. . . . . . . . "Current TV adalah saluran televisi Amerika dari 1 Agustus 2005 hingga 20 Agustus 2013. Pendiri INdTV sebelumnya, Al Gore dan , dengan , masing-masing memegang saham yang cukup besar di Current TV. Comcast dan DirecTV masing-masing memiliki saham yang lebih kecil."@in . . . . . . . . "Current TV est une cha\u00EEne t\u00E9l\u00E9vis\u00E9e am\u00E9ricaine fond\u00E9e par l'ancien vice-pr\u00E9sident am\u00E9ricain Al Gore, l'avocat et une \u00E9quipe d'industriels et de jeunes impliqu\u00E9s dans le monde des m\u00E9dias jusqu'en ao\u00FBt 2013. En combinant le 38 millions de foyers abonn\u00E9s aux \u00C9tats-Unis avec les 12 millions de foyers abonn\u00E9s au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, Current TV avait d\u00E9pass\u00E9, moins de deux ans apr\u00E8s ses d\u00E9buts, le cap des 50 millions de foyers branch\u00E9s."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV \u00E8 stato un network televisivo internazionale di informazione indipendente, fondato nel 2005 da Al Gore, ex vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti e Premio Nobel per la pace 2007, e da Joel Hyatt, membro del Partito Democratico e consigliere d'amministrazione di Hewlett-Packard. Premiata nel 2007 con un Emmy per il servizio TV interattivo, Current era una piattaforma crossmediale attiva 24 ore su 24 che integrava televisione e internet. Essa si fondava sul concetto di contenuto generato dagli utenti, tanto che nel 2007 si stimava che questa costituisse il 30% della programmazione. Anche per quanto riguarda le inserzioni pubblicitarie, il network ha sviluppato il modello V-CAMs (Viewer Created Advertising Messages), ossia messaggi pubblicitari creati dallo spettatore. Il suo target di riferimento \u00E8 quello della fascia demografica 18-34 anni. Current \u00E8 attualmente visibile negli Stati Uniti attraverso i partner di distribuzione Comcast (Canale 107), Time Warner, DirecTV (Canale 358), Dish Network (Canale 215). In Italia le trasmissioni sono partite l'8 maggio 2008 e terminate il 31 luglio 2011. Le trasmissioni inglesi sono partite, invece, il 12 marzo 2007 e terminate l'11 marzo 2012. Dal giugno 2009 va in onda anche in Canada. Negli Stati Uniti, Current TV aveva circa 400 impiegati. Negli USA, Current si collocava al sesto posto fra le TV nella fascia tra i 18 e i 34 anni e al primo in quella tra i 25 e i 34. Il 2 gennaio 2013 \u00E8 stata diffusa la notizia dell'acquisto di Current da parte di Al Jazeera, la quale ha manifestato l'intenzione di chiudere Current e lanciare un nuovo canale basato a New York denominato ; tale annuncio si \u00E8 poi realizzato il 20 agosto dello stesso anno."@it . . . . . . "Logo from 2011 to 2013"@en . . . . "Current TV"@en . . . "2007-10-14"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV UK"@en . . . "Current TV"@fr . "Current TV, tambi\u00E9n conocido simplemente como Current, fue un canal de televisi\u00F3n propiedad (hasta el 2013) del exvicepresidente de EE.UU. Al Gore y el empresario .\u200B Sali\u00F3 al aire en los EE. UU. a la medianoche (ET) (04:00 UTC) del 1 de agosto de 2005. El canal tambi\u00E9n es transmitido en Canad\u00E1 (desde 2009, v\u00EDa onda larga) y Sud\u00E1frica (desde 2010, v\u00EDa sat\u00E9lite). El canal tambi\u00E9n fue transmitido en Italia (desde 2008 a 2011) y en Irlanda y Gran Breta\u00F1a (desde 2007 hasta 2012). El canal tiene una reputaci\u00F3n de hacer periodismo arriesgado, joven y moderno, tanto en aspectos culturales como en geopol\u00EDtica internacional.\u200B Adem\u00E1s, el canal tiene tendencia de izquierda.\u200B El 2 de enero de 2013, se anunci\u00F3 que la emisora catar\u00ED Al Jazeera hab\u00EDa adquirido el canal. Al Jazeera tambi\u00E9n ha declarado que planea cerrar el canal actual y el lanzamiento de un nuevo canal en Nueva York, llamado Al Jazeera Am\u00E9rica utilizando la red actual de distribuci\u00F3n. Tambi\u00E9n, planea sobre el desguace de la alineaci\u00F3n de programaci\u00F3n del canal y de la marca.\u200B\u200B\u200B Esto permiti\u00F3 que la emisora multiplicara por nueve su inserci\u00F3n en el mercado de la televisi\u00F3n por cable de los Estados Unidos.\u200B"@es . "AJ+ and Jetty"@en . . "Current TV foi um canal de televis\u00E3o independente dirigido pelo ex-vice-presidente norte-americano Al Gore e pelo executivo . Sua primeira transmiss\u00E3o ocorreu em 1 de agosto de 2005. Uma rede europ\u00E9ia, limitada ao Reino Unido e \u00E0 Irlanda, foi inaugurada em 12 de mar\u00E7o de 2007. Em 2013 dia 20 de agosto, a Current TV encerrou suas transmiss\u00F5es sendo substitu\u00EDda pela , a quem havia sido vendida."@pt . . . . "2005-08-01"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV"@it . . "Current TV was an American television channel which broadcast from August 1, 2005, to August 20, 2013. Prior INdTV founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, with Ronald Burkle, each held a sizable stake in Current TV. Comcast and DirecTV each held a smaller stake. The channel started out as a user-generated content channel with content made by viewers in 15-minute blocks. The channel later switched formats to become an independent news network aimed at progressive politics. Neither format brought the success that Gore and Hyatt had wanted. On January 2, 2013, it was announced that Current TV had been sold by Gore and Hyatt to Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera Media Network. AJMN stated it planned to shut down the Current TV channel, retain its off-air staff, and to launch a new New York City-based channel named Al Jazeera America (using Current's distribution network). Current had operated in the same way with Newsworld International, a predecessor to Current. They also said they planned to scrap the channel's programming lineup and brand. Al Jazeera America replaced Current TV on August 20, 2013, at 3:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 pm Central time. The former headquarters would become the home of Al Jazeera's all-online digital channel AJ+."