Honey's Money is a 1962 Merrie Melodies animated short featuring Yosemite Sam. The short was released on September 1, 1962. Honey's Money is a remake of the 1950s shorts His Bitter Half and Hare Trimmed. In His Bitter Half, Daffy marries a female duck for her money, but is thrown for a loop when his wife immediately becomes a nag and forces him to do housework and spend quality time with a son she did not previously reveal. The same basic situation appears in Honey's Money, with Yosemite Sam in Daffy's place and some alternate gags. Additionally, the different personality and character design of son Wentworth—now an innocent, dim-witted, hulking child rather than a little brat—results in a different execution of the premise. Some features from Hare Trimmed are also included, but not the me