- The Flora of Taiwan (Chinese: 臺灣植物誌; pinyin: Táiwān Zhíwù Zhì) is the flora of the country of Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China. Flora of Taiwan Archived 2011-04-16 at the Wayback Machine also refers to a set of books recording the vascular plants of Taiwan (territories). The second edition consists of six volumes published in 1993–2003 and is available on-line. Taiwan is an island of diverse geography and varied climates, allowing for a vast array of flora to be present. Situated between China and the Philippine Sea basin, it is said to be the home of approximately 4000 species of vascular plants. Of these plants, it is estimated that 600 are ferns, 28 are gymnosperms, 2400 are dicots, and 1000 are monocots. The island can also be divided up into seven different floristic regions: northeastern, central, Hengchun, Lanyu (Orchid Island) and Lutao (Green Island), Alpine, upper montaine and supalpine, and lower montane and lowland. The northeastern region of Taiwan receives much more rainfall and cloud coverage than other regions, making the species of this particular region distinct to this particular climate. Species of flora within this region include: Isoetes taiwanensis, Fagus hayatae, Maackia taiwaneses, Acer buergerianum var. formosanum, Sedum sekietense, Sedum uniflorum, Angelica dahurica, Angelica hirsutiflora, Rhododendron nakaharai, R. hyperthrum, Rhuchotechum formosanum, Salvia nippocanica var. formosana, Ericaulon chishingsanesis, Woodwardia harlandi, Cinnamomum austro-sinense, Mahonia japonica, Breischneidera sinensis, Triplerygium wilfordii, Ligularia japonica, Enkianthus perulaius, Quercus (Cyclobalanopsis) myrsinaefolia, Acronychia pedunculata, Enscaphis japonica, Lilum speciosum var. gloriosoides, Smilax nipponica, Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana. The central region of Taiwan is characterized by basins, and is a plains region mostly surrounded by mountain ranges, such as the Hsueshan Range in the North. The isolated region consists of forests of endemic flora species such as; Castanopsis eyrie, C. kawakamii, Quercus dentata, Q. serrata var. brevipetiolata, Lindera aggregata, Podocarpus nakaii, Ormosia formosana, Quercus (Cyclobalanopsis) globosa, Castanopsis fargesii, Lithocarpus nantoensis. The Hengchun region of Taiwan is a subtropical evergreen forested area, with broad-leaved forests, as well as a few semi-tropical rain forests in the low-lands. Some of the flora species that can be found here include: Lithocarpus dodonaeifolius, , Quercus hypophaea (Cyclobalanopsis hypophaea), Quercus repandifolia (Cyclobalanopsis repandifolia), , , , , Neolitsea daibuensis, , , , , , Euonymus pallidifolia, Dolichos trilobus var. kosyunensis, Gleditsia rolfei, , , , , , Symplocos shilanensis, Camellia hengchunensis, , , . The Lanyu (Orchid Island) and Lutao (Green Island) region of Taiwan is the most similar to the Philippines, unlike the rest of Taiwan which is more similar to China. Of 445 seed-plant species on these two islets, 46 are shared with the Philippines; Lanyu and Lutao is the only region of Taiwan that shares species with the neighboring country. Endemic species within this district consist of , , Chisocheton kanehirai, Acalypha hontauyuensis, , , , Garcinia linii, , , , , , and . The Alpine district of Taiwan has distinctly different flora from the rest of the country. The Alpine district consists mostly of boreal and temperate vegetation such as Botrychium lunar, Lycopodium selago var. appressum, Osmunda cinnamomea, etc. The upper montane/subalpine district, similar to the Alpine district, is temperate to cool temperate. Conifers are the main vegetation of this region. Abies kawakamii, Tsuga chinensis, and Picea morrisonicola, to name a few, are some of the species that exist within this floristic zone. The lower montane/lowland district of Taiwan is more similar to the warm climate forests, supporting broadleaf forests. Some of the species of the forests common to this floristic include: Castanopsis, Quercus, and Lithocarpus. (en)
- Flora Taiwan ( Hanzi: 臺灣植物誌; Pinyin: Táiwān Zhíwù Zhì ) adalah flora negara yang juga dikenal sebagai Republik Tiongkok. Namun Flora of Taiwan juga merupakan judul dari kumpulan buku yang mendokumentasikan berbagai tumbuhan berpembuluh di wilayah Taiwan. Edisi kedua terdiri dari enam jilid yang diterbitkan pada 1993–2003 dan tersedia online. Taiwan adalah pulau dengan geografi yang beragam dan iklim yang bervariasi, memungkinkan beragam flora untuk tumbuh. Secara geografi Taiwan terletak di antara Tiongkok dan cekungan laut Filipina yang merupakan rumah bagi sekitar 4000 spesies tumbuhan berpembuluh. Dari tumbuhan tersebut diperkirakan 600 spesies tumbuhan Paku, 28 spesies tumbuhan berbiji terbuka atau Gymnospermae , 2400 spesies tumbuhan berbiji belah atau dikotil, dan 1000 spesies tumbuhan berkeping biji tunggal atau monokotil . Pulau ini juga dapat dibagi menjadi tujuh wilayah floristik yang berbeda; Timur Laut, Tengah, Hengchun, (Pulau Anggrek) dan (Pulau Hijau), Alpine, Pegunungan atas dan subalpin, serta Pegunungan bawah dan dataran rendah. (in)
- 《臺灣植物誌》共有二版,皆以英文撰寫。第一版於1975年至1979年間陸續出版六卷,第二版則於1993年-2002年陸續出版,亦共六卷。內容為台灣維管束植物之記錄,且是「對臺灣維管束植物記述最詳盡的著作」。 《植物誌》可「為國內外從事自然資源經營管理、農林產業、教育及學術研究等眾多人士所必備之書籍」。 (zh)