Benny Rubinstein (בני רובינשטיין) is an Israeli former footballer and current real estate developer. He played soccer for Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Netanya. At the 1969 Maccabiah Games, Rubinstein played soccer for Israel, winning a gold medal.
بيني روبنشتاين هو لاعب كرة قدم إسرائيلي في مركز الوسط، ولد في 1952 في نتانيا في إسرائيل. لعب مع مكابي نتانيا. (ar)
Benny Rubinstein (בני רובינשטיין) is an Israeli former footballer and current real estate developer. He played soccer for Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Netanya. At the 1969 Maccabiah Games, Rubinstein played soccer for Israel, winning a gold medal. (en)