. . . . . . "Als Werkzeuggebrauch bei Tieren gilt nach einer Definition von Jane Goodall die Anwendung von nicht zum K\u00F6rper geh\u00F6renden Objekten, mit deren Hilfe die Funktionen des eigenen K\u00F6rpers erweitert werden, um auf diese Weise ein unmittelbares Ziel zu erreichen. Eine weitere Definition beschreibt den Werkzeuggebrauch bei Tieren als die Handhabung eines unbelebten Objektes, mit dessen Hilfe die Position oder Form eines weiteren Objektes ver\u00E4ndert wird. Beispielsweise gilt bei V\u00F6geln das Zerhacken eines Schneckenhauses mit dem Schnabel \u2013 der Teil ihres K\u00F6rpers ist \u2013 oder das Errichten eines Nests durch das Heranschaffen von Zweigen und Gr\u00E4sern diesen Definitionen zufolge nicht als Gebrauch eines Werkzeugs."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "horizontal"@en . . . . "BonoboFishing02.jpeg"@en . . . . . . . . "15704241"^^ . "Larus marinus eggs.jpg"@en . . . . "A bonobo fishing for termites"@en . . . "Intricate nests of weaver birds"@en . . . "Tool use by animals is a phenomenon in which an animal uses any kind of tool in order to achieve a goal such as acquiring food and water, grooming, defence, communication, recreation or construction. Originally thought to be a skill possessed only by humans, some tool use requires a sophisticated level of cognition. There is considerable discussion about the definition of what constitutes a tool and therefore which behaviours can be considered true examples of tool use. A wide range of animals, including mammals, birds, fish, cephalopods, and insects, are considered to use tools. Primates are well known for using tools for hunting or gathering food and water, cover for rain, and self-defence. Chimpanzees have often been the object of study in regard to their usage of tools, most famously by Jane Goodall, since these animals are frequently kept in captivity and are closely related to humans. Wild tool use in other primates, especially among apes and monkeys, is considered relatively common, though its full extent remains poorly documented, as many primates in the wild are mainly only observed distantly or briefly when in their natural environments and living without human influence. Some novel tool-use by primates may arise in a localised or isolated manner within certain unique primate cultures, being transmitted and practised among socially connected primates through cultural learning. Many famous researchers, such as Charles Darwin in his book The Descent of Man, mentioned tool use in monkeys (such as baboons). Among other mammals, both wild and captive elephants are known to create tools using their trunks and feet, mainly for swatting flies, scratching, plugging up waterholes that they have dug (to close them up again so the water does not evaporate), and reaching food that is out of reach. In addition to primates and elephants, many other social mammals particularly have been observed engaging in tool use. A group of dolphins in Shark Bay uses sea sponges to protect their beaks while foraging. Sea otters will use rocks or other hard objects to dislodge food (such as abalone) and break open shellfish. Many or most mammals of the order Carnivora have been observed using tools, often to trap or break open the shells of prey, as well as for scratching. Corvids (such as crows, ravens and rooks) are well known for their large brains (among birds) and tool use. New Caledonian crows are among the only animals that create their own tools. They mainly manufacture probes out of twigs and wood (and sometimes metal wire) to catch or impale larvae. Tool use in some birds may be best exemplified in nest intricacy. Tailorbirds manufacture 'pouches' to make their nests in. Some birds, such as weaver birds, build complex nests utilising a diverse array of objects and materials, many of which are specifically chosen by certain birds for their unique qualities. Woodpecker finches insert twigs into trees in order to catch or impale larvae. Parrots may use tools to wedge nuts so that they can crack open the outer shell of nuts without launching away the inner contents. Some birds take advantage of human activity, such as carrion crows in Japan, which drop nuts in front of cars to crack them open. Several species of fish use tools to hunt and crack open shellfish, extract food that is out of reach, or clear an area for nesting. Among cephalopods (and perhaps uniquely or to an extent unobserved among invertebrates), octopuses are known to utilise tools relatively frequently, such as gathering coconut shells to create a shelter or using rocks to create barriers."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "O uso de ferramentas por animais \u00E9 um comportamento vastamente observado em in\u00FAmeras esp\u00E9cies e uma caracter\u00EDstica que surgiu independente em diversos grupos, como primatas, aves, polvos, cet\u00E1ceos, ouri\u00E7os-do-mar e at\u00E9 insetos. Apesar de raro em animais aqu\u00E1ticos, esse comportamento, assim como em animais terrestres, \u00E9 taxonomicamente diverso."