"Le plan am\u00E9ricain est une mani\u00E8re de cadrer un personnage ou un groupe de personnages \u00E0 mi-cuisse, au cin\u00E9ma comme en photographie. Il est parfois appel\u00E9 plan trois-quarts, notamment en photographie, comme le manteau \u00AB trois-quarts \u00BB, qui couvre jusqu'\u00E0 la m\u00EAme hauteur."@fr . . . "American shot"@en . "2472"^^ . "\"American shot\" or \"cowboy shot\" is a translation of a phrase from French film criticism, plan am\u00E9ricain, and refers to a medium-long (\"knee\") film shot of a group of characters, who are arranged so that all are visible to the camera. The usual arrangement is for the actors to stand in an irregular line from one side of the screen to the other, with the actors at the end coming forward a little and standing more in profile than the others. The purpose of the composition is to allow complex dialogue scenes to be played out without changes in camera position. In some literature, this is simply referred to as a 3/4 shot."@en . "1117867826"^^ . . . "Plan ameryka\u0144ski (ang. American shot) \u2013 rodzaj planu filmowego polegaj\u0105cy na pokazaniu postaci ludzkiej od wysoko\u015Bci nieco powy\u017Cej kolan do miejsca tu\u017C nad g\u0142ow\u0105. U\u017Cywany g\u0142\u00F3wnie do filmowania rozmawiaj\u0105cych os\u00F3b. Podobnie jak plan pe\u0142ny pokazuje relacje mi\u0119dzy osobami, obejmuj\u0105c gesty i mimik\u0119. Pozwala te\u017C na uchwycenie reali\u00F3w otoczenia. Jest zgodny z tym, w jaki spos\u00F3b ludzie normalnie postrzegaj\u0105 rozmawiaj\u0105ce osoby. W okresie filmu niemego stosowany by\u0142 rzadko, popularno\u015B\u0107 zdoby\u0142 po ."@pl . "\"American shot\" or \"cowboy shot\" is a translation of a phrase from French film criticism, plan am\u00E9ricain, and refers to a medium-long (\"knee\") film shot of a group of characters, who are arranged so that all are visible to the camera. The usual arrangement is for the actors to stand in an irregular line from one side of the screen to the other, with the actors at the end coming forward a little and standing more in profile than the others. The purpose of the composition is to allow complex dialogue scenes to be played out without changes in camera position. In some literature, this is simply referred to as a 3/4 shot. One of the other main reasons why French critics called it \"American shot\" was its frequent use in the western genre. This was because a shot that started at knee level would reveal the weapon of a cowboy, usually holstered at their waist. It is actually the closest the camera can get to an actor while keeping both their face and their holstered gun in frame. The French critics thought it was characteristic of American films of the 1930s or 1940s; however, it was mostly characteristic of cheaper American movies, such as Charlie Chan mysteries where people collected in front of a fireplace or at the foot of the stairs in order to explain what happened a few minutes ago. Howard Hawks legitimized this style in his films, allowing characters to act, even when not talking, when most of the audience would not be paying attention. It became his trademark style."@en . . "Plan ameryka\u0144ski (ang. American shot) \u2013 rodzaj planu filmowego polegaj\u0105cy na pokazaniu postaci ludzkiej od wysoko\u015Bci nieco powy\u017Cej kolan do miejsca tu\u017C nad g\u0142ow\u0105. U\u017Cywany g\u0142\u00F3wnie do filmowania rozmawiaj\u0105cych os\u00F3b. Podobnie jak plan pe\u0142ny pokazuje relacje mi\u0119dzy osobami, obejmuj\u0105c gesty i mimik\u0119. Pozwala te\u017C na uchwycenie reali\u00F3w otoczenia. Jest zgodny z tym, w jaki spos\u00F3b ludzie normalnie postrzegaj\u0105 rozmawiaj\u0105ce osoby. W okresie filmu niemego stosowany by\u0142 rzadko, popularno\u015B\u0107 zdoby\u0142 po ."@pl . "Plano americano"@pt . "Plano americano \u00E9 um posicionamento de c\u00E2mera muito utilizado no cinema e v\u00EDdeo. Enquadra a personagem dos joelhos para cima. Facilita a visualiza\u00E7\u00E3o da movimenta\u00E7\u00E3o e reconhecimento das personagens. O plano americano foi inventado por David W.Griffith, que chegou \u00E0 conclus\u00E3o de que a dist\u00E2ncia da c\u00E2mera ao personagem usada na \u00E9poca - c\u00E2mera est\u00E1tica filmando o ator inteiro, como se fosse um teatro - exigia da pessoa sendo filmada uma atua\u00E7\u00E3o muito dram\u00E1tica para que pudesse ser vista e entendida por todos. Inventou assim esse plano que se aproximava mais da pessoa, mostrando melhor e mais naturalmente sua express\u00E3o. Este plano surge nos Estados unidos, muito utilizado nos filmes western para mostrar as armas dos Cowboys."@pt . . . . "Plan am\u00E9ricain"@fr . . . . "Plano americano \u00E9 um posicionamento de c\u00E2mera muito utilizado no cinema e v\u00EDdeo. Enquadra a personagem dos joelhos para cima. Facilita a visualiza\u00E7\u00E3o da movimenta\u00E7\u00E3o e reconhecimento das personagens. O plano americano foi inventado por David W.Griffith, que chegou \u00E0 conclus\u00E3o de que a dist\u00E2ncia da c\u00E2mera ao personagem usada na \u00E9poca - c\u00E2mera est\u00E1tica filmando o ator inteiro, como se fosse um teatro - exigia da pessoa sendo filmada uma atua\u00E7\u00E3o muito dram\u00E1tica para que pudesse ser vista e entendida por todos. Inventou assim esse plano que se aproximava mais da pessoa, mostrando melhor e mais naturalmente sua express\u00E3o. Este plano surge nos Estados unidos, muito utilizado nos filmes western para mostrar as armas dos Cowboys."@pt . . . . . . . "Le plan am\u00E9ricain est une mani\u00E8re de cadrer un personnage ou un groupe de personnages \u00E0 mi-cuisse, au cin\u00E9ma comme en photographie. Il est parfois appel\u00E9 plan trois-quarts, notamment en photographie, comme le manteau \u00AB trois-quarts \u00BB, qui couvre jusqu'\u00E0 la m\u00EAme hauteur."@fr . . . . "Plan ameryka\u0144ski"@pl . . . . . . . . "966"^^ . .