| - Giovanola Frères est un constructeur suisse de remontées mécaniques et de montagnes russes qui a cessé son activité depuis 2004. (fr)
- Giovanola was een grote achtbaanbouwer, totdat het bedrijf in 2004 failliet ging. (nl)
- Die Giovanola Frères SA war bis 2005 einer der prominentesten Achterbahnhersteller der Welt. Das 1888 von Joseph Giovanola in Monthey, Schweiz, gegründete Unternehmen war bekannt für seine Fahrgeschäfte, stellte aber auch andere Stahlprodukte wie Gondelbahnen mit einer namensgebenden Kuppelklemme, der Giovanola-Klemme, her. Im Mai 2005 wurde über die Giovanola Frères SA der Konkurs eröffnet. In den letzten Betriebsjahren führte Giovanola Stahlarbeiten für Unternehmen wie Intamin und Bolliger & Mabillard durch. (de)
- Giovanola Frères SA was a prominent steel manufacturing company based in Monthey, Switzerland. It was known for building electrical power stations, water storage tanks, pipelines, boilers, highway bridges, submarines, ski lifts and many other steel products. The company started out as a small metal forging shop, founded by Joseph Giovanola in 1888. Joseph Sr. died in 1904, and the company was taken over by his sons, the eldest of which, Joseph Jr., was just 17 years of age. By 1930 the company had grown to the point that it required a new factory which was constructed in Monthey. (en)
- Giovanola Freres SA era un'azienda svizzera specializzata nella costruzione e realizzazione di attrazioni per parchi divertimento. Sebbene fosse nota maggiormente per quello, costruiva anche centrali elettriche, serbatoi di stoccaggio dell'acqua, condutture, ponti autostradali e molti altri prodotti in acciaio. Inoltre, Giovanola costruì alcuni sottomarini, tra cui l'Auguste Piccard, il Ben Franklin e il F.-A. Forel. (it)