- Charlotte's Web ist eine Hanfsorte, aus der ein Öl (genannt Realm Oil und Alepsia) hergestellt werden kann, das therapeutisch zur Behandlung des Dravet-Syndroms und anderer Epilepsieerkrankungen eingesetzt wird. Die Hanfsorte weist einen hohen (17 %) Gehalt an Cannabidiol (CBD) und einen niedrigen (0,5 %) Gehalt an Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) auf. Sie hat somit keine psychoaktive Wirkung, der Patient wird durch die Einnahme also nicht „high“ wie bei anderen Cannabissorten, die als Rauschmittel oder Arzneimittel genutzt werden. (de)
- Charlotte's Web is a brand of high-cannabidiol (CBD), low-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products derived from industrial hemp and marketed as dietary supplements and cosmetics under federal law of the United States. It is produced by Charlotte's Web, Inc. in Colorado. Hemp-derived products do not induce the psychoactive "high" typically associated with recreational marijuana strains that are high in THC. Charlotte's Web hemp-derived products contain less than 0.3% THC. Charlotte's Web is named after Charlotte Figi whose story had led to her being described as "the girl who is changing medical marijuana laws across America." Her parents and physicians say she experienced a reduction of her epileptic seizures brought on by Dravet syndrome after her first dose of medical marijuana at five years of age. Her usage of Charlotte's Web was first featured in the 2013 CNN documentary "Weed". Media coverage increased demand for products high in CBD, which have been used to treat epilepsy in toddlers and children. One of the initial strains developed by the Stanley Brothers was originally called "Hippie's Disappointment" as it was a strain that had high CBD and could not induce a "high". While initially anecdotal reports sparked interest in treatment with cannabinoids, there was not enough evidence to draw conclusions with certainty about their safety or efficacy. In 2018, Epidiolex (cannabidiol as the therapeutic ingredient) oral solution was approved by the FDA for two types of epilepsy. (en)
- Charlotte's web è una varietà di Cannabis sativa, ottenuta tramite l'ibridamento di più specie di Cannabis sativa industriale. Nasce nel 2011 in Colorado dai fratelli Stanley, con l'intento di creare una cannabis a basso contenuto Delta-9-tetraidrocannabinolo (detto più comunemente THC) e ad alto contenuto cannabidiolo (CBD), a questo fattore è dovuta la sua non psicoattività e quindi adatta ai trattamenti di malattie come epilessia ed altri disturbi neuropsichiatrici su bambini, questa varietà è, infatti, molto celebre per la produzione di olio ed estratti al CBD. CWhemp è proprietaria della genetica Charlotte's Web, l’estratto di questa pianta fu usato nel 2013 per curare Charlotte Figi, una bambina che soffriva di una grave forma di epilessia e da cui prese il nome Charlotte's Web.La CWhemp coltiva questa genetica di canapa in Colorado, in modo organico, con sistemi di coltura dedicati e all’avanguardia per questo tipo di utilizzo, curando le coltivazioni dal seme, alle talee, al campo fino alla fioritura delle piante, dove iniziano gli esami, segue la successiva essiccazione e la lavorazione nei propri laboratori, dove con il sistema di estrazione CO2 supercritica, vengono estratti i cannabinoidi della canapa. (it)
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- Cannabis as illustrated in Köhler's book of medicinal plants from 1897 (en)
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- Charlotte's Web ist eine Hanfsorte, aus der ein Öl (genannt Realm Oil und Alepsia) hergestellt werden kann, das therapeutisch zur Behandlung des Dravet-Syndroms und anderer Epilepsieerkrankungen eingesetzt wird. Die Hanfsorte weist einen hohen (17 %) Gehalt an Cannabidiol (CBD) und einen niedrigen (0,5 %) Gehalt an Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) auf. Sie hat somit keine psychoaktive Wirkung, der Patient wird durch die Einnahme also nicht „high“ wie bei anderen Cannabissorten, die als Rauschmittel oder Arzneimittel genutzt werden. (de)
- Charlotte's Web is a brand of high-cannabidiol (CBD), low-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products derived from industrial hemp and marketed as dietary supplements and cosmetics under federal law of the United States. It is produced by Charlotte's Web, Inc. in Colorado. Hemp-derived products do not induce the psychoactive "high" typically associated with recreational marijuana strains that are high in THC. Charlotte's Web hemp-derived products contain less than 0.3% THC. (en)
- Charlotte's web è una varietà di Cannabis sativa, ottenuta tramite l'ibridamento di più specie di Cannabis sativa industriale. Nasce nel 2011 in Colorado dai fratelli Stanley, con l'intento di creare una cannabis a basso contenuto Delta-9-tetraidrocannabinolo (detto più comunemente THC) e ad alto contenuto cannabidiolo (CBD), a questo fattore è dovuta la sua non psicoattività e quindi adatta ai trattamenti di malattie come epilessia ed altri disturbi neuropsichiatrici su bambini, questa varietà è, infatti, molto celebre per la produzione di olio ed estratti al CBD. (it)
- Charlotte’s Web (de)
- Charlotte's Web (cannabis) (en)
- Charlotte's web (it)
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