About: Cardiacs

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Cardiacs are an English rock band formed in Kingston upon Thames by Tim Smith (lead guitar and vocals) and his brother Jim (bass, backing vocals) in 1977 under the name Cardiac Arrest. The band's sound fused circus, baroque pop and medieval music with progressive rock and post-punk, adding other elements like nursery rhymes and sea shanties. Tim Smith was the primary lyricist, noted for his complex and innovative compositional style. He and his brother were the only constant members in the band's regularly changing lineup.

Property Value
  • Die Cardiacs sind eine britische Band aus Surrey. Sie wurde 1977, damals noch unter dem Namen Cardiac Arrest, gegründet. 1980 benannte man sich um in Cardiacs. Bis zum Debütalbum „A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window“ 1988 veröffentlichten die Cardiacs nur Singles, EPs und Kassetten. Seitdem sind in unregelmäßigen Abständen eine Reihe von Alben mit dem bandeigenen Mix aus Punk/Ska-Attitüde und Progressive Rock erschienen. Cardiacs-Texte knüpfen an die surrealistische Grundhaltung der frühen Genesis an (alltägliche, urbritische Bezüge, aber traumartige-surreale Verarbeitungen). Bei den Cardiacs reagieren gegensätzliche Stilmittel zu etwas Neuem (vgl. The Police): Entsprechend bezeichnen die Cardiacs ihre Musik als 'Pronk' (Wortkreuzung aus Prog und Punk). Zudem wurde Cardiacs mit Madness verglichen. Live spielte die Band unter anderem 1985 im Vorprogramm von Marillion sowie 10 Jahre später als Support von Blur; beide Male kam der bizarre, eklektische Sound der Cardiacs allerdings bei den Fans der Hauptbands nicht gut an.Unter Musikern sind die Cardiacs allerdings wichtige Impulsgeber – vor allem in der Szene des Independent. Am 25. Juni 2008 erlitt der Sänger und Kopf der Band, Tim Smith, einen kombinierten Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall, der zu einer dauerhaften Dystonie führte. Er war seitdem auf intensive Pflege angewiesen. Seither ruhen Live-Aktivitäten der Cardiacs, die verbleibenden Mitglieder gehen zumeist eigenen Projekten nach. Tim Smith, der 2018 noch die Ehrendoktorwürde des Royal Conservatoire of Scotland für sein Lebenswerk erhalten hatte, verstarb am 21. Juli 2020 im Alter von 59 Jahren an den Folgen seiner Erkrankung. (de)
  • Cardiacs are an English rock band formed in Kingston upon Thames by Tim Smith (lead guitar and vocals) and his brother Jim (bass, backing vocals) in 1977 under the name Cardiac Arrest. The band's sound fused circus, baroque pop and medieval music with progressive rock and post-punk, adding other elements like nursery rhymes and sea shanties. Tim Smith was the primary lyricist, noted for his complex and innovative compositional style. He and his brother were the only constant members in the band's regularly changing lineup. The band created their own indie label, the Alphabet Business Concern, in 1984 and found mainstream exposure with the single "Is This the Life?" from their debut album A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window (1988). Their second album, On Land and in the Sea (1989), was followed by Heaven Born and Ever Bright (1992), which displayed a harder edged, metal-leaning sound retained in the subsequent albums Sing to God (1996) and Guns (1999). The final Cardiacs album, LSD, was left unfinished after Smith was hospitalised with dystonia resulting from a cardiac arrest and stroke in 2008, which caused the band to go on hiatus indefinitely. One of Britain's leading cult rock bands, Cardiacs' sound folded in genres including art rock, jazz, psychedelia and metal, topped by Smith's anarchic vocals and hard-to-decipher lyrics. The band's theatrical performance style often incorporated off-putting costumes and makeup with on-stage confrontations. Their bizarre sound and image made them unpopular with the press, but they amassed a devoted following. Smith's illness brought increased critical recognition to Cardiacs, with several music outlets calling Sing to God a masterpiece. His death in 2020 saw a raft of tributes on social media. Many rock groups including Blur and Radiohead were influenced by Cardiacs' eclectic music, which appeared on streaming services in 2021. (en)
