- Smile (estilizado como SMiLE) es un álbum inacabado de la banda de rock estadounidense The Beach Boys que se proyectó como una especie de secuela de su undécimo álbum de estudio, Pet Sounds (1966). Después de que el líder de la banda y compositor principal Brian Wilson dejara grandes porciones de música grabada durante un período de diez meses, la banda reemplazó el lanzamiento de Smile con Smiley Smile (1967), un álbum que contiene versiones reducidas de material de Smile. Algunas pistas originales de Smile finalmente se lanzaron en álbumes posteriores de Beach Boys. El proyecto ha sido considerado como el álbum inédito más "legendario" en la historia de la música popular, y de hecho según la crítica es el álbum inédito más famoso de la historia del rock. Concebido como un álbum conceptual con letras de Van Dyke Parks, Wilson pretendía producir el LP grabando un gran excedente de fragmentos musicales cortos e intercambiables que luego se ensamblarían en un todo coherente, similar al sencillo del grupo de octubre de 1966 "Good Vibrations", que fue el éxito más vendido del grupo hasta ese momento. Promocionó Smile como una "sinfonía adolescente para Dios". Sus contenidos iban desde la palabra musical y hablada hasta los efectos de sonido y juego de roles, con sonidos innovadores y arreglos vocales, referencias a principios de la poesía americana y romántica, bocetos de comedias, exploraciones de objetos encontrados e influencias de clásicos, folk, doo-wop y música pop tradicional. Sus primeros seguimientos planificados fueron "Heroes and Villains", una comedia musical occidental, o "Vegatables", una sátira a la aptitud física. El colapso del álbum se debió a numerosos problemas personales, técnicos y legales que rodearon su creación. La mayoría de sus pistas de acompañamiento se completaron entre agosto y diciembre de 1966. Se omitió una fecha límite fijada para enero de 1967, y Parks pronto se distanció del proyecto. En junio, los Beach Boys volvieron a reunirse en el improvisado estudio casero de Brian para grabar Smiley Smile. Se hicieron muchos intentos para completar el Smile original, la mayoría de los cuales fracasaron por Wilson, quien quedó psicológicamente traumatizado por las sesiones difíciles del álbum. En la década de 1980 comenzaron a circular gran cantidad de pistas pirateadas entre coleccionistas de discos y otros círculos musicales. El potencial de lo que pudo haber sido Smile inspiró a muchos músicos, particularmente los de indie rock y post punk, y en ausencia de un álbum oficial, los fanáticos ensamblaron sus propias interpretaciones de Smile usando bootlegs y pistas que habían sido editadas. Como solista, Wilson reinterpretó el proyecto en conciertos en vivo en 2004, y luego siguió con el álbum de estudio titulado Brian Wilson Presents Smile. Aunque aparentemente había completado el trabajo, Wilson declaró que su arreglo de 2004 difería sustancialmente de cómo había conceptualizado el LP en la década de 1960. El 31 de octubre de 2011, se lanzó The Smile Sessions, que contiene una aproximación de lo que podría haber sido el Smile de The Beach Boys, basándose en la estructura de Brian Wilson Presents Smile. Recibió una amplia aclamación universal. En 2012, la compilación fue clasificada número 381 en la lista de Rolling Stone de "500 mejores álbumes de todos los tiempos". En 2013, ganó el premio al Mejor álbum histórico en los 55º premios Grammy. (es)
- Smile (stylized as SMiLE) is an unfinished album by the American rock band the Beach Boys that was planned to follow their 11th studio album Pet Sounds (1966). It was to be a 12-track LP that drew from over 50 hours of interchangeable sound fragments, similar to the group's 1966 single "Good Vibrations". Instead, after a year of recording, the album was shelved and the group released a downscaled version, Smiley Smile, in September 1967. Over the next four decades, few of the original Smile tracks were officially released, and the project came to be regarded as the most "legendary" unreleased album in popular music history. The album was produced and almost entirely composed by Brian Wilson with guest lyricist and assistant arranger Van Dyke Parks, both of whom conceived the project as a riposte to the British sensibilities that had dominated popular music of the era. Wilson touted Smile as a "teenage symphony to God" to surpass Pet Sounds. It was a concept album that was planned to feature word paintings, tape manipulation, elaborate vocal