| - Iba N'Diaye (1928 – October 5, 2008) was a French-Senegalese painter. Trained in Senegal and France during the colonial period, N'Diaye utilised European modernist fine arts training and medium to depict his views of African realities. He returned to Senegal upon its independence, and became the founding head of Senegal's national fine arts academy. Disenchanted with the prevailing artistic and political climate of mid-1960s Dakar, N'Diaye returned to France in 1967 and exhibited around the globe, returning to his birthplace of Saint-Louis, Senegal, to present his work in Senegal again only in 2000. N'Diaye died at his home in Paris in October, 2008 at the age of 80. (en)
- Iba N'Diaye, né le 28 mai 1928 à Saint Louis (Sénégal) et mort le 4 octobre 2008 à Clamart, est un peintre français. (fr)
- Iba Gustave N'Diaye (Saint-Louis, 28 maggio 1928 – Clamart, 4 ottobre 2008) è stato un artista senegalese. (it)
- Iba N'Diaye fue un pintor franco-senegalés. Con 15 años, asistió al y pintaba los carteles de los cines y de la ciudad. Se fue a París en 1948, donde frecuenta clubes de jazz y comienza arquitectura en la École des Beaux-Arts. El escultor Ossip Zadkine le descubre la escultura tradicional de África y viaja por Europa. La independencia de Senegal le hace regresar en 1959 y participa en la creación de la , donde realiza una exposición en 1962 y es docente hasta 1966. (es)