| - Black Moth ist eine englische Stoner-Doom- und Psychedelic-Rock-Band aus Leeds, die im Jahr 2010 gegründet wurde. (de)
- Black Moth were an English stoner rock/metal band from Leeds. They cite Black Sabbath, The Stooges, Mastodon, Red Fang, Pissed Jeans, Drunk in Hell, Kvelertak, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Turbowolf, Blacklisters, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Swans, Bo Ningen, Goat and Arabrot and L7 as influences. In September 2019, the band announced the end of their activities, with a farewell show booked for 6 December of the same year. (en)
- Black Moth ("Mariposa Preta") é uma banda inglesa de stoner rock de Leeds. Os integrantes citam Black Sabbath, The Stooges, Mastodon, Red Fang, Pissed Jeans, Drunk in Hell, Kvelertak, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Turbowolf, Blacklisters, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Swans, Bo Ningen, Cabra and Arabrot e L7 como influências. Em setembro de 2019, a banda anunciou o fim de suas atividades, com um show de despedida marcado para o dia 6 de dezembro do mesmo ano. (pt)
has abstract
| - Black Moth ist eine englische Stoner-Doom- und Psychedelic-Rock-Band aus Leeds, die im Jahr 2010 gegründet wurde. (de)
- Black Moth were an English stoner rock/metal band from Leeds. They cite Black Sabbath, The Stooges, Mastodon, Red Fang, Pissed Jeans, Drunk in Hell, Kvelertak, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Turbowolf, Blacklisters, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Swans, Bo Ningen, Goat and Arabrot and L7 as influences. The band released three full-length albums, all produced by Jim Sclavunos (Grinderman, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds). While initially a quartet, the band saw the addition of guitarist Nico Carew in 2014, but he would leave the band in 2015 to focus on his other group (X-Ray Cat Trio) and was subsequently replaced by Federica Gialanze. Their second album, Condemned to Hope, had its cover created by Roger Dean. It generated mixed to positive reviews from reputable websites like TeamRock, Prog and PopMatters. In September 2019, the band announced the end of their activities, with a farewell show booked for 6 December of the same year. (en)
- Black Moth ("Mariposa Preta") é uma banda inglesa de stoner rock de Leeds. Os integrantes citam Black Sabbath, The Stooges, Mastodon, Red Fang, Pissed Jeans, Drunk in Hell, Kvelertak, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Turbowolf, Blacklisters, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Swans, Bo Ningen, Cabra and Arabrot e L7 como influências. A banda lançou dois álbuns, ambos produzidos por Jim Sclavunos (Grinderman, Nick Cave e os Bad Seeds). Inicialmente um quarteto, o grupo ganhou um quinto membro em 2014: o guitarrista Nico Carew. Em 2015, contudo, ele deixou o grupo para focar em sua outra banda, , e foi subsequentemente substituído por Federica Gialanze. Seu segundo álbum, Condemned to Hope, teve sua capa criada por Roger Dean. Recebeu críticas mistas a positivas em sites de renome como TeamRock, Prog e PopMatters. Em setembro de 2019, a banda anunciou o fim de suas atividades, com um show de despedida marcado para o dia 6 de dezembro do mesmo ano. (pt)