. . . . . . . "City Colleges of Chicago logo"@en . "Education that Works"@en . . . . . . . "\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u57CE\u5E02\u5B78\u9662\uFF08City Colleges of Chicago\uFF09\u662F\u70BA\u7F8E\u570B\u4F0A\u5229\u8AFE\u4F0A\u5DDE\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u5730\u5340\u5C45\u6C11\u63D0\u4F9B\u6559\u80B2\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u793E\u5340\u5B78\u9662\u7CFB\u7D71\uFF0C\u5305\u542B\u4E03\u6240\u793E\u5340\u5B78\u9662\u548C\u516D\u6240\u6559\u80B2\u4E2D\u5FC3\u3002\u5176\u63D0\u4F9B\u7684\u6559\u80B2\u9805\u76EE\u5305\u62EC\u4E8C\u5E74\u5236\u5927\u5C08\u3001\u4E03\u9031\u5236\u8077\u696D\u6559\u80B2\u548C\u4EE5\u82F1\u8A9E\u70BA\u7B2C\u4E8C\u8A9E\u8A00\u6216\u5916\u8A9E\u8AB2\u7A0B\u3002 \u5176\u884C\u653F\u90E8\u9580\u4F4D\u65BC\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u7684\u76E7\u666E\u5340\uFF0C 2013\u5E74\u5168\u5E74\u5B78\u751F\u6578\u9054114,255\u4EBA\uFF0C\u6559\u54E1\u90545,800\u4EBA\u3002"@zh . . . . . . "Los Colegios Comunitarios de Chicago (City Colleges of Chicago) es el distrito de colegios comuntarios de Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos. Tiene su sede en el Chicago Loop.\u200B Los colegios comuntarios del distrito son Richard J. Daley College, Kennedy-King College, Malcolm X College, Olive-Harvey College, Harry S. Truman College, y Wilbur Wright College.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . "City Colleges of Chicago"@en . . . . . . . . "City Colleges of Chicago Logo.jpg"@en . . . . . . "Colegios Comunitarios de Chicago"@es . "7.23114957E8"^^ . . "The City Colleges of Chicago is the public community college system of the Chicago area. Its colleges offer associate degrees, certificates, free courses for the GED, and free English as a second language (ESL) courses. The City Colleges system has its administrative offices in the Chicago Loop. As of 2021, the system has a yearly count of nearly 70,000 students and more than 4,000 faculty and staff members. Juan Salgado is City Colleges' chancellor since 2017."@en . . "U.S."@en . . . . . "City Colleges of Chicago"@en . . . . . . . . "Education that Works" . . . "Illinois education District No. 508"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "40508"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "1911"^^ . . "525"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u57CE\u5E02\u5B78\u9662\uFF08City Colleges of Chicago\uFF09\u662F\u70BA\u7F8E\u570B\u4F0A\u5229\u8AFE\u4F0A\u5DDE\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u5730\u5340\u5C45\u6C11\u63D0\u4F9B\u6559\u80B2\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u793E\u5340\u5B78\u9662\u7CFB\u7D71\uFF0C\u5305\u542B\u4E03\u6240\u793E\u5340\u5B78\u9662\u548C\u516D\u6240\u6559\u80B2\u4E2D\u5FC3\u3002\u5176\u63D0\u4F9B\u7684\u6559\u80B2\u9805\u76EE\u5305\u62EC\u4E8C\u5E74\u5236\u5927\u5C08\u3001\u4E03\u9031\u5236\u8077\u696D\u6559\u80B2\u548C\u4EE5\u82F1\u8A9E\u70BA\u7B2C\u4E8C\u8A9E\u8A00\u6216\u5916\u8A9E\u8AB2\u7A0B\u3002 \u5176\u884C\u653F\u90E8\u9580\u4F4D\u65BC\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u7684\u76E7\u666E\u5340\uFF0C 2013\u5E74\u5168\u5E74\u5B78\u751F\u6578\u9054114,255\u4EBA\uFF0C\u6559\u54E1\u90545,800\u4EBA\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . "The City Colleges of Chicago is the public community college system of the Chicago area. Its colleges offer associate degrees, certificates, free courses for the GED, and free English as a second language (ESL) courses. The City Colleges system has its administrative offices in the Chicago Loop. As of 2021, the system has a yearly count of nearly 70,000 students and more than 4,000 faculty and staff members. Juan Salgado is City Colleges' chancellor since 2017."@en . . . . "Los Colegios Comunitarios de Chicago (City Colleges of Chicago) es el distrito de colegios comuntarios de Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos. Tiene su sede en el Chicago Loop.\u200B Los colegios comuntarios del distrito son Richard J. Daley College, Kennedy-King College, Malcolm X College, Olive-Harvey College, Harry S. Truman College, y Wilbur Wright College.\u200B"@es . . "525"^^ . . . . . "Urban"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1266"^^ . "40508"^^ . . . . . "2836686"^^ . "22413"^^ . . . . . "1118225250"^^ . "City Colleges of Chicago"@en . . . "\u829D\u52A0\u54E5\u57CE\u5E02\u5B78\u9662"@zh . . .