  • Cardiacs est un groupe de rock britannique, originaire de Kingston upon Thames, Greater London, en Angleterre. Il a été formé en 1977. Son style musical combine un large éventail de genres musicaux et a souvent été qualifiée de « pronk », contraction de progressif et punk, bien que le chanteur Tim Smith lui préfère simplement le terme de psychédélique ou pop. Leur musique est soutenue par le chant singulier et les paroles poétiques et cryptiques de Smith. Selon la revue musicale Organ, « une seule chanson des Cardiacs peut contenir les idées suffisantes à la carrière entière de la plupart des autres groupes ». (fr)
  • Cardiacs was een Britse band rond de broers Tim en Jim Smith. De vaak chaotisch klinkende muziek van de band is gebaseerd op de klassieke progressieve rock uit de jaren 70 maar kent belangrijke invloeden uit andere muziekstijlen, met name punk en, in mindere mate, ska. De bezetting is sinds de oprichting vele malen gewijzigd; de broers Smith waren de enige constanten. De band werd in 1977 opgericht als Cardiac Arrest. Onder die naam werd in 1979 de single A Bus for a Bus on the Bus uitgebracht. Nog dat jaar werd de naam veranderd in Cardiacs. De muzikale stijl van de band werd van meet af aan beïnvloed door progressieve bands en artiesten als Genesis, Gentle Giant en Frank Zappa, terwijl het geluid sterk beïnvloed werd door de punkbeweging. De muziek verscheen aanvankelijk op cassettes en werd tot op heden, op enkele uitzonderingen na, steeds uitgebracht op het eigen platenlabel The Alphabet Business Concern. Later werden enkele maxi-singles en mini-albums en een live-album uitgebracht, totdat in 1988 het eerste echte studioalbum, A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window, verscheen. Het grootste succes kende de band in de periode 1984-1989. De groep bestond in deze tijd uit zes tot acht leden, onder wie saxofoniste Sarah Smith, sinds 1983 de echtgenote van Tim Smith. In 1984 speelden de Cardiacs in het voorprogramma van Marillion, overigens tot groot ongenoegen van het publiek. In 1987 haalde de band het nieuws dankzij boulevardkrant Sunday Sport, dat berichtte dat Tim en Sarah broer en zus zouden zijn en een incestueuze verhouding hadden. Dit onjuiste bericht werd door de Cardiacs niet echt weerlegd en zorgde voor veel publiciteit. In 1988 werd in eigen land een hit gescoord met de single Is this the life. Buiten Engeland zijn de Cardiacs vrij onbekend; in Nederland heeft de groep echter een cultaanhang en werd ook enkele malen opgetreden. Sinds 1990, toen vier leden opstapten en niet allemaal werden vervangen, onder wie Sarah, bestond de band steeds uit vier leden, waarvan de broers Smith de enige constanten waren. Bij gebrek aan een toetsenist werd sindsdien bij concerten gebruikgemaakt van een geluidsband. Eind juni 2008 werd Tim Smith getroffen door een hartstilstand. Alle activiteiten, waaronder de release van het nieuwe album (voorlopige titel: LSD) en een reeks concerten in november werden tot nader order geannuleerd. Tim Smith overleed op 21 juli 2020. (nl)
  • I Cardiacs sono stati un gruppo musicale inglese formatosi nel 1977, inizialmente con il nome di Cardiac Arrest. Realizzarono nove album in studio più alcuni album dal vivo e numerosi singoli. Nel 1988 raggiunsero una discreta notorietà con il singolo ?. La band, mai scioltasi ufficialmente, interruppe di fatto la propria attività nel 2008, allorché il cantante e leader venne ospedalizzato per un infarto e una conseguente ipossia che gli lasciò una distonia permanente: pur mentalmente lucido e malgrado una lunga e costante riabilitazione, Smith rimase non autosufficiente e incapace di parlare fino alla sua morte, avvenuta all'età di 59 anni il 21 luglio 2020. (it)
  • Cardiacs foi uma banda fundada em Londres, Inglaterra em 1977. Originalmente chamada de Cardiac Arrest, foi liderada pelo guitarrista e vocalista Tim Smith. Notada pela complexidade, variação e intensidade em seu estilo de composição e por suas excêntricas performances teatrais, eles influenciaram uma grande gama de bandas como Blur, Faith No More e Radiohead. Ao todo, os Cardiacs lançaram oito álbums de estúdio, além álbums ao vivo, coletâneas e singles entre 1980 e 2007, e seu grande sucesso foi o hit single de 1988 "". Eles também eram conhecidos por serem uma banda crítica: eles permaneceram como uma das grandes bandas com status de cult durante quase quatro décadas, mas também faziam virulentos ataques críticos (incluindo um longo editorial banido pela revista musical britânica New Musical Express). (pt)
