| - Maestro (* 31. März 1968 in Toronto, Ontario; eigentlich Wesley Williams) ist ein kanadischer Rapper, Musikproduzent, Schauspieler und Autor. Bis 1998 war er als Maestro Fresh Wes bekannt. Er gilt als „Godfather of Canadian Hip-Hop“. (de)
- Wesley "Wes" Williams (born March 31, 1968) is a Canadian rapper, record producer, actor, and author. He is known professionally by his stage names Maestro Fresh Wes (formerly Maestro Fresh-Wes) or Maestro as a musician, and is credited by his birth name as an actor. One of the earliest Canadian rappers to achieve mainstream success, he is credited as the "Godfather of Canadian hip hop". His debut album, Symphony in Effect (1989), was the first certified platinum album by a Black Canadian artist. (en)
- Maestro, pseudonimo di Wesley Williams (Toronto, 31 marzo 1968), è un rapper e attore canadese. La sua attività pioniera in questo genere, ed i risultati ottenuti negli anni, hanno portato molti critici ed appassionati a riferirsi a lui come "Godfather of Canadian hip hop" (padrino dell'hip hop canadese). Originariamente conosciuto come Melody MC, ha poi cambiato nome d'arte in Maestro Fresh Wes dal 1989, per poi passare semplicemente a Maestro alla fine degli anni 1990. Il rapper è il suo cugino più giovane. (it)
- Wes Williams znany jako Maestro (ur. 31 marca 1968 w Toronto) – kanadyjski raper, producent muzyczny, aktor i autor. Jeden z pierwszych kanadyjskich raperów, który odniósł sukces w mainstreamie, uznawany za „ojca chrzestnego kanadyjskiego hip hopu”. Jego debiutancki album, Symphony in Effect (1989), był pierwszym certyfikowanym platynowym albumem czarnego kanadyjskiego artysty (pl)