. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rock en tu idioma was a publicity campaign -- resulting in a series of rock albums -- initiated by the BMG Ariola music label, which other labels later also joined, to promote and distribute the music of Mexican, Spanish and Argentinian bands. Between 1986 and 1991 the campaign was part of a musical movement in Latin America, and of the boom that arose from what became known as the Movida Madrile\u00F1a."@en . "962547883"^^ . . . . "Rock en tu idioma"@es . "El Rock en tu idioma fue una campa\u00F1a de difusi\u00F3n, impulsada y producida por la compa\u00F1\u00EDa discogr\u00E1fica BMG Ariola, para dar a conocer y distribuir bandas de m\u00FAsica rock mexicanas, espa\u00F1olas y argentinas; y que despu\u00E9s se le unir\u00EDan otros sellos discogr\u00E1ficos. Abarca desde 1986 hasta 1990. No es un movimiento musical radicado en Latinoam\u00E9rica, parte del boom provino de la llamada movida madrile\u00F1a. Su objetivo era propagar la m\u00FAsica de grupos de rock en espa\u00F1ol, creando \u00E1lbumes recopilatorios, con m\u00FAsica de varios artistas, que por s\u00ED solos no tendr\u00EDan \u00E9xito comercial; tambi\u00E9n se realizaron algunos conciertos para aprovechar la tendencia de \u00E9xito. Los \u00E1lbumes de Rock en tu idioma fueron muy populares a finales de los 80 en M\u00E9xico ya que inclu\u00EDan grupos mexicanos, sudamericanos y espa\u00F1oles que eran dif\u00EDciles de adquirir, la mayor\u00EDa por no tener alg\u00FAn \u00E1lbum documentado y por lo tanto desconocidos en el mercado; un ejemplo es 15 a\u00F1os de Rock en tu idioma distribuido por BMG. Rock 101 fue la emisora de radio que empez\u00F3 a transmitir rock en espa\u00F1ol en M\u00E9xico, ellos llevaron al espa\u00F1ol Miguel R\u00EDos a la Plaza de Toros. Posteriormente el mismo grupo cre\u00F3 Espacio 59, emisora de radio en la banda de AM que transmitir\u00EDa \u00FAnicamente rock en espa\u00F1ol. Rockotitl\u00E1n fue el lugar en el que muchos de estos grupos se presentaron, estaba ubicado cerca de la avenida Insurgentes Sur en la Ciudad de M\u00E9xico."@es . . "Rock en tu idioma was a publicity campaign -- resulting in a series of rock albums -- initiated by the BMG Ariola music label, which other labels later also joined, to promote and distribute the music of Mexican, Spanish and Argentinian bands. Between 1986 and 1991 the campaign was part of a musical movement in Latin America, and of the boom that arose from what became known as the Movida Madrile\u00F1a. The campaign's goal was to spread the music of rock bands in Spanish. It created compilation albums from the music of various artists who might not have gotten as much attention from a solo release. Several concerts were also organized to leverage the excitement. The Rock en tu idioma albums were very popular in Mexico by the late 1980s, and included music from rock groups whose work would have been difficult to find elsewhere; many had not previously released an album and were quite unknown. The 15 a\u00F1os de Rock en tu idioma album distributed by BMG is a good example. was the station which first began playing rock in Spanish in Mexico, and produced a Miguel R\u00EDos concert at the Plaza de Toros. Later, the AM station broadcast Spanish-language rock only in the final three years of the 80s. This was critical to the success of Rock en tu idioma. was a venue where many of these groups played, located off the Insurgentes avenue (south) in Mexico City. Many bands got their start playing at this venue, of which several went on to obtain professional recording contracts. Bands like Maldita Vecindad, Fobia, Pante\u00F3n Rococo, Los Amantes de Lola, Caifanes and others all played their early shows there."@en . . . "51558366"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3623"^^ . . . . "El Rock en tu idioma fue una campa\u00F1a de difusi\u00F3n, impulsada y producida por la compa\u00F1\u00EDa discogr\u00E1fica BMG Ariola, para dar a conocer y distribuir bandas de m\u00FAsica rock mexicanas, espa\u00F1olas y argentinas; y que despu\u00E9s se le unir\u00EDan otros sellos discogr\u00E1ficos. Abarca desde 1986 hasta 1990. No es un movimiento musical radicado en Latinoam\u00E9rica, parte del boom provino de la llamada movida madrile\u00F1a."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rock en tu idioma"@en . . .