. "Fernanda Mendes de Almeida Ivens Ferraz Jardim, 1\u00BA President"@en . . "Eug\u00E9nio Jos\u00E9 da Cruz Fonseca"@en . "1945"^^ . . . . . . . . "Humanitarian aid, International development and social service"@en . . "Caritas Portugal"@pt . "Caritas Portugal (\"C\u00E1ritas Portuguesa\") \u00E9 uma organiza\u00E7\u00E3o oficial da Igreja Cat\u00F3lica em Portugal para a caridade social, institu\u00EDdo pela Confer\u00EAncia Episcopal Portuguesa. A C\u00E1ritas Portuguesa foi fundada em 1945, tendo os seus primeiros estatutos aprovados em 1956."@pt . . "Caritas Portugal (\"C\u00E1ritas Portuguesa\") \u00E9 uma organiza\u00E7\u00E3o oficial da Igreja Cat\u00F3lica em Portugal para a caridade social, institu\u00EDdo pela Confer\u00EAncia Episcopal Portuguesa. A C\u00E1ritas Portuguesa foi fundada em 1945, tendo os seus primeiros estatutos aprovados em 1956. Dos anos 50 a meados dos anos 70, as suas atividades centraram-se, fundamentalmente, na distribui\u00E7\u00E3o de bens alimentares pela popula\u00E7\u00E3o portuguesa, doados pelos Estados Unidos da Am\u00E9rica e no acolhimento, por fam\u00EDlias portuguesas, de crian\u00E7as vindas dos pa\u00EDses do centro da Europa, no p\u00F3s II Grande Guerra Mundial e no in\u00EDcio das tens\u00F5es da chamada Guerra Fria."@pt . . . . "38.740833333333335 -9.135833333333334" . "Caritas Portugal (\"C\u00E1ritas Portuguesa\" in Portugal) is the official Catholic Church organization in Portugal for charity and social relief, instituted by the Portuguese Episcopal Conference. Caritas Portuguesa was founded in 1945, with its first statutes were approved in 1956. From the 50s to mid-70s, its activities have focused primarily on the distribution of food by the Portuguese population, donated by the United States and the host by Portuguese families, children from the countries of central Europe in the post World War II and the beginning of the tensions of the Cold War."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-9.1358337402344 38.740833282471)"^^ . "39530127"^^ . "Caritas Portugal"@en . . . . "1109784589"^^ . . . . . . "-9.135833740234375"^^ . . . "2098"^^ . "Caritas Portugal"@en . . . . . . . . "Caritas Portugal"@en . "38.7408332824707"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Caritas Portugal (\"C\u00E1ritas Portuguesa\" in Portugal) is the official Catholic Church organization in Portugal for charity and social relief, instituted by the Portuguese Episcopal Conference. Caritas Portuguesa was founded in 1945, with its first statutes were approved in 1956. From the 50s to mid-70s, its activities have focused primarily on the distribution of food by the Portuguese population, donated by the United States and the host by Portuguese families, children from the countries of central Europe in the post World War II and the beginning of the tensions of the Cold War."@en . . "Portugal"@en .