An Entity of Type: societal event, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, sometimes more simply referred to as the Battle of Spotsylvania (or the 19th-century spelling Spottsylvania), was the second major battle in Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's 1864 Overland Campaign of the American Civil War. Following the bloody but inconclusive Battle of the Wilderness, Grant's army disengaged from Confederate General Robert E. Lee's army and moved to the southeast, attempting to lure Lee into battle under more favorable conditions. Elements of Lee's army beat the Union army to the critical crossroads of the Spotsylvania Court House in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and began entrenching. Fighting occurred on and off from May 8 through May 21, 1864, as Grant tried various schemes to break the Confederate line

Property Value
  • The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, sometimes more simply referred to as the Battle of Spotsylvania (or the 19th-century spelling Spottsylvania), was the second major battle in Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's 1864 Overland Campaign of the American Civil War. Following the bloody but inconclusive Battle of the Wilderness, Grant's army disengaged from Confederate General Robert E. Lee's army and moved to the southeast, attempting to lure Lee into battle under more favorable conditions. Elements of Lee's army beat the Union army to the critical crossroads of the Spotsylvania Court House in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and began entrenching. Fighting occurred on and off from May 8 through May 21, 1864, as Grant tried various schemes to break the Confederate line. In the end, the battle was tactically inconclusive, but both sides declared victory. The Confederacy declared victory because they were able to hold their defenses. The United States declared victory because the Federal offensive continued and Lee's army suffered losses that could not be replaced. With almost 32,000 casualties on both sides, Spotsylvania was the costliest battle of the campaign. On May 8, Union Maj. Gens. Gouverneur K. Warren and John Sedgwick unsuccessfully attempted to dislodge the Confederates under Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson from Laurel Hill, a position that was blocking them from Spotsylvania Court House. On May 10, Grant ordered attacks across the Confederate line of earthworks, which by now extended over 4 miles (6.4 km), including a prominent salient known as the Mule Shoe. Although the Union troops failed again at Laurel Hill, an innovative assault attempt by Col. Emory Upton against the Mule Shoe showed promise. Grant used Upton's assault technique on a much larger scale on May 12 when he ordered the 15,000 men of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock's corps to assault the Mule Shoe. Hancock was initially successful, but the Confederate leadership rallied and repulsed his incursion. Attacks by Maj. Gen. Horatio Wright on the western edge of the Mule Shoe, which became known as the "Bloody Angle", involved almost 24 hours of desperate hand-to-hand fighting, some of the most intense of the Civil War. Supporting attacks by Warren and by Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside were unsuccessful. Grant repositioned his lines in another attempt to engage Lee under more favorable conditions and launched a final attack by Hancock on May 18, which made no progress. A reconnaissance in force by Confederate Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell at Harris farm on May 19 was a costly and pointless failure. On May 21, Grant disengaged from the Confederate Army and started southeast on another maneuver to turn Lee's right flank, as the Overland Campaign continued and led to the Battle of North Anna. (en)
