| - Kota Factory is an Indian Hindi-language web series created by Saurabh Khanna, directed by Raghav Subbu & produced by Arunabh Kumar for The Viral Fever. The story is set in Kota, Rajasthan, an educational hub famous for its coaching centres. The show follows the life of 16-year-old Vaibhav (Mayur More) who moves to Kota from Itarsi. It shows the life of students in the city, and Vaibhav's efforts to get into an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) by cracking the Joint Entrance Examination. It also stars Jitendra Kumar, Ahsaas Channa, Alam Khan, Ranjan Raj, Revathi Pillai and Urvi Singh in prominent roles. (en)
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- At Jeetu's class, Meena is missing, apparently due to not keeping well and Vaibhav is also now feeling engaged in his Chemistry Maheshwari class. Jeetu addresses the duo's concerns about the Physics faculty at Maheshwari not teaching up to the mark even after having brilliant qualifications. Vaibhav attempts to leave Maheshwari premises during daytime to attend Jeetu's classes but is blocked by the Guard. Vaibhav convinces his Physics faculty to allow him to not attend his class. Jeetu secures funding from one of his old friends who is into investment. Shivangi addresses Meenas female attraction issues, introduces him to masturbation, and encourages Vaibhav to confront Mr. Maheshwari. Vaibhav tries to bribe the security guard but is instead sent to Mr Maheshwari. Meena gets addicted to Masturbation and his guilt is addressed by Jeetu Bhaiya. Mr Maheshwari allows Vaibhav to attend Jeetu's classes. (en)
- Vaibhav is shocked to know that he has been selected for Maheshwari classes. Deepak and Batla Sir talk to the group of students who are selected for Maheshwari, including Vaibhav. The bunch are allotted in A1 to demotivate the students from changing their coaching centre. Vaibhav had settled in Prodigy now and never intended to leave. Jeetu Bhaiya is also brought to talk with the group about this, and all students say that they are not going to Maheshwari. Jeetu Bhaiya insists Vaibhav go to Maheshwari, as there are more students and focus there. Vaibhav is reluctant at first, but after consulting with his parents on Uday's advice, he decides to join Maheshwari. He has a farewell from Shivangi, Meena, Uday, and Vartika. Uday drops him off at Maheshwari, where he is allotted A3. He meets a nervous student named Sushrut, who is in A7. (en)
- Vaibhav comes to Kota in the middle of academic year and is allotted the last batch of Prodigy classes, A10, after being denied at Maheshwari classes. He meets Meena at his new homestay, also in Prodigy, who tells him that he should not accept A10. He speaks to Deepak, the Head Manager of Prodigy but is denied any change. Then, he meets Jeetu Bhaiya, the Physics lecturer, who gives Vaibhav a 50 question paper, and tells him too complete it by the next day. With the help of Meena and Uday , he solves 42 questions by copying the solutions from different books, but not able to do the rest 8. The next day, Jeetu Bhaiya points out his cheating and Vaibhav accepts that he cheated. Jeetu Bhaiya allots Vaibhav A5 batch, because of his hard work. (en)
- Vaibhav is preparing to attend his first day at Maheshwari classes and the orientation before the class. He is accompanied by his new roommate Sushrut and on his way to Maheshwari. He notices a billboard with Jeetu Bhaiya on it. At the orientation, Mr. Maheshwari welcomes the students with a demoralizing introduction to the battle they are fighting followed by an oath. In the Physics class, the teacher fanatically writes on the white board while the students robotically copy it down in the notebooks without any explanation and the class is completely un-engaging. Back at Prodigy classes, previous friends of Vaibhav get to know that Jeetu Bhaiya has left the institute. Vaibhav discovers through Sushruts mother that he is depressed and she is scared that he might harm himself and when Vaibhav enters Sushruts room, he finds his friend crying and questioning whether JEE is an important exam to appear in. While seeking help from other seniors about the issue, the duo figures out that others also have similar concerns. Jeetendra is busy in building his institute when all the friends of Vaibhav and the duo meet Jeetu and address the concerns of Sushrut. (en)
- At Maheshwari, many other students are now raising concerns about teaching abilities of the Physics Faculty. Jeetu hires a female teacher for teaching Chemistry. (en)
- JEE results send Kota into celebration mode and give Vaibhav, Meena and Uday glimpses into their own futures, but the occasion comes with sad truths. (en)
- Jeetu Bhaiya advises his students to take a break from their JEE studies and tells them to visit their school for their practicals. Uday tells Vaibhav that he wishes to roam around Kota with Shivangi, his girlfriend. He also tells Vaibhav that he should also come with them and a girl named Vartika. While Uday discusses this with Vaibhav, Meena is busy talking with Meenal, a studious but nerdy girl from their class. Meena first plans to study with Vaibhav, but then backs out by the saying of Meenal. As Vaibhav disagrees to go, Meena goes instead of him. As Vartika too insists to study, she takes help from Vaibhav, and studies while Uday, Shivangi, Meena and Meenal roam around Kota. Vaibhav and Vartika start developing feelings for each other, but don't speak it out. Wanting to be with Vartika, Vaibhav gives an exam along with her to go to Maheshwari, although he does not want to go there. After the exams, Vaibhav and Vartika start studying for 12th as well. Meena finds it useless to roam around Kota, as he starts developing feelings for Meenal, but she says that she will be moving to the US. He thought that it would have been better to study instead of roaming around. (en)
- When a bout of jaundice slows Vaibhav down in his studying, Jeetu insists he calls his only hope to get well quickly: his mother. (en)
- Vaibhav is not able to cope up with Inorganic Chemistry and blames the teachers who teach the subject. But even after changing 3 teachers for the subject, he bursts out all his anger and frustration in front of Meena, who then takes him to Jeetu Bhaiya. He advises Vaibhav to drop the subject. (en)