@pt . . . . . . . . . . "Werkzeuggebrauch bei Tieren"@de . . "Als Werkzeuggebrauch bei Tieren gilt nach einer Definition von Jane Goodall die Anwendung von nicht zum K\u00F6rper geh\u00F6renden Objekten, mit deren Hilfe die Funktionen des eigenen K\u00F6rpers erweitert werden, um auf diese Weise ein unmittelbares Ziel zu erreichen. Eine weitere Definition beschreibt den Werkzeuggebrauch bei Tieren als die Handhabung eines unbelebten Objektes, mit dessen Hilfe die Position oder Form eines weiteren Objektes ver\u00E4ndert wird. Beispielsweise gilt bei V\u00F6geln das Zerhacken eines Schneckenhauses mit dem Schnabel \u2013 der Teil ihres K\u00F6rpers ist \u2013 oder das Errichten eines Nests durch das Heranschaffen von Zweigen und Gr\u00E4sern diesen Definitionen zufolge nicht als Gebrauch eines Werkzeugs."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1124218304"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "140689"^^ . . . . "L'utilisation d'outils chez les animaux est un comportement identifi\u00E9 chez certains animaux susceptibles d'employer des objets \u00E0 des fins de recherche de nourriture et d'eau, de toilettage, de d\u00E9fense ou d'agression, de jeu ou de construction."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Emperor penguins do not build a nest"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Relatively simple nest of a great black-backed gull"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bird nests show a great diversity in complexity"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Penggunaan alat pada hewan"@in . . . . . . . . . . "Tool use by animals is a phenomenon in which an animal uses any kind of tool in order to achieve a goal such as acquiring food and water, grooming, defence, communication, recreation or construction. Originally thought to be a skill possessed only by humans, some tool use requires a sophisticated level of cognition. There is considerable discussion about the definition of what constitutes a tool and therefore which behaviours can be considered true examples of tool use. A wide range of animals, including mammals, birds, fish, cephalopods, and insects, are considered to use tools."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Algunos animales utilizan herramientas para realizar actividades que incluyen procurarse alimento y agua, aseo personal, defensa, recreaci\u00F3n o construcci\u00F3n.\u200B Durante tiempo se pens\u00F3 que esta era una habilidad exclusiva de los humanos, dado que el uso de herramientas requiere un nivel sofisticado de cognici\u00F3n. Ahora ya es innegable que hay animales, sobre todo entre las aves y los primates, que no s\u00F3lo utilizan sino incluso fabrican herramientas, por ejemplo arrancando hojas de una ramita, d\u00E1ndole a un tallo forma de lazo o afilando una rama para usarla como arma. Se considera que una gran gama de animales utiliza herramientas, incluyendo mam\u00EDferos, p\u00E1jaros, peces, cefal\u00F3podos e insectos. \u200B\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "top"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Bonobo at the San Diego Zoo \"fishing\" for termites.jpg"@en . . . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . . "248"^^ . "BonoboFishing04.jpeg"@en . . . . . "230"^^ . . "Algunos animales utilizan herramientas para realizar actividades que incluyen procurarse alimento y agua, aseo personal, defensa, recreaci\u00F3n o construcci\u00F3n.\u200B Durante tiempo se pens\u00F3 que esta era una habilidad exclusiva de los humanos, dado que el uso de herramientas requiere un nivel sofisticado de cognici\u00F3n. Ahora ya es innegable que hay animales, sobre todo entre las aves y los primates, que no s\u00F3lo utilizan sino incluso fabrican herramientas, por ejemplo arrancando hojas de una ramita, d\u00E1ndole a un tallo forma de lazo o afilando una rama para usarla como arma. Se considera que una gran gama de animales utiliza herramientas, incluyendo mam\u00EDferos, p\u00E1jaros, peces, cefal\u00F3podos e insectos."@es . . . "225"^^ . . . . . "Weaver Nest.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "L'utilisation d'outils chez les animaux est un comportement identifi\u00E9 chez certains animaux susceptibles d'employer des objets \u00E0 des fins de recherche de nourriture et d'eau, de toilettage, de d\u00E9fense ou d'agression, de jeu ou de construction. Longtemps consid\u00E9r\u00E9e comme une facult\u00E9 sp\u00E9cifique de l'Homme, l'utilisation d\u00E9lib\u00E9r\u00E9e d'outils par les autres animaux est apparue dans la litt\u00E9rature \u00E9thologique essentiellement depuis les ann\u00E9es 1960, ces d\u00E9couvertes ayant r\u00E9volutionn\u00E9 le regard humain sur la cognition animale. L'utilisation d'outils chez les animaux non-humains se r\u00E9v\u00E8le n'\u00EAtre pas seulement une facult\u00E9 acquise mais est parfois g\u00E9n\u00E9tiquement pr\u00E9-programm\u00E9e."@fr . "EmperorPenguinFeedingChick.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "O uso de ferramentas por animais \u00E9 um comportamento vastamente observado em in\u00FAmeras esp\u00E9cies e uma caracter\u00EDstica que surgiu independente em diversos grupos, como primatas, aves, polvos, cet\u00E1ceos, ouri\u00E7os-do-mar e at\u00E9 insetos. Apesar de raro em animais aqu\u00E1ticos, esse comportamento, assim como em animais terrestres, \u00E9 taxonomicamente diverso. A defini\u00E7\u00E3o exata de uso de ferramentas por animais e at\u00E9 mesmo do pr\u00F3prio conceito de ferramenta \u00E9 um tema de debate que se estende por d\u00E9cadas entre estudiosos. Por ter sido considerada por muito tempo uma caracter\u00EDstica exclusiva de seres humanos, muitas das defini\u00E7\u00F5es de uso de ferramentas tem uma \u00F3tica antropoc\u00EAntrica, que v\u00EAm sendo desconstru\u00EDda com o passar do tempo. Atualmente, o conceito de uso de ferramentas varia de acordo com o objetivo do estudo em quest\u00E3o. Devido a essa \u00F3tica antropoc\u00EAntrica, por muito tempo foi pensado que o uso de ferramentas estava associado diretamente ao tamanho maior do enc\u00E9falo e a um n\u00EDvel de cogni\u00E7\u00E3o elevado. Atualmente, sabe-se que o uso de ferramentas depende n\u00E3o s\u00F3 do tamanho do enc\u00E9falo, como tamb\u00E9m da presen\u00E7a de caracter\u00EDsticas e condi\u00E7\u00F5es que permitam ou favore\u00E7am tal atividade, da capacidade de aprendizado e, consequentemente, do n\u00EDvel de conv\u00EDvio social da esp\u00E9cie em quest\u00E3o, al\u00E9m do comportamento instintivo do animal. Essas caracter\u00EDsticas podem, exclusivamente, influenciar o uso de ferramentas ou agir de forma conjunta para a manifesta\u00E7\u00E3o desse comportamento. Por exemplo, foram observados caranguejos que tiveram seus c\u00E9rebros removidos e continuaram executando tarefas de ornamenta\u00E7\u00E3o atrav\u00E9s do uso de ferramentas. Os tipos de uso de ferramentas tamb\u00E9m s\u00E3o incrivelmente diversos e variam de esp\u00E9cie para esp\u00E9cie, sendo observados usos para a alimenta\u00E7\u00E3o, defesa, manuten\u00E7\u00E3o corporal e at\u00E9 como iscas. Existem v\u00E1rias hip\u00F3teses para a evolu\u00E7\u00E3o do comportamento de explora\u00E7\u00E3o do ambiente atrav\u00E9s de ferramentas, as quais incluem desde abordagens mais gerais que abrangem todos os t\u00E1xons, at\u00E9 abordagens espec\u00EDficas para cada t\u00E1xon."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "BonoboFishing01.jpeg"@en . . "Uso de herramientas por animales"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Penggunaan alat pada hewan adalah perilaku yang dapat ditemui pada beberapa hewan ketika mereka menggunakan alat untuk mencari makan atau air, membersihkan diri, mempertahankan diri atau menyerang, bermain, atau . Penggunaan alat sebelumnya dianggap sebagai perilaku yang terbatas pada manusia, tetapi contoh-contoh penggunaan alat oleh hewan mulai diterbitkan dalam buku-buku etologi pada tahun 1960an dan mengubah pemahaman mengenai kecerdasan hewan. Penggunaan alat pada hewan tidak hanya menunjukkan kemampuan yang dipelajari oleh hewan itu sendiri, tetapi kadang-kadang juga merupakan perilaku yang diprogram secara genetik. Menurut biolog Benjamin B. Beck, terdapat tiga kondisi yang harus dipenuhi untuk menentukan apakah suatu hewan dapat menggunakan alat: 1. \n* Objek tersebut harus terlepas dari substratnya dan harus berada di luar tubuh si pengguna 2. \n* Pengguna alat harus memegang atau mengenakan alat tersebut pada saat penggunaan atau tepat sebelumnya dan alat tersebut harus digunakan dengan benar untuk mencapai suatu tujuan 3. \n* Penggunaan alat harus memicu perubahan bentuk, posisi dan kondisi objek lain, organisme lain, atau si pengguna itu sendiri. Ahli-ahli etologi membedakan alat dengan \"proto-alat\" yang didefinisikan sebagai suatu instrumen yang tidak terlepas dari lingkungannya atau tidak dimanipulasi secara fisik oleh hewan (seperti batu raksasa atau permukaan tanah yang keras). Contoh dari proto-alat adalah burung-burung yang menjatuhkan kacang atau tulang ke batu (seperti hering berjanggut dan hering mesir). Beberapa hewan (terutama yang tinggal di penangkaran dan telah menjadi subjek percobaan) menggunakan \"meta-alat\", yaitu alat yang digunakan untuk membuat atau memperoleh alat lain. Contohnya, simpanse dapat membuat suatu tongkat menjadi runcing untuk mengejar buruannya."@in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Utilisation d'outils chez les animaux"@fr . "Penggunaan alat pada hewan adalah perilaku yang dapat ditemui pada beberapa hewan ketika mereka menggunakan alat untuk mencari makan atau air, membersihkan diri, mempertahankan diri atau menyerang, bermain, atau . Menurut biolog Benjamin B. Beck, terdapat tiga kondisi yang harus dipenuhi untuk menentukan apakah suatu hewan dapat menggunakan alat:"@in . . . . . . . . . . . "Tool use by animals"@en . . . . . . . . "Uso de ferramentas por animais"@pt . . . . .