arrangements, experiments with musical acoustics, and comedic interludes, with influences drawn from mysticism, pre-rock and roll pop, doo-wop, jazz, ragtime, musique concrète, classical, American history, poetry, and cartoons. The lead single would have been "Heroes and Villains", a Western musical comedy, or "Vega-Tables", a satire of physical fitness. Numerous issues, including legal entanglements with Capitol Records, Wilson's uncompromising perfectionism and mental instabilities, as well as Parks' withdrawal from the project in early 1967, prevented the album's completion and release. Most of the backing tracks were produced between August and December 1966, but few vocals were ever recorded, and the album's structure was never finalized. Afraid of the public's reaction to his work, Wilson blocked attempts to complete Smile in the subsequent years. From 1968 onward, only three more tracks ("Our Prayer", "Cabinessence" and "Surf's Up") were finished by the group. As its legend grew, the project's unfulfilled potential inspired many fans and musicians, particularly those in indie rock, post-punk, and chamber pop genres. After the 1980s, bootlegged tracks circulated widely, allowing fans to assemble their own hypothetical versions of the finished album. In response, Capitol included a loose reconstruction of the album on the 1993 box set Good Vibrations. Due to the wealth of fan-created mixes it has inspired, some commentators cite Smile as the first ever interactive album. In 2004, Wilson, Parks, and Darian Sahanaja arranged a version of Smile for concert performances, titled Brian Wilson Presents Smile, which Wilson then adapted into a solo album of the same title. He stated that this version differed substantially from his original vision. The 2011 compilation The Smile Sessions was the first official package devoted to the original Beach Boys' recordings and included an approximation of the completed album. It received universal acclaim and won Best Historical Album at the 55th Grammy Awards. (en)
- Smile, devait être le douzième album studio des Beach Boys mais il a été abandonné. Certains titres ont été repris sur des albums ultérieurs, quelquefois en bonus, ainsi que des enregistrements pirates ayant fuité. Un essai de reconstitution pouvait alors être tenté. Les enregistrements originaux sont finalement utilisés et essayent de reconstituer ce que l'album aurait pu être. (fr)
- Smile (a volte reso graficamente come SMiLE) è un album discografico del gruppo musicale statunitense Beach Boys registrato tra il 1966 e il 1967 ma rimasto inedito fino al novembre 2011, quando venne pubblicato all'interno del cofanetto antologico The Smile Sessions, ricostruito filologicamente a partire dai nastri originari. Il progetto dell'album era stato inteso dal suo ideatore Brian Wilson per essere il seguito di Pet Sounds, ma l'opera non venne mai portata a termine nella sua forma originaria. Con il passare degli anni la statura mitica di Smile crebbe sempre più, acquisendo uno "status leggendario" fino a diventare il più celebre caso di "album perduto" nella storia della musica popolare. Wilson rimise mano al progetto nel 2003, e nel 2004 ne fece uscire una versione ri-registrata ex novo con la sua tour band, riscuotendo un buon successo di critica e vendite. Durante i 37 anni trascorsi dall'idea originaria alla pubblicazione della nuova versione di Wilson, Smile aveva acquisito una reputazione leggendaria di opera incompiuta, e diverse tracce dell'album originale da anni circolavano su bootleg tra i collezionisti. Molte delle tracce che erano state originariamente registrate per Smile, dopo la cancellazione del disco, trovarono posto nei successivi album dei Beach Boys pubblicati nel corso degli anni. Nel 2011 è stato pubblicato il box set intitolato The Smile Sessions, un cofanetto contenente diverse versioni dell'album ricostruite per mezzo delle registrazioni originali dell'epoca, insieme a molti provini e brani scartati; ricevendo un clamoroso successo di pubblico e critica. (it)
- 《Smile》은 미국의 록 밴드 비치 보이스의 미완성 및 미발매된 음반으로, 1966년에 발매한 《Pet Sounds》의 다음으로 발매가 될 예정이었다. 12개의 트랙이 수록된 콘셉트 LP 음반으로, 1966년에 나온 싱글 〈Good Vibrations〉와 유사한 풍이 될 예정이었다. 하지만 음반은 발매되지 못하고 보류되었고, 1967년 9월에 《Smiley Smile》이라는 이름의 규모가 축소된 음반이 발매되었다. 이후 40년 동안 《SMiLE》의 원곡은 거의 공식적으로 발표되지 않았으며, 이 프로젝트는 대중 음악 역사상 가장 "전설적인" 미발매 음반으로 남게 되었다. 이 음반은 브라이언 윌슨이 객원 작사가이자 보조 편곡가인 밴 다이크 파크스와 거의 전곡을 작곡하였다. 두 명은 모두 이 프로젝트를 당시 시대의 대중음악을 지배했던 영국 감성에 대한 것이라고 생각하였다. 윌슨은 《SMiLE》을 "신에게 보내는 청소년의 교향곡"이라고 말하면서, 《Pet Sounds》를 능가한다고 말했다. 음반에는 워드 페인팅, 정교한 편곡, 실험적인 사운드 등 많은 요소들을 집어넣었으며, 사이키델리아, 두왑, 재즈, 래그타임, 구체 음악, 클래식, 미국의 역사, 시, 만화, 신비주의 등 많은 것에 영향을 받았다. 리드 싱글은 〈Heroes and Villains〉 혹은 〈Vega-Tables〉였을 것으로 추정하고 있다. (ko)
