The Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Oceania was a Roman Catholic missionary jurisdiction for some of the South Sea (Pacific) islands from 1833 till 1848.
The Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Oceania was a Roman Catholic missionary jurisdiction for some of the South Sea (Pacific) islands from 1833 till 1848. (en)
Vikariat Apostolik Oseania Timur adalah yurisdiksi misionaris Katolik Roma untuk beberapa pulau-pulau di Pasifik Selatan. (in)
The Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Oceania was a Roman Catholic missionary jurisdiction for some of the South Sea (Pacific) islands from 1833 till 1848. (en)
Vikariat Apostolik Oseania Timur adalah yurisdiksi misionaris Katolik Roma untuk beberapa pulau-pulau di Pasifik Selatan. (in)