  • Cardiacs — британская рок-группа, образовавшаяся в 1977 году (сначала как The Filth, потом — Cardiac Arrest) в графстве Суррей, Англия, и соединившая в своей музыке D.I.Y.-этику со стилистикой раннего прога (Gong, Gentle Giant и др.). Необычное сочетание разнополярных музыкальных влияний в творчестве группы привело к появлению термина pronk (progressive punk), но вокалист Тим Смит всегда просил относить его к группу к психоделическому року или «…просто к поп-музыке». Тем не менее, как отмечают специалисты, Cardiacs с их взрывными, стремительными, но при этом тщательно аранжированными композициями и загадочными текстами остаются уникальным явлением в британском роке. В июне 2008 года деятельность группы была на неопределённый срок прекращена (и планировавшиеся релизы отложены) после того, как Тим Смит испытал тяжёлый сердечный приступ (связанный с внезапной остановкой сердца), что привело к осложнениям: музыканту было трудно передвигаться, и он испытывал проблемы с речью; после этого его состояние улучшилось, но к музыкальной деятельности он так и не вернулся. 21 июля 2020 года Тим Смит скончался. (ru)
  • 2008-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1977-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • Cardiac Arrest (en)
  • 393084 (xsd:integer)
  • 82521 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124401080 (xsd:integer)
  • Cardiac Arrest (en)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • A composite image of the band onstage (en)
  • no (en)
  • yes (en)
  • Cardiacs performing at Reading Rock Festival in 1986 (en)
  • *Jim Smith *Bob Leith *Kavus Torabi *Cathy Harabaras *Melanie Woods (en)
  • Q1035697 (en)
  • yes (en)
  • no (en)
  • no (en)
  • no (en)
  • Cardiacs (en)
  • Kingston upon Thames, England (en)
  • Tim Smith and others (en)
  • no (en)
  • "I love it when a celeb is on our side. It's not as if their opinions are any more important than anyone else's, I just like it. Who wouldn't? Imagine if a great big celeb lived next door to you and they said they liked your slippers, you'd tell everyone. I would." (en)
  • "You look at a road on an aerial photograph and you think, bloody hell, it's suburbia, all those little houses, all in a row, but all those houses have people in them – say there's four people in a house, that is four whole worlds... Yes, I mean we're part of it all, we're all in it, but it's strange that you have a house and it's all you ever wanted, you've worked all your life for it and you're keeping it in order for the eyes of others who probably couldn't give a toss anyway – or people who want to compete, to care, which is even weirder." (en)
  • "Tim would have drums and rough keyboard chords on tape and would ask me to come up with guitar and bass riffs. I was literally allowed to do pretty much anything I wanted. Tim would then do the production bit and get the best out of me… I remember Tim had programmed the weird bit in the middle of "Odd Even" and left me to find a guitar line amongst the chords so I was sat on my own dropping myself in. When he came back it was done and he was very happy... particularly with my choice of last note! We would both make suggestions then Tim would edit the ideas into something that worked. Tim would chip in with ideas for my songs too like the string arrangement on "Manhoo" which was lovely." (en)
  • "It was horrible, really like one of those yellow panic nightmares where everything's going wrong and you can't stop it, but I kept thinking it was a nightmare, then about halfway through the evening I tried to wake up and I realised this was actually happening, right? o I panicked, but nothing was going right and nobody could hear anything and Sarah's sax kept cutting out, and I think that's on the video, me shouting to myself that I can't stop it... but everyone else said it was a really good gig!" (en)
  • "Think about what pop music is, and where it has been, the things and changes that it has gone through, however ridiculous. All pop is ridiculous and fantastic. Who is to say that you can't do whatever you like with it when you look at its history?" (en)
  • "A lot of people find our act disturbing because it brings out something in you that a lot of people won't admit to. It's the weirdness in everyone whether you like it or not. Some people think it's dead funny, wonderful, beautiful, genius, and others hate it. It's strange when people hate us – they really do hate us, it brings out something odd in people." (en)
  • no (en)
  • —Jon Poole on his contributions to Cardiacs' Sing to God album (en)