- SMiLE is een nooit uitgebracht conceptalbum van The Beach Boys. Het was bedoeld als opvolger van Pet Sounds. Nadat Brian Wilson de opnames voor dit album staakte, brachten The Beach Boys het album Smiley Smile uit, waarop ook een aantal nummers staan van de SMiLE-sessies. Veel van de overige nummers zijn de daaropvolgende jaren afgemaakt en uitgebracht op latere albums. SMiLE is misschien wel het bekendste album dat nooit is afgemaakt of uitgebracht. In 2004 pakte Brian Wilson de draad weer op en nam een 'complete versie' van het album op. Ondanks de positieve recensies, geeft Wilson toe dat deze versie van SMiLE niet het album was dat hij oorspronkelijk in zijn hoofd had. Op 1 november 2011 werd The SMiLE Sessions uitgebracht, een compilatie van de originele SMiLE-sessies inclusief een benadering van hoe het album zou klinken als het toch was afgemaakt. Het ontving vrijwel unaniem lovende kritieken. De originele SMiLE-sessies waren echter al verkrijgbaar op bootlegs, waarop fans een poging waagden om het album af te maken. In 2012 werd The SMiLE Sessions op plaats 381 gezet in Rolling Stone's The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. In 2013 won het een Grammy Award voor Best Historical Album. (nl)
- SMiLE – album studyjny grupy The Beach Boys. Wydany został 1 listopada 2011 roku pod nazwą The SMiLE Sessions. Album miał początkowo być wydany po Smiley Smile, jednak Brian Wilson nie dokończył swego dzieła i nabawił się załamania nerwowego. Powody nieukończenia SMiLE wyjawił później w dokumencie "Beautiful Dreamer". Z okazji obchodów 50-lecia grupy album został ukończony i wydany przez Capitol Records. (pl)
- Smile (ibland också utskrivet som SMiLE) är troligen världens mest berömda outgivna rockalbum inspelat av den amerikanska pogruppen The Beach Boys. Albumet var av gruppens frontman och kompositör Brian Wilson tänkt som uppföljare till gruppens legendariska album Pet Sounds, men av flera anledningar klarade Brian Wilson inte av pressen från sig själv och andra att överträffa det albumet. Textförfattare för Smile var Van Dyke Parks. Projektet slutfördes aldrig och albumet förblev officiellt outgivet i komplett form. Delar av materialet gavs dock ut 1993 på CD-boxen Good Vibrations. Dessutom har det förekommit illegala versioner, så kallade bootlegs. 2003 återupptog dock Brian Wilson projektet och året efter gavs albumet Smile ut som ett soloalbum med nyinspelningar (och en del nyskrivna partier) av de låtar som var tänkta för originalutgåvan. Fem år senare, 2011, gavs en Beach Boys-box ut kallad The Smile Sessions, en serie låtar som var ihopsatta av originalinspelningarna från 60-talet. Under de 37 år som albumet låg outgivet omsvärmades det av mystik och rykten. Många av låtarna som egentligen var tänkt för Smile, däribland gruppens jättehit "Good Vibrations" gavs dock ut senare på efterföljande album. (sv)
- Smile foi um álbum não realizado pelo grupo The Beach Boys, do ano de 1967. Bastante esperado na época, o disco foi abortado na fase em que estaria montando as gravações. Finalmente após 44 anos de espera, o álbum foi realizado em 1 de novembro de 2011 pela Capitol Records, intitulado como The Smile Sessions, apenas com as gravações da época. Segundo Alan Boyd e Mark Linett, o disco foi finalizado e reconstruído da forma mais próxima como idealizado na época por Wilson. Este lançamento é parte da comemoração de 50 anos de fundação do grupo, que completou em 2011. (pt)
- If music students in a hundred years’ time want a master class in the development of compositional technique in twentieth century popular music then they should listen to the Smile tapes.[...] [it] stands totally apart from what anybody else was producing during the mid-'60s. (en)
- I feel like I’ve lost my talent. I'm working harder and getting less satisfaction than ever before. (en)
- I seriously doubt that any of you reading this don't have a homemade cassette recorder. If you do, then try this suggestion on a blank homemade cassette: COMPILE A SMILE ALBUM BY YOURSELF AT HOME!!! (en)
- The album has been one of the most discussed and dissected unreleased records ever made[...] Multiple theories abound concerning what Smile might actually have been if it had been completed, and many mysteries are contained even within Brian's semi-official tracklist, not to mention the scores of unfinished takes, brief instrumentals, and experiments that were attempted during the sessions. (en)
