. . . . . . . . "Sony BBC Earth is an Indian pay television channel owned by BBC Studios and Culver Max Entertainment. The channel broadcasts BBC programming in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu through its four audio tracks available. The BBC entered into a joint venture with Multi Screen Media to launch the channel in India, which was finally launched on 6 March 2017, following regulatory approval of the joint venture."@en . . . . . "Telugu"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sony BBC Earth"@en . . . . "1091337371"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sony BBC Earth"@en . . "576"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3447"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sony BBC Earth"@en . "2017-03-06"^^ . . "1080"^^ . . "Sony BBC Earth is an Indian pay television channel owned by BBC Studios and Culver Max Entertainment. The channel broadcasts BBC programming in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu through its four audio tracks available. The BBC entered into a joint venture with Multi Screen Media to launch the channel in India, which was finally launched on 6 March 2017, following regulatory approval of the joint venture."@en . . "India"@en . . "Sony BBC Earth"@pt . "Tamil"@en . "Hindi"@en . . . . . "53387425"^^ . "English"@en . "Sony_BBC_Earth.png"@en . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . "Sony BBC Earth \u00E9 um canal pago indiano de propriedade da BBC Studios e Sony Pictures Networks. O canal exibe a programa\u00E7\u00E3o da BBC em ingl\u00EAs, hindi, tamil, e telugu em seus quatro canais de \u00E1udio. Em 6 de mar\u00E7o de 2017, ap\u00F3s a aprova\u00E7\u00E3o regulat\u00F3ria da joint venture entre BBC e Multi Screen Media, o canal iniciou as suas transmiss\u00F5es."@pt . . . . "Sony BBC Earth \u00E9 um canal pago indiano de propriedade da BBC Studios e Sony Pictures Networks. O canal exibe a programa\u00E7\u00E3o da BBC em ingl\u00EAs, hindi, tamil, e telugu em seus quatro canais de \u00E1udio. Em 6 de mar\u00E7o de 2017, ap\u00F3s a aprova\u00E7\u00E3o regulat\u00F3ria da joint venture entre BBC e Multi Screen Media, o canal iniciou as suas transmiss\u00F5es."@pt . . .