  • Die Schlacht bei Spotsylvania Court House, auch einfach Schlacht von Spotsylvania genannt, wurde im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg ausgetragen und war die zweite Schlacht in Generalleutnant Ulysses S. Grants Überland-Feldzug 1864. Sie fand in der Nähe der Flüsse Rapidan und Rappahannock im zentralen Virginia statt, einer Gegend, in der zwischen 1862 und 1864 mehr als 100.000 Soldaten beider Seiten ihr Leben verloren.Die Schlacht und die mit ihr verbundenen Bewegungen dauerten vom 8. Mai bis zum 21. Mai 1864. Die 52.000 Soldaten von General Robert E. Lees konföderierter Nord-Virginia-Armee erwarteten in einer stark ausgebauten, knapp 6,5 Kilometer langen Verteidigungsstellung den Ansturm von Generalmajor George Gordon Meades 100.000 Mann starker Potomac-Armee. Spotsylvania stellte Lees zweiten Versuch innerhalb des Überland-Feldzuges dar, den Vorstoß der Potomac-Armee zur konföderierten Hauptstadt Richmond, Virginia zu vereiteln. (de)
  • La batalla de Spotsylvania (en inglés: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House) fue uno de los enfrentamientos bélicos de la Guerra de Secesión, ocurrido del 8 al 21 de mayo de 1864. Fue una de las muchas batallas que fueron libradas entre el Ejército del Potomac de la Unión y el Ejército de Virginia del Norte de la Confederación. La batalla fue parte de la campaña de Overland y fue la segunda batalla en esa campaña después de la batalla de la espesura, que había ocurrido 16 km al noroeste de Spotsylvania y que también fue librada por ambos ejércitos. (es)
  • La bataille de Spotsylvania (ou Spotsylvania Court House) qui se déroula du 9 au 12 mai 1864 fut une bataille de la guerre de Sécession qui opposa les généraux Grant et Lee. Elle fut l'un des affrontements les plus atroces de la guerre (L'Angle Sanglant). (fr)
  • スポットシルバニア・コートハウスの戦い(スポットシルバニア・コートハウスのたたかい、英:Battle of Spotsylvania Court House、または単にスポットシルバニアの戦い、英:Battle of Spotsylvania)は、南北戦争の中盤1864年5月8日から21日に、北軍ユリシーズ・グラント中将が、南軍ロバート・E・リー将軍の北バージニア軍に対して起ち上げたオーバーランド方面作戦の2番目の戦いである。戦場はバージニア州中部のラピダン川とラッパハノック川の地域であり、1862年から1864年の間に両軍共に10万名以上が倒れた場所でもあった。 この戦闘は全長がおよそ4マイル (6 km)の塹壕線に沿って行われ、リーの北バージニア軍が、グラントとジョージ・ミード少将のポトマック軍の春の攻勢を止めようという2回目の試みだった。流血が多く引き分けに終わった荒野の戦いから1週間も経たないうちに起こっており、南軍は52,000名、対する北軍は100,000名が参加した。 (ja)
  • La battaglia di Spotsylvania Court House, talvolta chiamata semplicemente battaglia di Spotsylvania, fu la seconda battaglia nella Campagna Terrestre della guerra di secessione americana condotta dal tenente generale Ulysses S. Grant nel 1864. Fu combattuta nei pressi dell'area centrale della Virginia dei fiumi Rapidan-Rappahannock, una regione in cui più di 100.000 uomini su entrambi i fronti combatterono fra il 1862 e il 1864. La battaglia fu combattuta dall'8 maggio al 21 maggio 1864, lungo una linea di fronte di 4 miglia, con l'Armata della Virginia Settentrionale comandata dal generale Robert E. Lee che tentava una seconda volta di arrestare l'offensiva primaverile dell'esercito unionista dell'Armata del Potomac al comando del tenente generale Ulysses S. Grant e del maggiore generale George G. Meade. Ebbe luogo una settimana dopo la cruenta e inconcludente battaglia del Wilderness e vide contrapposti appena 52.000 soldati confederati e 100.000 soldati unionisti. Ancora una volta il genio di Lee permise all'esercito confederato di arrestare l'avanzata di una forza di gran lunga superiore, tuttavia l'abilità di Grant nell'adattarsi ad ogni imprevisto e la sua rapidità nel mutare i piani, gli consentirono di capovolgere l'esito dello scontro sul campo, mantenendo l'iniziativa. (it)