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV"@in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV adalah saluran televisi Amerika dari 1 Agustus 2005 hingga 20 Agustus 2013. Pendiri INdTV sebelumnya, Al Gore dan , dengan , masing-masing memegang saham yang cukup besar di Current TV. Comcast dan DirecTV masing-masing memiliki saham yang lebih kecil."@in . . . . . . . . "Current TV is een Amerikaans voormalig kabeltelevisiekanaal dat op 1 augustus 2005 begon met uitzenden. Het televisiekanaal werd door oud-presidentskandidaat Al Gore (Democratische Partij) en advocaat opgericht. De reden voor de oprichting was dat er volgens Gore een alternatief moest zijn voor de rechtse Amerikaanse media."@nl . "1182469"^^ . "San Francisco, California with secondary studios in Culver City, California and New York City"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV, tambi\u00E9n conocido simplemente como Current, fue un canal de televisi\u00F3n propiedad (hasta el 2013) del exvicepresidente de EE.UU. Al Gore y el empresario .\u200B Sali\u00F3 al aire en los EE. UU. a la medianoche (ET) (04:00 UTC) del 1 de agosto de 2005. El canal tambi\u00E9n es transmitido en Canad\u00E1 (desde 2009, v\u00EDa onda larga) y Sud\u00E1frica (desde 2010, v\u00EDa sat\u00E9lite). El canal tambi\u00E9n fue transmitido en Italia (desde 2008 a 2011) y en Irlanda y Gran Breta\u00F1a (desde 2007 hasta 2012)."@es . . . . . . . . "Current TV is een Amerikaans voormalig kabeltelevisiekanaal dat op 1 augustus 2005 begon met uitzenden. Het televisiekanaal werd door oud-presidentskandidaat Al Gore (Democratische Partij) en advocaat opgericht. De reden voor de oprichting was dat er volgens Gore een alternatief moest zijn voor de rechtse Amerikaanse media."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV"@en . . . . "Current TV"@en . "2013-08-20"^^ . . . "Al Gore and Joel Hyatt"@en . . . "Current TV"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Current.png"@en . . . . . "Current TV"@pt . . . . "Current TV \u00E8 stato un network televisivo internazionale di informazione indipendente, fondato nel 2005 da Al Gore, ex vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti e Premio Nobel per la pace 2007, e da Joel Hyatt, membro del Partito Democratico e consigliere d'amministrazione di Hewlett-Packard. Il suo target di riferimento \u00E8 quello della fascia demografica 18-34 anni. Negli Stati Uniti, Current TV aveva circa 400 impiegati. Negli USA, Current si collocava al sesto posto fra le TV nella fascia tra i 18 e i 34 anni e al primo in quella tra i 25 e i 34."@it . . . . "Current TV foi um canal de televis\u00E3o independente dirigido pelo ex-vice-presidente norte-americano Al Gore e pelo executivo . Sua primeira transmiss\u00E3o ocorreu em 1 de agosto de 2005. Uma rede europ\u00E9ia, limitada ao Reino Unido e \u00E0 Irlanda, foi inaugurada em 12 de mar\u00E7o de 2007. Em 2013 dia 20 de agosto, a Current TV encerrou suas transmiss\u00F5es sendo substitu\u00EDda pela , a quem havia sido vendida. O diretor brasileiro Daniel Flor\u00EAncio produziu diversos document\u00E1rios para o canal, dentre eles Gagged in Brazil, um filme cr\u00EDtico \u00E0 pol\u00EDtica de comunica\u00E7\u00E3o do governo de Minas Gerais, na \u00E9poca comandado pelo hoje Deputado federal A\u00E9cio Neves, e Tracking William: A Night with a Paparazzo sobre o trabalho de um paparazzo no rastro do Pr\u00EDncipe William e sua ent\u00E3o namorada Kate Middleton."@pt . . "Current TV est une cha\u00EEne t\u00E9l\u00E9vis\u00E9e am\u00E9ricaine fond\u00E9e par l'ancien vice-pr\u00E9sident am\u00E9ricain Al Gore, l'avocat et une \u00E9quipe d'industriels et de jeunes impliqu\u00E9s dans le monde des m\u00E9dias jusqu'en ao\u00FBt 2013. En combinant le 38 millions de foyers abonn\u00E9s aux \u00C9tats-Unis avec les 12 millions de foyers abonn\u00E9s au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, Current TV avait d\u00E9pass\u00E9, moins de deux ans apr\u00E8s ses d\u00E9buts, le cap des 50 millions de foyers branch\u00E9s."@fr . . . . . . "1119725873"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV was an American television channel which broadcast from August 1, 2005, to August 20, 2013. Prior INdTV founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, with Ronald Burkle, each held a sizable stake in Current TV. Comcast and DirecTV each held a smaller stake. The channel started out as a user-generated content channel with content made by viewers in 15-minute blocks. The channel later switched formats to become an independent news network aimed at progressive politics. Neither format brought the success that Gore and Hyatt had wanted."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "50690"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Current TV"@es . . . .