  • —Tim Smith discussing suburbia , Time Out of Mind, 1987. (en)
  • —Tim Smith on Cardiacs' live show , Time Out of Mind, 1987. (en)
  • —Tim Smith, The Yorkshire Post, 2007 (en)
  • —Tim Smith recalling the Salisbury Maresnest concert (en)
  • no (en)
  • collapsed (en)
  • Articles related to Cardiacs (en)
  • no (en)
  • no (en)
  • 25.0
  • 30.0
  • 45.0
  • cardiacs (en)
  • 1977 (xsd:integer)
  • Die Cardiacs sind eine britische Band aus Surrey. Sie wurde 1977, damals noch unter dem Namen Cardiac Arrest, gegründet. 1980 benannte man sich um in Cardiacs. Bis zum Debütalbum „A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window“ 1988 veröffentlichten die Cardiacs nur Singles, EPs und Kassetten. Seitdem sind in unregelmäßigen Abständen eine Reihe von Alben mit dem bandeigenen Mix aus Punk/Ska-Attitüde und Progressive Rock erschienen. Cardiacs-Texte knüpfen an die surrealistische Grundhaltung der frühen Genesis an (alltägliche, urbritische Bezüge, aber traumartige-surreale Verarbeitungen). Bei den Cardiacs reagieren gegensätzliche Stilmittel zu etwas Neuem (vgl. The Police): Entsprechend bezeichnen die Cardiacs ihre Musik als 'Pronk' (Wortkreuzung aus Prog und Punk). Zudem wurde Cardiacs (de)
  • Cardiacs are an English rock band formed in Kingston upon Thames by Tim Smith (lead guitar and vocals) and his brother Jim (bass, backing vocals) in 1977 under the name Cardiac Arrest. The band's sound fused circus, baroque pop and medieval music with progressive rock and post-punk, adding other elements like nursery rhymes and sea shanties. Tim Smith was the primary lyricist, noted for his complex and innovative compositional style. He and his brother were the only constant members in the band's regularly changing lineup. (en)
  • Cardiacs est un groupe de rock britannique, originaire de Kingston upon Thames, Greater London, en Angleterre. Il a été formé en 1977. Son style musical combine un large éventail de genres musicaux et a souvent été qualifiée de « pronk », contraction de progressif et punk, bien que le chanteur Tim Smith lui préfère simplement le terme de psychédélique ou pop. Leur musique est soutenue par le chant singulier et les paroles poétiques et cryptiques de Smith. (fr)
  • I Cardiacs sono stati un gruppo musicale inglese formatosi nel 1977, inizialmente con il nome di Cardiac Arrest. Realizzarono nove album in studio più alcuni album dal vivo e numerosi singoli. Nel 1988 raggiunsero una discreta notorietà con il singolo ?. (it)
  • Cardiacs was een Britse band rond de broers Tim en Jim Smith. De vaak chaotisch klinkende muziek van de band is gebaseerd op de klassieke progressieve rock uit de jaren 70 maar kent belangrijke invloeden uit andere muziekstijlen, met name punk en, in mindere mate, ska. De bezetting is sinds de oprichting vele malen gewijzigd; de broers Smith waren de enige constanten. Eind juni 2008 werd Tim Smith getroffen door een hartstilstand. Alle activiteiten, waaronder de release van het nieuwe album (voorlopige titel: LSD) en een reeks concerten in november werden tot nader order geannuleerd. (nl)
  • Cardiacs foi uma banda fundada em Londres, Inglaterra em 1977. Originalmente chamada de Cardiac Arrest, foi liderada pelo guitarrista e vocalista Tim Smith. Notada pela complexidade, variação e intensidade em seu estilo de composição e por suas excêntricas performances teatrais, eles influenciaram uma grande gama de bandas como Blur, Faith No More e Radiohead. (pt)
  • Cardiacs — британская рок-группа, образовавшаяся в 1977 году (сначала как The Filth, потом — Cardiac Arrest) в графстве Суррей, Англия, и соединившая в своей музыке D.I.Y.-этику со стилистикой раннего прога (Gong, Gentle Giant и др.). Необычное сочетание разнополярных музыкальных влияний в творчестве группы привело к появлению термина pronk (progressive punk), но вокалист Тим Смит всегда просил относить его к группу к психоделическому року или «…просто к поп-музыке». Тем не менее, как отмечают специалисты, Cardiacs с их взрывными, стремительными, но при этом тщательно аранжированными композициями и загадочными текстами остаются уникальным явлением в британском роке. В июне 2008 года деятельность группы была на неопределённый срок прекращена (и планировавшиеся релизы отложены) после того, к (ru)
  • Cardiacs (en)
  • Cardiacs (de)
  • Cardiacs (fr)
  • Cardiacs (it)
  • Cardiacs (nl)
  • Cardiacs (pt)
  • Cardiacs (ru)
  • Cardiacs (en)
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