. "1931"^^ . "Morochucos - grupa etniczna w Peru, okre\u015Blani jako \"bia\u0142e\" plemi\u0119. Zamieszkuj\u0105 zw\u0142aszcza region Ayacucho. Pos\u0142uguj\u0105 si\u0119 j\u0119zykiem keczua, lecz ich rysy zdradzaj\u0105 wyra\u017Anie europejskie pochodzenie. Wielu ma jasne w\u0142osy i oczy. Wed\u0142ug og\u00F3lnie przyj\u0119tej tradycji maj\u0105 by\u0107 potomkami zwolennik\u00F3w Diego de Almagro, zbuntowanych przeciwko koronie hiszpa\u0144skiej. Po kl\u0119sce rewolty zbiegli na wysokog\u00F3rskie pastwiska w Andach i wymieszali z miejscow\u0105 ludno\u015Bci\u0105 india\u0144sk\u0105. S\u0105 doskona\u0142ymi je\u017Ad\u017Acami, utrzymuj\u0105 si\u0119 z rolnictwa, sami okre\u015Blaj\u0105 si\u0119 mianem \"campesinos\", czyli wie\u015Bniakami."@pl . . . . . . . "Morochucos - grupa etniczna w Peru, okre\u015Blani jako \"bia\u0142e\" plemi\u0119. Zamieszkuj\u0105 zw\u0142aszcza region Ayacucho. Pos\u0142uguj\u0105 si\u0119 j\u0119zykiem keczua, lecz ich rysy zdradzaj\u0105 wyra\u017Anie europejskie pochodzenie. Wielu ma jasne w\u0142osy i oczy. Wed\u0142ug og\u00F3lnie przyj\u0119tej tradycji maj\u0105 by\u0107 potomkami zwolennik\u00F3w Diego de Almagro, zbuntowanych przeciwko koronie hiszpa\u0144skiej. Po kl\u0119sce rewolty zbiegli na wysokog\u00F3rskie pastwiska w Andach i wymieszali z miejscow\u0105 ludno\u015Bci\u0105 india\u0144sk\u0105. S\u0105 doskona\u0142ymi je\u017Ad\u017Acami, utrzymuj\u0105 si\u0119 z rolnictwa, sami okre\u015Blaj\u0105 si\u0119 mianem \"campesinos\", czyli wie\u015Bniakami."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Morochuco"@en . . "Morochuco"@es . . . . . . . . "19287297"^^ . . . "The Morochucos are the cowboys of the plains of the Peruvian Andes, living mainly in the Region of Ayacucho. They raise cattle and tame horses for their livelihood, and they engage in other typical activities of a cattle-horseman cowboy. They are comparable to other cowboys of Latin America such as the , the cowboys from Cusco, also in Peru, the Chilean huaso, the Argentine/Bolivian/Uruguayan gaucho, the Spanish vaqueiro, the Colombian/Venezuelan llanero, and the Mexican charro. Morochucos are known for their bravery and strength. They are descendants of the Almagristas who fought in the Battle of Chupas, and more recently, participated in the war between Peru and Chile. Their clothing is adapted to the cold of the Andes. They wear flat-brimmed hats similar to those of the Argentine gauchos, below which they wear a chullo with the lappets tied to the face and an alpaca scarf. On the torso, they wear a black or gray vest beneath a poncho. They fit a strip or sash around their waist and wear knee high black boots with Peruvian or common spurs. They use their horses to move the cattle, surround the cattle, or tame other horses. They enjoy horse races and rodeos in their fiestas as well as bullfights. They also participate in the festivities in Ayacucho, especially during the Holy Saturday during the Holy week of Easter. They rope-pull the bulls in the streets of Huamanga, Ayacucho in a celebration called \"Jala-toro\" (bull-pulling) in which the bulls are released in the heavily crowded streets. While the people play with the bulls, the morochucos pull on the ropes holding the bulls before the people are hurt or charged."@en . . "Los son los vaqueros de las llanuras de los Andes peruanos, que viven principalmente en el Departamento de Ayacucho. Para su sustento se dedican a la cr\u00EDa de ganado y a la doma de caballos. Los Morochucos son personajes \u00EDntimamente ligados al folclore ayacuchano, conocidos por su valent\u00EDa, fuerza y habilidad como jinetes, habiendo tenido una protag\u00F3nica participaci\u00F3n en la guerra de independencia y la Campa\u00F1a de la Bre\u00F1a en la guerra del salitre. Su m\u00E1ximo representante es el pr\u00F3cer Basilio Auqui."@es . . . . . . . "Los son los vaqueros de las llanuras de los Andes peruanos, que viven principalmente en el Departamento de Ayacucho. Para su sustento se dedican a la cr\u00EDa de ganado y a la doma de caballos. Los Morochucos son personajes \u00EDntimamente ligados al folclore ayacuchano, conocidos por su valent\u00EDa, fuerza y habilidad como jinetes, habiendo tenido una protag\u00F3nica participaci\u00F3n en la guerra de independencia y la Campa\u00F1a de la Bre\u00F1a en la guerra del salitre. Su m\u00E1ximo representante es el pr\u00F3cer Basilio Auqui."@es . . "The Morochucos are the cowboys of the plains of the Peruvian Andes, living mainly in the Region of Ayacucho. They raise cattle and tame horses for their livelihood, and they engage in other typical activities of a cattle-horseman cowboy. They are comparable to other cowboys of Latin America such as the , the cowboys from Cusco, also in Peru, the Chilean huaso, the Argentine/Bolivian/Uruguayan gaucho, the Spanish vaqueiro, the Colombian/Venezuelan llanero, and the Mexican charro."@en . . "1043244911"^^ . . "Morochucos"@pl . .