  • Bitwa pod Spotsylvanią – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce w dniach 8-21 maja 1864 roku w trakcie amerykańskiej wojny secesyjnej. W roku 1864, po walkach w dziczy, w których zginęło 17 000 żołnierzy Unii oraz 11 000 konfederatów żadnej ze stron nie udało się uzyskać znaczniejszej przewagi. Generał unionistów Ulysses Grant zarządził wymarsz w kierunku wsi . Po drodze jednak musiał obejść lewą flankę armii południowców pod dowództwem generała Roberta E. Lee. Po dotarciu na miejsce Grant natknął się na silną obronę konfederatów skrytych za linią podwójnych okopów. Pierwszy do natarcia ruszył 2 korpus generała Hancocka, który musiał przekroczyć 2 strumienie. Trwało to na tyle długo, że Lee zdążył wzmocnić swoje lewe skrzydło 2 dywizjami. Atak powiódł się tylko częściowo, gdyż zaledwie w kilku miejscach unionistom udało się przerwać linię obrony przeciwnika. Następnie żołnierze północy pod dowództwem obeszli drugą linię obrony konfederatów i uderzyli na nich od tyłu biorąc do niewoli ok. 1000 ludzi. Jednak kontratak południowców zmusił Granta do wycofania się przy dużych stratach. Powodem niepowodzenia było nienadejście w porę posiłków dla unionistów. Grant skierował wówczas na konfederatów ogień swych 22 dział i zarządził atak 15 000 ludzi Hancocka. Atak przyniósł powodzenie, a konfederaci stracili wiele dział i ludzi wziętych do niewoli. Kolejny kontratak konfederatów w padającym deszczu i mgle spowodował wielkie straty po obu stronach (bitwa nazywana jest krwawą bitwą spotsylwańską). W ograniczonej widoczności walczono głównie na bagnety i kolby karabinów. Dopiero wraz z zapadnięciem zmierzchu Lee, nie widząc sensu dalszej walki, nakazał swoim ludziom odwrót z pola bitwy. (pl)
  • De Slag bij Spotsylvania Court House vond plaats tussen 8 en 21 mei 1864 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Het was de tweede grote slag tussen de Noordelijke luitenant-generaal Ulysses S. Grant en de Zuidelijke generaal Robert E. Lee tijdens de Overland-veldtocht. Na de bloedige maar onbesliste Slag in de Wildernis probeerde Grant Lee naar een betere locatie te lokken om Lee te verslaan. De voorste eenheden van Lee's leger slaagden er echter in om als eersten bij het strategisch belangrijke kruispunt bij Spotsylvania Court House te geraken. Daar begonnen ze zich onmiddellijk in te graven. Grant probeerde verschillende methoden om de vijandelijke linies te breken. Na een strijd van 14 dagen en 32.000 slachtoffers verder was de slag onbeslist. (nl)
  • Slaget vid Spotsylvania Court House, ibland förkortat till slaget vid Spotsylvania (eller under 1800-talsstavningen Spottsylvania), var ett fältslag under generallöjtnant Ulysses S. Grants i amerikanska inbördeskriget. Striderna ägde rum av och till från och med den 8:e till 21 maj 1864, då Grant gjorde olika försök att bryta konfederationslinjen. I slutändan blev striden taktiskt oavgjort, men med nästan 32 000 förluster på båda sidor blev slaget det mest kostsamma under hela fälttåget. (sv)
  • Битва при Спотсильвейни (Спотсильвании) или сражение при Спотсильвейни Корт Хаус (Battle of Spotsylvania/Battle of Spotsylvania Court House) — второе по важности сражение Оверлендской кампании 1864 года под руководством генерала Улисса С. Гранта во время Гражданской войны в США. Сражение происходило с 8 по 21 мая 1864 года вдоль линии траншей длиной около 4 миль (6,5 км) между Северовирджинской армией под командованием генерала Роберта Ли, который предпринимал вторую попытку остановить весеннее наступление северян, и Потомакской армией под командованием генералов Улисса Гранта и Джорджа Мида. Грант предполагал обойти правый фланг армии Ли и отрезать его от Ричмонда, но его передовой V корпус был остановлен 8 мая у Спотсильвейни. Понимая, что столкнулся с сильной позицией, Грант предпринял 9 мая два наступления на фланги противника — силами II корпуса с запада и IX корпуса с востока, но и эта попытка не удалась. Решив, что противник усилил фланги за счёт центра, Грант приказал провести 10 мая общую атаку по всему фронту. На участке VI корпуса успеха достигла атака отряда Эмори Аптона, но развить его не удалось, и Аптон вынужден был отступить. Грант провёл перегруппировку и 12 мая атаковал выступ позиции южан («Подкову мула») силами II корпуса. Атакующие прорвали оборону Северовирджинской армии, 12 часов шли бои в траншеях, после чего южане отошли ко второй линии обороны. Не сумев добиться успеха атаками, Грант решил продолжать маневрирование. Сражение при Спотсильвейни стало 3-м сражением Гражданской войны по сумме потерь обеих армий. (ru)
