James Joyce menciona o Monte Melleray no conto final de sua coleção de 1914, Dubliners. Nesta história, intitulada "Os Mortos", os monges do Monte Melleray são conhecidos por sua excepcional hospitalidade e piedade. (pt)
- L’abbaye de Mount Melleray (en irlandais Mainistir Chnoc Mheilearaí) est une abbaye trappiste en activité située près de la côte sud de l'Irlande non loin de Waterford. Fondée en 1832, elle se développe rapidement, au point de fonder avant 1850 une première abbaye-fille en Angleterre, celle de Mount Saint Bernard, puis New Melleray aux États-Unis. Au début du XXIe siècle, l'abbaye conserve une communauté importante, mais vieillissante. (fr)