"57438441"^^ . . "Assistant Secretary of the Labour Party"@en . . "Aman Ravindra Singh"@en . . . . . . . . "Aman Ravindra-Singh"@en . . "November 2017"@en . . . . . . . "Secretary General of the People's Democratic Party"@en . . . . . . . "2017"^^ . . . "2014"^^ . "Aman Ravindra-Singh"@en . "1107148622"^^ . . . "Aman Ravindra Singh is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He is currently the Assistant Secretary of the Fiji Labour Party and an eminent human rights and constitutional lawyer in Fiji. The Fiji Labour Party National Council appointed Singh as their parliamentary leader in preparation for general elections to be taking place in 2019. The Party leader, Mahendra Chaudhary also announced that if Labour Party wins the general elections in 2019, Singh will become the Prime Minister."@en . "6217"^^ . "Aman Ravindra Singh"@fr . . . . . "Aman Ravindra Singh est un homme politique fidjien d'origine indienne. Il est actuellement secr\u00E9taire adjoint du Parti travailliste fidjien et un \u00E9minent juriste constitutionnel aux Fidji. Le Conseil national du Parti travailliste fidjien a nomm\u00E9 Singh \u00E0 la t\u00EAte du parti en vue des \u00E9lections l\u00E9gislatives qui auront lieu en 2018. Le chef du parti, Mahendra Chaudhry, a \u00E9galement annonc\u00E9 que si le Parti travailliste remporte les \u00E9lections g\u00E9n\u00E9rales en 2018, Singh deviendra Premier ministre."@fr . . "Aman Ravindra Singh is a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He is currently the Assistant Secretary of the Fiji Labour Party and an eminent human rights and constitutional lawyer in Fiji. The Fiji Labour Party National Council appointed Singh as their parliamentary leader in preparation for general elections to be taking place in 2019. The Party leader, Mahendra Chaudhary also announced that if Labour Party wins the general elections in 2019, Singh will become the Prime Minister."@en . . . . ""@en . . . . . . . ""@en . "Activist"@en . . . . . "Aman Ravindra Singh est un homme politique fidjien d'origine indienne. Il est actuellement secr\u00E9taire adjoint du Parti travailliste fidjien et un \u00E9minent juriste constitutionnel aux Fidji. Le Conseil national du Parti travailliste fidjien a nomm\u00E9 Singh \u00E0 la t\u00EAte du parti en vue des \u00E9lections l\u00E9gislatives qui auront lieu en 2018. Le chef du parti, Mahendra Chaudhry, a \u00E9galement annonc\u00E9 que si le Parti travailliste remporte les \u00E9lections g\u00E9n\u00E9rales en 2018, Singh deviendra Premier ministre."@fr . . . . . "Lawyer"@en . . . .