- [Brian would go] after take after – a monotony of repeated takes – to get a performance that fell by the wayside because of maybe one eighth note [...] He was his own worst critic, and everybody suffered in the process. (en)
- I'd call it contemporary American music, not rock 'n' roll. Rock 'n' roll is such a worn out phrase. It's just contemporary American. (en)
- [T]he main reason SMiLE is so unique [is that it was] the first album that forced fans to interact with it directly. We had to make our own edits and running orders on cassettes. They enjoyed debates on how it was supposed to be heard and what tracks were really intended to be included in the mythic "Elements" suite that supposedly would have climaxed the album. (en)
- Van Dyke had a lot of knowledge about America. I gave him hardly any direction. We wanted to get back to basics and try something simple. We wanted to capture something as basic as the mood of water and fire. (en)
- For so long, this project brought me nothing but humiliation. It was the first question people always asked—"How come Smile never came out?" (en)
- Psychedelic music will cover the face of the world and color the whole popular music scene. Anybody happening is psychedelic. (en)
- The gap between conception and realization was too great, and nothing satisfied Brian by the time he'd worked it out and gotten it on tape. And eventually the moment passed[...] like many other fine artists before him, Brian was unable to realize his original concept of Smile when he wanted to, and after a while he no longer wanted to. He no longer had the same vision. (en)
- By that time[...] well it was just all hell breaking loose. It was tapes being lost, ideas being junked – Brian thinking, "I'm no good," then, "I'm too good" – then, "I can't sing!" I can't get those voices anymore. There was even a time back then when there hardly seemed to be a Beach Boys at all. (en)
- The potential of what Smile would have been was the primary thing that inspired us . When we started hearing Smile bootlegs, it was mind-blowing. It was what we had hoped it would be, but a lot of those songs weren't finished, so there was still this mystery of not hearing the melodies and lyrics. We wondered, "What are these songs and how do they fit together? Is this a verse?" (en)
- The Beach Boys' album Smile and single "Heroes And Villains" will make them the greatest group in the world. We predict they'll take over where The Beatles left off. (en)
- This LP will include "Good Vibrations" and "Heroes And Villains" and ten other tracks [plus] lots of humor—some musical and some spoken. It won't be like a comedy LP—there won't be any spoken tracks as such—but someone might say something in between verses. (en)
- We did things in sections. There might just be a few bars of music, or a verse, or a particular groove, or vamp[...] They would all fit. You could put them one in front of the other, or arrange it in any way you wanted.[...] It was sort of like making films I think. (en)
- Brian was starting meet a fantastic amount of resistance on all fronts. Like, very slowly everything started to collapse about him. The scene with Van Dyke.[...] So he abandoned the studio. Then[...] He got his head into the business aspects of Brother Records. So that kept him out of [recording].[...] [He had] an incredible amount of excuses not to cut. (en)
- [[[Murry Wilson]] had told] me what a horrible mistake it had been for Brian to put out "Good Vibrations" – because, he said, Brian's going to lose his whole audience[...] So that became the big argument: Are we gonna lose our image or are we gonna start a new one... (en)
- All of a sudden it wasn't just Brian and me in a room; it was Brian and me and David Anderle and Michael Vosse and Loren Schwartz and Terry Sachen and all kinds of self-interested people pulling him in various directions. (en)
- Brian was consumed with humor at the time and the importance of humor. He was fascinated with the idea of getting humor onto a disc and how to get that disc out to the people. (en)
- We wanted Smile to be a totally American article of faith. And in fact, it seemed to me the best way to do that[...] was to be -countercultural. (en)