  • A Batalha da Spotsylvania Court House, às vezes mais simplesmente referida como a Batalha da Spotsylvania (ou a ortografia do século XIX Spottsylvania), foi a segunda grande batalha entre o tenente-general Ulysses S. Grant e o major-general George G. Meade Campanha terrestre de 1864 da Guerra Civil Americana. Após a sangrenta, mas inconclusiva Batalha do Deserto, o exército de Grant se desvinculou do exército do general confederado Robert E. Lee e mudou-se para o sudeste, tentando atrair Lee para a batalha sob condições mais favoráveis. Elementos do exército de Lee venceram o Exército da União para a encruzilhada crítica do Tribunal de Spotsylvania no condado de Spotsylvania, Virgínia, e começou a se entrincheirar. Os combates ocorreram de 8 a 21 de maio de 1864, quando Grant tentou vários esquemas para quebrar a linha confederada. No final, a batalha foi taticamente inconclusiva, mas ambos os lados declararam vitória. A Confederação declarou vitória porque conseguiu manter suas defesas. Os Estados Unidos declararam vitória porque a ofensiva federal continuou e o exército de Lee sofreu perdas que não puderam ser substituídas. Com quase 32 000 baixas em ambos os lados, Spotsylvania foi a batalha mais cara da campanha. Em 8 de maio, os maiores generais da União. Gouverneur K. Warren e John Sedgwick tentaram sem sucesso desalojar os confederados sob o comando do major-general Richard H. Anderson de Laurel Hill, uma posição que os estava bloqueando do Spotsylvania Court House. Em 10 de maio, Grant ordenou ataques em toda a linha de terraplanagem da Confederação, que agora se estendia por mais de 6,4 km, incluindo um saliente proeminente conhecido como Mule Shoe. Embora as tropas da União tenham falhado novamente em Laurel Hill, uma tentativa de assalto inovadora do Coronel Emory Upton contra o Mule Shoe mostrou-se promissora. Grant usou a técnica de assalto de Upton em uma escala muito maior em 12 de maio, quando ordenou que os 15 000 homens do corpo do major-general Winfield Scott Hancock atacassem a Mule Shoe. Hancock foi inicialmente bem sucedido, mas a liderança confederada se reuniu e repeliu sua incursão. Os ataques do major-general Horatio Wright na borda oeste da Mule Shoe, que ficou conhecida como "Bloody Angle", envolveram quase 24 horas de luta corpo a corpo desesperada, algumas das mais intensas da Guerra Civil. Os ataques de apoio de Warren e do major-general Ambrose Burnside não tiveram sucesso. Grant reposicionou suas linhas em outra tentativa de engajar Lee em condições mais favoráveis ​​e lançou um ataque final por Hancock em 18 de maio, que não fez nenhum progresso. Um reconhecimento em vigor pelo tenente-general confederado Richard S. Ewell na fazenda Harris em 19 de maio foi um fracasso caro e inútil. Em 21 de maio, Grant se desvinculou do Exército Confederado e começou a sudeste em outra manobra para virar o flanco direito de Lee, enquanto a Campanha Overland continuava e levava à Batalha de North Anna. (pt)
  • 史波特斯凡尼亞郡府之役(英語:Battle of Spotsylvania Court House)又名史波特斯凡尼亞之役,爆發於1864年5月8日至5月21日,是格蘭特將軍上任東部戰場的總司令後發動的的第二場戰役,參與的兵士達150000人,死傷者約30000人。 是位於維吉尼亞州中部的一個小城鎮。 (zh)
  • 13,416 wounded
  • 2,258 captured or missing
  • 2,725 killed
  • Total: 18,399
  • United States
  • Confederate States
  • Inconclusive
  • 108,000–115,400
  • 52,000–63,000
  • 48961 (xsd:integer)
  • 71313 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124656789 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • InternetArchiveBot (en)
  • Battle of Spottsylvania, Thure de Thulstrup (en)
  • 2258 (xsd:integer)
  • 5414 (xsd:integer)
  • 5758 (xsd:integer)
  • 13416 (xsd:integer)
