| - Сэр Генри Ивлин Вуд (англ. Sir Henry Evelyn Wood; 9 декабря 1838 — 2 декабря 1919), британский военный деятель, фельдмаршал (8 апреля 1903). Удостоен Креста Виктории — высшей и наиболее престижной британской награды за отличие в бою. (ru)
- Sir Evelyn Henry Wood VC, GCB, GCMG (* 9. Februar 1838 in , Braintree (Essex); † 2. Dezember 1919 in Harlow (Essex)) war ein britischer Feldmarschall, Sirdar (Oberbefehlshaber) der ägyptischen Armee und später Generalquartiermeister und Generaladjutant der britischen Armee. (de)
- Field Marshal Sir Henry Evelyn Wood, VC, GCB, GCMG (9 February 1838 – 2 December 1919) was a British Army officer. After an early career in the Royal Navy, Wood joined the British Army in 1855. He served in several major conflicts including the Indian Mutiny where, as a lieutenant, he was awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest award for valour in the face of the enemy that is awarded to British and Imperial forces, for rescuing a local merchant from a band of robbers who had taken their captive into the jungle, where they intended to hang him. Wood further served as a commander in several other conflicts, notably the Third Anglo-Ashanti War, the Anglo-Zulu War, the First Boer War and the Mahdist War. His service in Egypt led to his appointment as Sirdar where he reorganised the Egyptian A (en)
- Sir Henry Evelyn Wood (Cressing, 9 febbraio 1838 – Harlow, 2 dicembre 1919) è stato un militare britannico. Dopo una prima carriera nella Royal Navy Wood aderì al British Army, prestando servizio con esso nei principali conflitti del XIX secolo, tra cui l'ammutinamento indiano del 1857 come tenente, occasione nella quale ottenne la prestigiosa Victoria Cross, la più alta onorificenza al valore di fronte al nemico concessa dal Regno Unito. Successivamente servì come comandante in molti altri conflitti, in particolare nella prima guerra boera e nella guerra mahdista. Il servizio in Egitto gli valse la nomina a Sirdar (Feldmaresciallo) del riorganizzato esercito egiziano. Tornato in Gran Bretagna prestò servizio nell'esercito come comandante dello stato maggiore sino alla nomina a Feldmaresci (it)
- Sir Henry Evelyn Wood, född 9 februari 1838 i Cressing, Essex, död 2 december 1919 i Harlow, Essex, var en brittisk militär, som tjänstgjorde i flottan, kavalleriet och infanteriet. Han var sonson till sir Matthew Wood. (sv)