- Split: A Divided America is a documentary film about partisan divides in American society. It examines a perceived political divide (Red-States / Blue States, Conservatives and Liberals, Republicans and Democrats) from the perspective of cultural factors (like religion, urbanization, race and wealth), the modern media, contemporary campaigning strategies, and the "deterioration of civil discourse in our political experience". directed, co-wrote, and co-produced the film with co-writer Peter Hutchison and Jeff Beard. The cast includes Al Franken, Jesse Jackson, Noam Chomsky, Norm Ornstein, Tucker Carlson, Bruce Bartlett, Thomas Frank, Robert Putnam and Sharon Pratt Kelly among others. The documentary was broadcast domestically on the Independent Film Channel (IFC) and was distributed to classrooms nationwide in collaboration with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). (en)
- Split: A Divided America is a documentary film about partisan divides in American society. It examines a perceived political divide (Red-States / Blue States, Conservatives and Liberals, Republicans and Democrats) from the perspective of cultural factors (like religion, urbanization, race and wealth), the modern media, contemporary campaigning strategies, and the "deterioration of civil discourse in our political experience". (en)