  • Total: 12,687 1,515 killed (en)
  • Total: 18,399 2,725 killed (en)
  • Confederate States (en)
  • United States (en)
  • Robert E. Lee (en)
  • Ulysses S. Grant (en)
  • George Meade (en)
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (en)
  • 0001-05-09 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 2012-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-04-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-05-03 (xsd:date)
  • July 2017 (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • the American Civil War (en)
  • "It was a bright May day. There was no fighting on any part of the line, and by permission I went. The pickets permitted me to pass, and I went over the breastworks to that portion of the field which had been occupied by Ramseur's Brigade. On my arrival in this angle, I could well see why the enemy had withdrawn their lines. The stench was almost unbearable. There was dead artillery horses in considerable numbers that had been killed on the 10th and in the early morning of the 12th. Along these lines of breastworks where the earth had been excavated to the depth of one or two feet and thrown over, making the breastworks, I found these trenches filled with water and in this water lay the dead bodies of friend and foe commingled, in many instances one laying across the other, and in one or more instances I saw as many as three lying across one another. All over the field lay the dead of both armies by hundreds, many of them mangled by shells. Many of the bodies swollen out of all proportion, some with their guns yet grasped in their hands. Now and then one could be seen covered with a blanket, which had been placed over him by a comrade after he had fallen. These bodies were decaying. The water was red, almost black with blood. Offensive flies were everywhere. The trees, saplings and shrubs were torn and shattered beyond description; guns, some of them broken, bayonets, canteens and cartridge boxes were scattered about, and the whole scene was such that no pen can, or ever will describe it. I have seen many fields after severe conflicts, but no where have I seen anything half so ghastly. I returned to my company and said to old man Thomas Carroll, a private in the company, who was frying meat at a fire, You would have saved rations by going with me, for I will have no more appetite for a week." (en)
  • With such entrenchments as these, having artillery throughout, with flank fire along the lines wherever practicable, and with the rifled musket then in use, which were effective at three hundred yards as the smooth-bore muskets at sixty yards, the strength of an army sustaining attack was more than quadrupled, provided they had force to man the entrenchments well. (en)
  • The appalling sight presented was harrowing in the extreme. Our own killed were scattered over a large space near the "angle," while in front of the captured breastworks the enemy's dead, vastly more numerous than our own, were piled upon each other in some places four layers deep, exhibiting every ghastly phase of mutilation. Below the mass of fast-decaying corpses, the convulsive twitching of limbs and the writhing of bodies showed that there were wounded men still alive and struggling to extricate themselves from the horrid entombment. Every relief possible was afforded, but in too many cases it came too late. The place was well named the "Bloody Angle." (en)
  • Inconclusive (en)
  • Gen. Ulysses Grant (en)
  • Grant's aide Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant (en)
  • Sgt. Cyrus Watson, Company K, 45th North Carolina Infantry (en)
  • Maj. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys, chief of staff to General Meade (en)
  • 52000 (xsd:integer)
  • 108000 (xsd:integer)
