. . . . "1107970834"^^ . . . "BASICODE"@de . . . . . "BASICODE was a computer project intended to create a unified standard for the BASIC programming language. BASIC was available on many popular home computers, but there were countless variants that were mostly incompatible with each other. The project was initiated in 1980 by Hobbyscoop, a radio program of the Dutch broadcasting organisation Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). The language implementations were architecture-specific utility applications that executed calls of subroutines for text and audio defined in the BASICODE language standard, adapted according to the abilities of the host computer system. These applications, called Bascoders, also enabled the sharing of data and programs across different computer platforms by defining a data format for the Compact Cassettes that were regularly used as storage media in the 1980s. A BASICODE program stored on cassette could be loaded and run on any computer supporting the language. BASICODE was often called \"Esperanto for computers\" for that reason."@en . "Basicode was een project met als doel een universele programmeertaal voor hobbycomputers te maken. De taal was afgeleid van de programmeertaal BASIC."@nl . . . . "BASICODE was a computer project intended to create a unified standard for the BASIC programming language. BASIC was available on many popular home computers, but there were countless variants that were mostly incompatible with each other. The project was initiated in 1980 by Hobbyscoop, a radio program of the Dutch broadcasting organisation Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS)."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Basicode"@it . . . . . . . . . "Basicode"@nl . "Il formato dati BASICODE venne proposto negli anni '80 per rispondere al problema della scarsa compatibilit\u00E0 tra i microcomputer dell'epoca. Infatti quasi tutti i sistemi dell'epoca erano programmabili in BASIC e tutti permettevano di salvare i programmi su normali audiocassette, ma i diversi dialetti BASIC utilizzati e soprattutto i differenti formati dati non permettevano i trasferimenti di programmi tra computer di marca differente."@it . . . . "4753069"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Basicode was een project met als doel een universele programmeertaal voor hobbycomputers te maken. De taal was afgeleid van de programmeertaal BASIC."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "18629"^^ . . . . . "BASICODE war ein in den 1980er- und 1990er-Jahren aktives Computerprojekt mit dem Ziel, einen einheitlichen Sprachstandard f\u00FCr die Programmiersprache BASIC festzulegen. BASIC war zwar auf vielen in dieser Zeit popul\u00E4ren Heimcomputern verbreitet, jedoch in unz\u00E4hligen zueinander inkompatiblen Varianten. Das Projekt wurde 1980 von der niederl\u00E4ndischen Rundfunkvereinigung Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) in der Rundfunkserie Hobbyscoop ins Leben gerufen und sp\u00E4ter auch vom WDR Computerclub, vom Rundfunk der DDR und von der British Broadcasting Corporation (kurz: BBC) unterst\u00FCtzt."@de . . . . . . . . . . "BASICODE"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Il formato dati BASICODE venne proposto negli anni '80 per rispondere al problema della scarsa compatibilit\u00E0 tra i microcomputer dell'epoca. Infatti quasi tutti i sistemi dell'epoca erano programmabili in BASIC e tutti permettevano di salvare i programmi su normali audiocassette, ma i diversi dialetti BASIC utilizzati e soprattutto i differenti formati dati non permettevano i trasferimenti di programmi tra computer di marca differente. Nel formato BASICODE, la registrazione dei programmi \u00E8 analoga al metodo comunemente usato per salvare dati. Quindi i comandi non sono salvati o letti sotto forma di singolo byte (TOKEN), ma carattere per carattere. Un blocco dati inizia con il carattere 02 (STX, \"start of text\" ovvero marcatore di inizio testo), e finisce con il carattere 03 (ETX, \"end of text\", naturalmente indicante la fine). Dopo ETX, un byte di controllo costituito dai dati appena trasmessi conclude il processo. Il carattere 0D (13 in decimale) delimita le linee durante la trasmissione. I file dati creati dai programmi possono utilizzare tutti i caratteri normali, ma non possono comprendere i caratteri di controllo. Il salvataggio \u00E8 composto da blocchi successivi di 1024 byte."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "BASICODE war ein in den 1980er- und 1990er-Jahren aktives Computerprojekt mit dem Ziel, einen einheitlichen Sprachstandard f\u00FCr die Programmiersprache BASIC festzulegen. BASIC war zwar auf vielen in dieser Zeit popul\u00E4ren Heimcomputern verbreitet, jedoch in unz\u00E4hligen zueinander inkompatiblen Varianten. Das Projekt wurde 1980 von der niederl\u00E4ndischen Rundfunkvereinigung Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) in der Rundfunkserie Hobbyscoop ins Leben gerufen und sp\u00E4ter auch vom WDR Computerclub, vom Rundfunk der DDR und von der British Broadcasting Corporation (kurz: BBC) unterst\u00FCtzt. Grundlage des Systems waren rechnerspezifische Zusatzprogramme, welche die Aufrufe der durch den BASICODE-Sprachstandard definierten Subroutinen f\u00FCr die Ein- und Ausgabe von Text, Grafik und Sound entsprechend den technischen M\u00F6glichkeiten des jeweiligen Rechners ausf\u00FChrten. Diese als Bascoder bezeichneten Programme erm\u00F6glichten dar\u00FCber hinaus durch Definition eines einheitlichen Datenformats f\u00FCr die damals als Datentr\u00E4ger \u00FCblichen Compact Cassetten den Programm- und Datenaustausch zwischen verschiedenen Heimcomputerplattformen sowie \u00FCber die Ausstrahlung im Rundfunk."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .