| - Chayey Moharan Hebrew: חיי מוהר"ן) is the biography of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, written by his disciple and scribe Rabbi Nathan of Breslov. As the tzaddik is of central importance in Judaism and especially Breslov, and as the book is about Rabbi Nachman's life and Rabbi Nachman and his followers held himself to be the tzaddik hador (tzaddik of the era), Chayey Moharan is an extremely important Jewish book. It became more widely known to Anglophones with the publication of its translation, titled Tzaddik, by Breslov Research Institute, in 1987. MOHaRaN is acrostic for Moreinu V'Rabeinu Harav Rabbi Nachman meaning "Our Master and Teacher, Rabbi Nachman." (en)
has abstract
| - Chayey Moharan Hebrew: חיי מוהר"ן) is the biography of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, written by his disciple and scribe Rabbi Nathan of Breslov. As the tzaddik is of central importance in Judaism and especially Breslov, and as the book is about Rabbi Nachman's life and Rabbi Nachman and his followers held himself to be the tzaddik hador (tzaddik of the era), Chayey Moharan is an extremely important Jewish book. It became more widely known to Anglophones with the publication of its translation, titled Tzaddik, by Breslov Research Institute, in 1987. MOHaRaN is acrostic for Moreinu V'Rabeinu Harav Rabbi Nachman meaning "Our Master and Teacher, Rabbi Nachman." The book's title page gives the following praise of its subject and description of its contents: Life of MOHARAN Namely Rabbeinu haKadosh, towering among giants, the holy lamp, light of lights, schoolmaster of all Yisrael, "Gushing brook, source of wisdom", man of God, our master Rabbi Nachman, memory of the righteous and holy is a blessing, composer of the books Likutei Moharan, Sefer haMidot, Sipurei Ma`asiyoth, and other books, "that are [on the level] of the Ketuvim", great-grandson of the holy, lofty etc. Rabbi Nachman Horondenker, memory of the righteous is a blessing, grandson and nephew of the godly Tanna, holy one of Yisrael, our master Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, memory of the righteous and holy is blessing, may their merit protect us and all Yisrael, Amen. In this book is told a little of his holy life, his enormous toil and effort in serving God, may He be blessed, in enormous and supreme self sacrifice, from his childhood days to his passing, until he merited to live true life, life that is truly called "life". And it tells a little of events in his holy life and a little of his holy conversations that were heard from his holy mouth, and the time periods that passed on him, such as "your eyes may see his upright doings" (Ps. 17:2). (en)