  • Burnside on the left had got up to within a few hundred yards of Spottsylvania Court House, completely turning Lee's right. He was not aware of the importance of the advantage he had gained, and I, being with the troops where the heavy fighting was, did not know of it at the time. He had gained his position with but little fighting, and almost without loss. Burnside's position now separated him widely from Wright's corps, the corps nearest to him. At night he was ordered to join on to this. This brought him back about a mile, and lost to us an important advantage. I attach no blame to Burnside for this, but I do to myself for not having had a staff officer with him to report to me his position. (en)
  • 30.0
  • 38.2242 -77.5981
  • La batalla de Spotsylvania (en inglés: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House) fue uno de los enfrentamientos bélicos de la Guerra de Secesión, ocurrido del 8 al 21 de mayo de 1864. Fue una de las muchas batallas que fueron libradas entre el Ejército del Potomac de la Unión y el Ejército de Virginia del Norte de la Confederación. La batalla fue parte de la campaña de Overland y fue la segunda batalla en esa campaña después de la batalla de la espesura, que había ocurrido 16 km al noroeste de Spotsylvania y que también fue librada por ambos ejércitos. (es)
  • La bataille de Spotsylvania (ou Spotsylvania Court House) qui se déroula du 9 au 12 mai 1864 fut une bataille de la guerre de Sécession qui opposa les généraux Grant et Lee. Elle fut l'un des affrontements les plus atroces de la guerre (L'Angle Sanglant). (fr)
  • スポットシルバニア・コートハウスの戦い(スポットシルバニア・コートハウスのたたかい、英:Battle of Spotsylvania Court House、または単にスポットシルバニアの戦い、英:Battle of Spotsylvania)は、南北戦争の中盤1864年5月8日から21日に、北軍ユリシーズ・グラント中将が、南軍ロバート・E・リー将軍の北バージニア軍に対して起ち上げたオーバーランド方面作戦の2番目の戦いである。戦場はバージニア州中部のラピダン川とラッパハノック川の地域であり、1862年から1864年の間に両軍共に10万名以上が倒れた場所でもあった。 この戦闘は全長がおよそ4マイル (6 km)の塹壕線に沿って行われ、リーの北バージニア軍が、グラントとジョージ・ミード少将のポトマック軍の春の攻勢を止めようという2回目の試みだった。流血が多く引き分けに終わった荒野の戦いから1週間も経たないうちに起こっており、南軍は52,000名、対する北軍は100,000名が参加した。 (ja)
  • De Slag bij Spotsylvania Court House vond plaats tussen 8 en 21 mei 1864 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Het was de tweede grote slag tussen de Noordelijke luitenant-generaal Ulysses S. Grant en de Zuidelijke generaal Robert E. Lee tijdens de Overland-veldtocht. Na de bloedige maar onbesliste Slag in de Wildernis probeerde Grant Lee naar een betere locatie te lokken om Lee te verslaan. De voorste eenheden van Lee's leger slaagden er echter in om als eersten bij het strategisch belangrijke kruispunt bij Spotsylvania Court House te geraken. Daar begonnen ze zich onmiddellijk in te graven. Grant probeerde verschillende methoden om de vijandelijke linies te breken. Na een strijd van 14 dagen en 32.000 slachtoffers verder was de slag onbeslist. (nl)
  • Slaget vid Spotsylvania Court House, ibland förkortat till slaget vid Spotsylvania (eller under 1800-talsstavningen Spottsylvania), var ett fältslag under generallöjtnant Ulysses S. Grants i amerikanska inbördeskriget. Striderna ägde rum av och till från och med den 8:e till 21 maj 1864, då Grant gjorde olika försök att bryta konfederationslinjen. I slutändan blev striden taktiskt oavgjort, men med nästan 32 000 förluster på båda sidor blev slaget det mest kostsamma under hela fälttåget. (sv)
  • 史波特斯凡尼亞郡府之役(英語:Battle of Spotsylvania Court House)又名史波特斯凡尼亞之役,爆發於1864年5月8日至5月21日,是格蘭特將軍上任東部戰場的總司令後發動的的第二場戰役,參與的兵士達150000人,死傷者約30000人。 是位於維吉尼亞州中部的一個小城鎮。 (zh)
  • The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, sometimes more simply referred to as the Battle of Spotsylvania (or the 19th-century spelling Spottsylvania), was the second major battle in Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's 1864 Overland Campaign of the American Civil War. Following the bloody but inconclusive Battle of the Wilderness, Grant's army disengaged from Confederate General Robert E. Lee's army and moved to the southeast, attempting to lure Lee into battle under more favorable conditions. Elements of Lee's army beat the Union army to the critical crossroads of the Spotsylvania Court House in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and began entrenching. Fighting occurred on and off from May 8 through May 21, 1864, as Grant tried various schemes to break the Confederate line (en)
