The Battle of Tripoli was a series of clashes in Tripoli, Libya from 27 August to 25 September 2018 during the Second Libyan Civil War. It was fought between several militias and was ended by a ceasefire.
The Battle of Tripoli was a series of clashes in Tripoli, Libya from 27 August to 25 September 2018 during the Second Libyan Civil War. It was fought between several militias and was ended by a ceasefire. (en)
La bataille de Tripoli se déroule du 27 août au 25 septembre 2018, lors de la deuxième guerre civile libyenne. Elle oppose différentes milices et s'achève par la conclusion d'un cessez-le-feu. (fr)
اشتباكات طرابلس 2018 كما يُشار إليها أحيانًا باسمِ معركة طرابلس 2018 هي سلسلة من الاشتباكات التي استمرت لمدة شهر في طرابلس عاصمة ليبيا التي تقبعُ تحتَ سيطرة حكومة الوفاق الوطني خلال الحرب الأهلية الليبية الثانيّة. تسبّبت هذه الاشتباكات في مقتل 115 شخصًا حتى يوم توقيع وقف إطلاق النار. (ar)
A batalha de Trípoli ocorre durante a Segunda Guerra Civil Líbia entre as diferentes milícias pelo controle da cidade de Trípoli. Os confrontos iniciais duraram de 27 de agosto até um cessar-fogo em 29 de agosto mas foram revigorados em 20 de setembro, quando a Brigada Al-Summod, liderada por Salah Badi (depois de regressar da Turquia e dar inicio a reivindicações para tomar Trípoli), declarou ter tomado o acampamento de Hamza, em Mashroa Al-Hadba, no sul de Trípoli, após expulsar as "Milícias Ghiniwa", quebrando o cessar-fogo patrocinado pela ONU. (pt)
Tripoli brigade
Special Deterrence Force
Alnawasi brigade
Joint Deterrence and Intervention Force Abu Salim
301th infantry brigade
Bab Tajura Battalion
Guarantee Battalion (en)