- Smile, devait être le douzième album studio des Beach Boys mais il a été abandonné. Certains titres ont été repris sur des albums ultérieurs, quelquefois en bonus, ainsi que des enregistrements pirates ayant fuité. Un essai de reconstitution pouvait alors être tenté. Les enregistrements originaux sont finalement utilisés et essayent de reconstituer ce que l'album aurait pu être. (fr)
- SMiLE – album studyjny grupy The Beach Boys. Wydany został 1 listopada 2011 roku pod nazwą The SMiLE Sessions. Album miał początkowo być wydany po Smiley Smile, jednak Brian Wilson nie dokończył swego dzieła i nabawił się załamania nerwowego. Powody nieukończenia SMiLE wyjawił później w dokumencie "Beautiful Dreamer". Z okazji obchodów 50-lecia grupy album został ukończony i wydany przez Capitol Records. (pl)
- Smile foi um álbum não realizado pelo grupo The Beach Boys, do ano de 1967. Bastante esperado na época, o disco foi abortado na fase em que estaria montando as gravações. Finalmente após 44 anos de espera, o álbum foi realizado em 1 de novembro de 2011 pela Capitol Records, intitulado como The Smile Sessions, apenas com as gravações da época. Segundo Alan Boyd e Mark Linett, o disco foi finalizado e reconstruído da forma mais próxima como idealizado na época por Wilson. Este lançamento é parte da comemoração de 50 anos de fundação do grupo, que completou em 2011. (pt)
- Smile (estilizado como SMiLE) es un álbum inacabado de la banda de rock estadounidense The Beach Boys que se proyectó como una especie de secuela de su undécimo álbum de estudio, Pet Sounds (1966). Después de que el líder de la banda y compositor principal Brian Wilson dejara grandes porciones de música grabada durante un período de diez meses, la banda reemplazó el lanzamiento de Smile con Smiley Smile (1967), un álbum que contiene versiones reducidas de material de Smile. Algunas pistas originales de Smile finalmente se lanzaron en álbumes posteriores de Beach Boys. El proyecto ha sido considerado como el álbum inédito más "legendario" en la historia de la música popular, y de hecho según la crítica es el álbum inédito más famoso de la historia del rock. (es)
- Smile (stylized as SMiLE) is an unfinished album by the American rock band the Beach Boys that was planned to follow their 11th studio album Pet Sounds (1966). It was to be a 12-track LP that drew from over 50 hours of interchangeable sound fragments, similar to the group's 1966 single "Good Vibrations". Instead, after a year of recording, the album was shelved and the group released a downscaled version, Smiley Smile, in September 1967. Over the next four decades, few of the original Smile tracks were officially released, and the project came to be regarded as the most "legendary" unreleased album in popular music history. (en)
- Smile (a volte reso graficamente come SMiLE) è un album discografico del gruppo musicale statunitense Beach Boys registrato tra il 1966 e il 1967 ma rimasto inedito fino al novembre 2011, quando venne pubblicato all'interno del cofanetto antologico The Smile Sessions, ricostruito filologicamente a partire dai nastri originari. (it)
- 《Smile》은 미국의 록 밴드 비치 보이스의 미완성 및 미발매된 음반으로, 1966년에 발매한 《Pet Sounds》의 다음으로 발매가 될 예정이었다. 12개의 트랙이 수록된 콘셉트 LP 음반으로, 1966년에 나온 싱글 〈Good Vibrations〉와 유사한 풍이 될 예정이었다. 하지만 음반은 발매되지 못하고 보류되었고, 1967년 9월에 《Smiley Smile》이라는 이름의 규모가 축소된 음반이 발매되었다. 이후 40년 동안 《SMiLE》의 원곡은 거의 공식적으로 발표되지 않았으며, 이 프로젝트는 대중 음악 역사상 가장 "전설적인" 미발매 음반으로 남게 되었다. (ko)
- SMiLE is een nooit uitgebracht conceptalbum van The Beach Boys. Het was bedoeld als opvolger van Pet Sounds. Nadat Brian Wilson de opnames voor dit album staakte, brachten The Beach Boys het album Smiley Smile uit, waarop ook een aantal nummers staan van de SMiLE-sessies. Veel van de overige nummers zijn de daaropvolgende jaren afgemaakt en uitgebracht op latere albums. SMiLE is misschien wel het bekendste album dat nooit is afgemaakt of uitgebracht. (nl)
- Smile (ibland också utskrivet som SMiLE) är troligen världens mest berömda outgivna rockalbum inspelat av den amerikanska pogruppen The Beach Boys. Albumet var av gruppens frontman och kompositör Brian Wilson tänkt som uppföljare till gruppens legendariska album Pet Sounds, men av flera anledningar klarade Brian Wilson inte av pressen från sig själv och andra att överträffa det albumet. Textförfattare för Smile var Van Dyke Parks. Projektet slutfördes aldrig och albumet förblev officiellt outgivet i komplett form. Delar av materialet gavs dock ut 1993 på CD-boxen Good Vibrations. Dessutom har det förekommit illegala versioner, så kallade bootlegs. (sv)