. . . . . "\u7070\u65E9\u719F\u79BE"@zh . . "\u0422\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0456\u0433 \u0441\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0439"@uk . . . "glauca"@en . . . "Bl\u00E5gr\u00F6e"@sv . . . . . . "1774"^^ . . "Bl\u00E5gr\u00F6e (Poa glauca) \u00E4r en gr\u00E4sart som beskrevs av Vahl. Enligt Catalogue of Life ing\u00E5r Bl\u00E5gr\u00F6e i sl\u00E4ktet gr\u00F6en och familjen gr\u00E4s, men enligt Dyntaxa \u00E4r tillh\u00F6righeten ist\u00E4llet sl\u00E4ktet gr\u00F6en och familjen gr\u00E4s. Arten \u00E4r reproducerande i Sverige. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life."@sv . "1020435571"^^ . . . . . . "Poa glauca"@en . . . . . . . . "\u7070\u65E9\u719F\u79BE\uFF08\u5B66\u540D\uFF1APoa glauca\uFF09\u4E5F\u79F0\u5B9C\u5170\u65E9\u719F\u79BE\uFF0C\u4E3A\u79BE\u672C\u79D1\u65E9\u719F\u79BE\u5C5E\u4E0B\u7684\u4E00\u4E2A\u79CD\u3002\u6A21\u5F0F\u6807\u672C\u91C7\u81EA\u6B27\u6D32\u3002"@zh . . "Poa glauca is a species of grass known by the common names glaucous bluegrass, glaucous meadow-grass and white bluegrass. It has a circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout the northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It is also known from Patagonia. It is a common grass, occurring in Arctic and alpine climates and other areas. It can be found throughout the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in many types of habitat, including disturbed and barren areas. This is a perennial bunchgrass growing small, dense clumps of waxy leaves and stems up to about 80 centimeters in maximum height, but often remaining dwarfed, no more than 10 centimeters tall. The inflorescence is variable in appearance, growing into a short or long arrangement of thin branches bearing spikelets."@en . . "26361076"^^ . . . "Bl\u00E5gr\u00F6e (Poa glauca) \u00E4r en gr\u00E4sart som beskrevs av Vahl. Enligt Catalogue of Life ing\u00E5r Bl\u00E5gr\u00F6e i sl\u00E4ktet gr\u00F6en och familjen gr\u00E4s, men enligt Dyntaxa \u00E4r tillh\u00F6righeten ist\u00E4llet sl\u00E4ktet gr\u00F6en och familjen gr\u00E4s. Arten \u00E4r reproducerande i Sverige. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life."@sv . . . "Poa"@en . . . "\u0422\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0456\u0433 \u0441\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0439 (Poa glauca Vahl) \u2014 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0440\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0438\u043D \u0456\u0437 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0443 \u0442\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0456\u0433 (Poa) \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 \u0442\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0445 (Poaceae)."@uk . . "Wiechlina sina (Poa glauca Vahl) \u2013 gatunek uprawnej ro\u015Bliny z rodziny wiechlinowatych (Poaceae (R. Br.) Barnh.). Szeroko rozprzestrzeniony na p\u00F3\u0142kuli p\u00F3\u0142nocnej. W Polsce gatunek rzadki. Ro\u015Bnie w Beskidzie \u017Bywieckim i Tatrach."@pl . . "\u7070\u65E9\u719F\u79BE\uFF08\u5B66\u540D\uFF1APoa glauca\uFF09\u4E5F\u79F0\u5B9C\u5170\u65E9\u719F\u79BE\uFF0C\u4E3A\u79BE\u672C\u79D1\u65E9\u719F\u79BE\u5C5E\u4E0B\u7684\u4E00\u4E2A\u79CD\u3002\u6A21\u5F0F\u6807\u672C\u91C7\u81EA\u6B27\u6D32\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Wiechlina sina"@pl . "Poa glauca is a species of grass known by the common names glaucous bluegrass, glaucous meadow-grass and white bluegrass. It has a circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout the northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It is also known from Patagonia. It is a common grass, occurring in Arctic and alpine climates and other areas. It can be found throughout the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in many types of habitat, including disturbed and barren areas."@en . . . . . . . . "\u0422\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0456\u0433 \u0441\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0439 (Poa glauca Vahl) \u2014 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0440\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0438\u043D \u0456\u0437 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0443 \u0442\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0456\u0433 (Poa) \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 \u0442\u043E\u043D\u043A\u043E\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0445 (Poaceae)."@uk . . . . . . "Wiechlina sina (Poa glauca Vahl) \u2013 gatunek uprawnej ro\u015Bliny z rodziny wiechlinowatych (Poaceae (R. Br.) Barnh.). Szeroko rozprzestrzeniony na p\u00F3\u0142kuli p\u00F3\u0142nocnej. W Polsce gatunek rzadki. Ro\u015Bnie w Beskidzie \u017Bywieckim i Tatrach."@pl . . . . . . . . . .