  • Die Schlacht bei Spotsylvania Court House, auch einfach Schlacht von Spotsylvania genannt, wurde im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg ausgetragen und war die zweite Schlacht in Generalleutnant Ulysses S. Grants Überland-Feldzug 1864. Sie fand in der Nähe der Flüsse Rapidan und Rappahannock im zentralen Virginia statt, einer Gegend, in der zwischen 1862 und 1864 mehr als 100.000 Soldaten beider Seiten ihr Leben verloren.Die Schlacht und die mit ihr verbundenen Bewegungen dauerten vom 8. Mai bis zum 21. Mai 1864. Die 52.000 Soldaten von General Robert E. Lees konföderierter Nord-Virginia-Armee erwarteten in einer stark ausgebauten, knapp 6,5 Kilometer langen Verteidigungsstellung den Ansturm von Generalmajor George Gordon Meades 100.000 Mann starker Potomac-Armee. Spotsylvania stellte Lees zweiten (de)
  • La battaglia di Spotsylvania Court House, talvolta chiamata semplicemente battaglia di Spotsylvania, fu la seconda battaglia nella Campagna Terrestre della guerra di secessione americana condotta dal tenente generale Ulysses S. Grant nel 1864. Fu combattuta nei pressi dell'area centrale della Virginia dei fiumi Rapidan-Rappahannock, una regione in cui più di 100.000 uomini su entrambi i fronti combatterono fra il 1862 e il 1864. (it)
  • Bitwa pod Spotsylvanią – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce w dniach 8-21 maja 1864 roku w trakcie amerykańskiej wojny secesyjnej. W roku 1864, po walkach w dziczy, w których zginęło 17 000 żołnierzy Unii oraz 11 000 konfederatów żadnej ze stron nie udało się uzyskać znaczniejszej przewagi. Generał unionistów Ulysses Grant zarządził wymarsz w kierunku wsi . Po drodze jednak musiał obejść lewą flankę armii południowców pod dowództwem generała Roberta E. Lee. Po dotarciu na miejsce Grant natknął się na silną obronę konfederatów skrytych za linią podwójnych okopów. (pl)
  • A Batalha da Spotsylvania Court House, às vezes mais simplesmente referida como a Batalha da Spotsylvania (ou a ortografia do século XIX Spottsylvania), foi a segunda grande batalha entre o tenente-general Ulysses S. Grant e o major-general George G. Meade Campanha terrestre de 1864 da Guerra Civil Americana. Após a sangrenta, mas inconclusiva Batalha do Deserto, o exército de Grant se desvinculou do exército do general confederado Robert E. Lee e mudou-se para o sudeste, tentando atrair Lee para a batalha sob condições mais favoráveis. Elementos do exército de Lee venceram o Exército da União para a encruzilhada crítica do Tribunal de Spotsylvania no condado de Spotsylvania, Virgínia, e começou a se entrincheirar. Os combates ocorreram de 8 a 21 de maio de 1864, quando Grant tentou vários (pt)
  • Битва при Спотсильвейни (Спотсильвании) или сражение при Спотсильвейни Корт Хаус (Battle of Spotsylvania/Battle of Spotsylvania Court House) — второе по важности сражение Оверлендской кампании 1864 года под руководством генерала Улисса С. Гранта во время Гражданской войны в США. (ru)
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (en)
  • Schlacht bei Spotsylvania Court House (de)
  • Batalla de Spotsylvania (es)
  • Bataille de Spotsylvania (fr)
  • Battaglia di Spotsylvania Court House (it)
  • スポットシルバニア・コートハウスの戦い (ja)
  • Slag bij Spotsylvania Court House (nl)
  • Bitwa pod Spotsylvanią (pl)
  • Batalha de Spotsylvania Court House (pt)
  • Slaget vid Spotsylvania Court House (sv)
  • Битва при Спотсильвейни (ru)
  • 史波特斯凡尼亞郡府戰役 (zh)
  • POINT(-77.598098754883 38.224201202393)
  • 38.224201 (xsd:float)
  • -77.598099 (xsd:float)
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (en)
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