Palestinian Bedouins are a nomadic people who have come to form an organic part of the Palestinian people, characterized by a semi-pastoral and agricultural lifestyle. Originating from the Bi’r as-Saba’/Beersheba region in Southern Historical Palestine, Palestinian Bedouin are now, after various waves of forced displacement, predominantly concentrated in the South (al-Naqab/Negev and Gaza), the North (al-Jalil/Galilee) and in the West Bank. Bedouins have lived in the Bi’r as-Saba’/Naqab region, stretching from Gaza to the Dead Sea, since at least the fifth century. Bi’r as-Saba’, the Naqab, and bilad Gaza are topographic/topological terms used by communities of Southern Palestine. The Bi’r as-Saba’/Naqab Bedouin until recent times referred to themselves as the Arabs of Bi’r as-Saba’ (‘urba