Life of Constantine the Great (Greek: Βίος Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου; Latin: Vita Constantini) is a panegyric written in Greek in honor of Constantine the Great by Eusebius of Caesarea in the 4th century AD. It was never completed due to the death of Eusebius in 339. The work provides scholars with one of the most comprehensive sources for the religious policies of Constantine's reign. In addition to detailing the religious policies of the Roman Empire under Constantine, Eusebius uses Life of Constantine to engage several of his own religious concerns, such as apologetics, as well as a semi-bibliographic account of Constantine. Its reliability as a historical text has been called into question by several historians, most notably Timothy Barnes, because of its questionable motives and writing st
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| - Vita di Costantino (it)
- Life of Constantine (en)
- Vita Constantini (pl)
- Vida de Constantino (pt)
| - La Vita di Costantino (in greco antico: Eἰς τὸν βίον τοῦ μακαρίου Κωνσταντίνου βασιλέως; in latino: De vita Constantini) è un'opera di Eusebio di Cesarea scritta nel 337. (it)
- Life of Constantine the Great (Greek: Βίος Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου; Latin: Vita Constantini) is a panegyric written in Greek in honor of Constantine the Great by Eusebius of Caesarea in the 4th century AD. It was never completed due to the death of Eusebius in 339. The work provides scholars with one of the most comprehensive sources for the religious policies of Constantine's reign. In addition to detailing the religious policies of the Roman Empire under Constantine, Eusebius uses Life of Constantine to engage several of his own religious concerns, such as apologetics, as well as a semi-bibliographic account of Constantine. Its reliability as a historical text has been called into question by several historians, most notably Timothy Barnes, because of its questionable motives and writing st (en)
- De Vita Constantini – panegiryk na cześć Konstantyna I Wielkiego, w czterech księgach, autorstwa jego zaufanego współpracownika Euzebiusza z Cezarei, który znał wiele szczegółów wewnętrznych dotyczących polityki cesarza wobec państwa, jak i wobec Kościoła. W czasie posiedzeń soboru nicejskiego (325) Euzebiusz siedział po prawicy tronu cesarskiego, wywarł też decydujący wpływ na prace soboru nad ułożeniem symbolu wiary i przywróceniem jedności w Kościele powszechnym. (pl)
- Vida de Constantino, o Grande (em grego: Βίος Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου; romaniz.: Bíos Megálou Konstantínou; em latim: Vita Constantini) é um panegírico escrito em grego em honra do imperador romano Constantino, o Grande (r. 306–337) por Eusébio de Cesareia no século IV. Ele nunca foi concluído devido a morte do autor em 339. (pt)
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| - Life of Constantine the Great (Greek: Βίος Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου; Latin: Vita Constantini) is a panegyric written in Greek in honor of Constantine the Great by Eusebius of Caesarea in the 4th century AD. It was never completed due to the death of Eusebius in 339. The work provides scholars with one of the most comprehensive sources for the religious policies of Constantine's reign. In addition to detailing the religious policies of the Roman Empire under Constantine, Eusebius uses Life of Constantine to engage several of his own religious concerns, such as apologetics, as well as a semi-bibliographic account of Constantine. Its reliability as a historical text has been called into question by several historians, most notably Timothy Barnes, because of its questionable motives and writing style. (en)
- La Vita di Costantino (in greco antico: Eἰς τὸν βίον τοῦ μακαρίου Κωνσταντίνου βασιλέως; in latino: De vita Constantini) è un'opera di Eusebio di Cesarea scritta nel 337. (it)
- De Vita Constantini – panegiryk na cześć Konstantyna I Wielkiego, w czterech księgach, autorstwa jego zaufanego współpracownika Euzebiusza z Cezarei, który znał wiele szczegółów wewnętrznych dotyczących polityki cesarza wobec państwa, jak i wobec Kościoła. W czasie posiedzeń soboru nicejskiego (325) Euzebiusz siedział po prawicy tronu cesarskiego, wywarł też decydujący wpływ na prace soboru nad ułożeniem symbolu wiary i przywróceniem jedności w Kościele powszechnym. Dzieło zostało napisane po śmierci cesarza, jest napisane w stylu panegirycznym, toteż przesadnie eksponuje zalety cesarza, pomijając jego negatywne cechy.Możliwe że część dzieła nie została napisana przez Euzebiusza z Cezarei, lecz przez jego następcę Akacjusza. (pl)
- Vida de Constantino, o Grande (em grego: Βίος Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου; romaniz.: Bíos Megálou Konstantínou; em latim: Vita Constantini) é um panegírico escrito em grego em honra do imperador romano Constantino, o Grande (r. 306–337) por Eusébio de Cesareia no século IV. Ele nunca foi concluído devido a morte do autor em 339. O trabalho fornece aos estudiosos uma das mais compreensíveis fontes para as políticas religiosas do reinado do imperador, ao mesmo tempo que, apropriando-se do tema, Eusébio expôs vários de seus interesses religiosos como a apologética, bem como um relato semi-biográfico de Constantino. Sua fiabilidade como um documento histórico tem sido questionada por vários historiadores, notadamente , devido a seus motivos questionáveis e estilo de escrita. (pt)
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